PARENT EDITION | August, 2022

WPUSD eNews: May 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
May 27 - Memorial Day, Schools & Offices CLOSED
June 6 - Last Day of School
Graduation/Promotion Dates
June 4 - Phoenix & ATLAS Graduation, McBean Stadium, 8am
June 5 - TBMS Promotion, 8:30am
June 6 - GEMS Promotion, 9am
June 6 - LHS Graduation, 8pm
June 7 - TBHS Graduation, 9am
WPUSD Board of Trustees
Board Meeting Highlights & Upcoming Meetings
Board Meeting Highlights
- April 16 Highlights
- The Board held their Spotlight on Excellence meeting at Foskett Ranch Elementary. They heard a presentation from Principal, Gina Pasquini on their attendance improvements efforts. After, their choir and band showcased their recent work in the music room!
- The Board publicly thanked a member of the community who donated a significant amount to the FFA program.
- Audrey Kilpatrick and Emma Oehler presented on their recent work with building out a new webpage for ways to support WPUSD schools.
Upcoming Meetings
- May 7, 2024 - WPUSD District Office, 3rd Floor
2023-2024 School Board Objectives
The School Board exhibited thoughtful consideration and collaborative efforts in adopting their school board objectives that reflect the best interests of WPUSD schools, students, staff and community. The graphic below represents these objectives.
Kerry Callahan, Superintendent
In This Section
💼WPUSD Job Fair NEW!
🌞2024 Summer Program Info
🚜New Tractor at Work NEW!
🥶FRE Getting Chilly NEW!
📝New Student Registration Dates
🚌We're Hiring NEW!
We will be hosting the second annual WPUSD Job Fair on June 11 from 3-6pm at Glen Edwards Middle School! Have you been looking to get your foot in the door at your child's school or the district? Or do you know someone who's on the hunt for a job with great benefits? This is a perfect opportunity for them (or you) to come meet some of our staff and apply for jobs on the spot! Please share this information with friends, family and neighbors. If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, please share our posts!* WPUSD is a great place to work, and we want others to know about it too!
*Facebook and Instagram posts will be rolling out through the month of May. Stay tuned!
Click the image below for details about this year's Summer Academy, including locations, dates and more.
The Maintenance & Operations Department recently purchased a new Kubota tractor. It's proving to be a very useful asset. They put it to the test over at Carlin C. Coppin Elementary to clean up and drag the track for students to use safely!
Over the past couple weeks, crews at Foskett Ranch Elementary (FRE) were hard at work to replace the chiller. This is a pretty big project which requires the use of cranes and skilled labor. The process should be done very soon - just in time for the warmer weather!
New student registration will remain open throughout the rest of this school year and through the summer. All of the priority registration windows are now closed, but we will continue to accept both registration and transfer forms. Those who have registered for TK will receive their placement notification in the coming months.
Key Registration Dates
- January 8, 2024 at 8:00am - 2024-25 new student registration goes live
- January 19, 2024 - Intra-District Transfer accepted online (NOTE DATE CHANGE FROM 1/18)
- February 1, 2024 – Inter-District Transfers accepted online through Informed K12
- February 9, 2024 - Lottery selection for Dual Language Immersion Program @ Creekside Oaks Elementary for grades K-4.
- February 15, 2024 @ 4pm - Priority deadline for High Schools only to submit Intra-District Transfer request (for transfers within WPUSD schools)
- February 20, 2024 @ 4pm – Priority registration deadline for all grades (TK - 12). Complete registration must be submitted online.
- February 22, 2024 - March 1, 2024 - Dual Language Immersion program parent notification and confirmation of placement
- Late March / Early April 2024 - TK class and school assignment notification
- June 9, 2024 - Intra-District Transfer Request Deadline for Grades K – 8
- July 31, 2024 - Second window to submit a Intra-District transfer request opens (High Schools only)
- Summer 2024 – Online registration submission will continue to be accepted through the summer and paperwork can be uploaded through the online registration or brought to the school when they reopen in August.
Interested in Working for WPUSD?
WPUSD is hiring! Check out our current job openings at https://www.edjoin.org/wpusd. Positions for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR (2024-2025) are now posted! Be sure to share the Edjoin link with those who may be looking for employment!
Some of our current available positions:
- Teaching positions (2024-2025) - Various Grades/Sites
- Technology Support Technician (2024-2025)
- School Clerk II - Scott Leaman Elementary
- School Clerk II - First St Elementary (2024-2025)
- Health Clerk - Lincoln Crossing Elementary
- Food Service Assistant - Multiple Sites
- Paraprofessional - Multiple Sites
- Instructional Aide - Multiple Sites
- Bus Driver
- Campus Supervisor
- Substitutes
- Many More!
In This Section
🚨Update Your Emergency Contact Information
🏡Complete the Household Income Form
Review/Update Your Emergency Contact Information 2023-2024
At the end of last school year, your child's school sent out notifications to update/verify your emergency contact information using your PowerSchool Parent Portal. As a reminder, this needs to be completed by every returning family. Families who recently registered their child for school (new to WPUSD) do NOT need to complete this process.
For instructions on how to access your PowerSchool Parent Portal account click HERE.
Please Complete a 2023-24 Household Income Form to Help Your School Maximize Its Funding!
A portion of every school's funding is determined by the needs of its students. Extra funding is usually distributed to schools based on submitted free/reduced meal applications but this year the state is providing schools with the option of using the Household Income Form. This form can easily be completed online and will provide your school with extra funding. Please note that for the 2023-2024 school year all students are eligible for FREE meals, so extra funding will be distributed differently and the Household Income Form is the best source to increase your school’s funding.
- additional support staff for schools, like Instructional Aides, Intervention Support Providers, and after school tutors
- more resources for classrooms and teachers
- additional health and wellness services
- fee waivers for college applications
- fee waivers for college admissions exams (i.e. SAT/ACT/AP)
It’s a quick process and only needs to be completed once for each household. By taking the time to fill out this form, you are taking part in a process that might provide thousands of dollars in funds to the school your student attends. You can also access this form when you are updating your Emergency Contact Information and Waiver Forms in your Parent Portal account.
If you need assistance in completing this form please contact your child's school office or the District Office (916) 645-6350 and we can help!
Click on the form below to complete:
WPUSD 2023-24 Household Income Form (English)
WPUSD 2023-24 Household Income Form (Spanish)
Here's where you can find quick links to frequently searched items.
Western Placer Unified School District
Website: www.wpusd.org
Location: 600 6th Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916-645-6350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WPUSD/
Twitter: @WPUSD
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