Hansen Weekly Update
October 27th, 2024
Hello Hansen Families,
As we head into the last week of October with a beautiful fall upon us, we've had a lot of exciting learning opportunities at Hansen to celebrate! This week our 4th graders learned archaeology skills, 5th graders learned about our local Neponset River Watershed ecosystem, and other classrooms continued their connection and learning with Canton High School's Leadership students!
Thursday we're having 'Book Character Day' at Hansen, and any staff or student who would like can dress as their favorite book character. This Friday is the last day of Term 1, and your children's teachers have begun reaching out to set up parent-teacher conferences, for either the evening of Nov. 19th or afternoon of Nov. 20th. Please take the opportunity to meet and collaborate with them in support of your child's growth in school this year!
This week on Thursday and Friday some Hansen families will celebrate Diwali, also known as Deepavali, which is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions. We wish a Happy Diwali for all who are celebrating!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Thank you,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
Coming Soon...
Oct. 28th: CHS Leadership Students visit grade 5
Oct. 29th: 5th Grade Field Trip - Tree Top Adventures
Oct. 29th: CHS Leadership Students visit K students
Oct. 30th: CHS Leadership Students visit grade 3
Oct. 31st: Book Character Day! - Dress as your favorite book character!!
Nov. 1st: 1st Term Report Card marking period ends
Nov. 2nd: Cantonstock Music Festival featuring Hansen 4th and 5th Grade musicians! (Details below)
Last week at Hansen...we embraced STEAM Week and other fun learning!
5th Graders learned about the Neponset River Watershed ecosystem.
3rd graders created symmetrical cityscape posters.
Ms. Fahey read to students about the pitfalls of rumor-spreading in the story 'The Drama Lama'.
Chorus class hit the Outdoor Classroom on a beautiful fall day!
It was Pumpkin Party time for Ms. Kates' students!
4th Graders learned about archaeology skills!
Celebrate our Musicians at Cantonstock!
Come and support our Hansen 4th and 5th grade musicians this Saturday at Canton High School! The schedule of performances is below.
1:00-1:30 - Auditorium
4th Grade Strings
1:30 -2:00 - Outside / Cafe
5th Grade Band
2:00-2:30 - Auditorium
5th Grade Chorus
5th Grade Strings
Lost & Found!
Parents, we have more than two full clothing racks of lost clothes, plus water bottles and lunch bags, in our main lobby. Please ask your child to check for any of their missing items and bring them home.
When you come in for parent-teacher conferences, Nov. 19th or 20th (scheduled with your child's teacher), please look in our lobby for any items your child may have lost. Any items still in our lobby after conferences will be donated to a local charity on Nov. 22nd. Thank you!
Hansen MCAS Celebration Points
To check out highlights celebrating Hansen students' MCAS results from last spring, click here: 20204-25 MCAS Celebration Points Slideshow
Book Character Day is THIS THURSDAY!
Book Character Day on Thursday, Oct. 31st:
Students and staff have the option to dress like a book character for school! This is a wonderful opportunity for all to share their favorite book or characters with their peers. If your student is participating we ask that their costume or outfit follows our Code of Conduct. Students should not wear masks or bring in toys or accessories, and should make sure their character is school and age appropriate!
School Picture Retake Day / Picture Package Assistance
Attention Parents! - School Picture Retake Day is November 15th! If your student missed School Picture Day, or wants a Retake, please have them ready for picture retakes that day.
Also, if any families would like assistance in purchasing their child's Picture Day Package, please reach out directly to Mr. McKnight at mcknightp@cantonma.org
Thank you!
GMS Building Project Voting Reminder
The Galvin Middle School Project is heading toward two key town votes. Save the Dates: November 18 Special Town Meeting and an Anticipated Ballot Vote on December 10.
Want to learn more about the GMS Building Project, see design renderings, or review timelines, please click on this LINK. If you have any questions, please email info@galvinmsproject.com.
Thank you!
Derek Folan
960 Washington Street
Canton, MA 02021
Parent Support Group this Monday night!
Around Town Events
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
CAPT Corner
GMS Building Project - There are two upcoming voting periods to move the new GMS Building project forward. See info on those voting periods below. More information on the project is here: https://galvinmsproject.com/
Halloween BOO bags
Time is running out - Order BOO bags from the Hansen CAPT for $10 to have them secretly delivered in the month of October (Venmo @Hansen-CAPT with “Boo Bag” in the comment, or contact hansenboobags@gmail.com for alternate payment methods).
- Visit the Google Order Form to order!
- To find out who BOO'ed you, email hansenboobags@gmail.com and make a $3 donation to the Hansen CAPT
Fall Mini Sessions
Local photographer Moira Sweetland will be doing 15-minute mini session November 3. $20 of each session will benefit CAPT Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA5A62FA5FD0-51524302-hansen
Fast Athletics
CAPT is partnering with FAST Athletics to support the students of the Hansen school through their after-school sports program. A portion of every registration fee goes to CAPT. The Fall session begins this week, and there are still limited spots available in the Tuesday Flag Football/ Dodgeball program for grades 3-5. Sign up here: https://fastathletics.com/parent-forms/.
Save the Dates
- Tuesday, November 12: CAPT Meeting 7pm in Hansen LIbrary or via Zoom
- Monday, November 18: Special Town Meeting at 7pm at Canton High School (Requires a 2/3 vote to put the GMS Building Project on the December 10 ballot). Childcare will be provided.
- Tuesday, December 10: 7pm in Hansen LIbrary or via Zoom
- Tuesday, December 10: Ballot Vote (Requires a simple majority vote for the GMS Building Project to pass and move forward)
- Fall Mini Book Fair - November 18 week (during parent/teacher conferences)
Champions of Wellness 5K Race / Walk
The second annual Champions of Wellness 5K race/walk is officially open for sign-ups! The race will take place on Sunday, November 24th at 9am starting at the Canton High School track. Registration is $25 and all money raised goes towards Canton Public Schools mental health education for students and scholarships for seniors.
Please be sure to register using the link below. Same day registration closes at 8:15am. Start your training!
Also For Parents:
This is our second year using our new SEL curriculum, Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based upon, click here. Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741