Hillside Family Newsletter
October 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Hillside Families,
I hope this message finds you well and full of autumn cheer! October is packed with exciting events and opportunities for us to come together as the Hillside Elementary family. Here's a quick rundown:
Math Night Extravaganza! Join us on October 23rd for a night of math-tastic fun! Parents, guardians, and kids, let's solve puzzles, play games, and explore the wonderful world of numbers together.
Spirit Week: From October 21st to 25th. Encourage your little ones to participate in our themed dress-up days and activities.
Walk-A-Thon is on October 24th: This is our biggest classroom fundraiser of the year!
Remember, our school's goal is to foster strong family engagement. Your active participation is invaluable, and it's what makes our community thrive. Your support builds the foundation for every child's success.
As we venture into this wonderful month, let's remember: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller
With gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead,
Principal Jen Durham
Picture Day is October 22nd!
Checkout the Hillside Website!
October 16th: Vision Screening
October 18th: NO SCHOOL/ Staff Professional Development Day
October 21st-25th: Red Ribbon Week/Spirit Week
October 22nd: Picture Day
October 23rd: Title I Math Night 5:00-6:30 PM
October 24th: Walk-A-Thon
October 31st: Halloween Parade and classroom celebrations 2:00-3:00 PM
HES PTO Meeting
Join our PTO Thursday, October 3rd from 5:00-6:00 PM in the Hillside Library. We look forward to seeing you there! Pizza dinner is provided at every meeting. This month children with participate in a pumpkin painting activity too! PTO members support special events like Walk-A-Thon and are permitted entrance during the event.
On October 24th we will have our annual walk-a-thon fundraiser. This is our BIG, once-a-year school-wide fundraiser. With the money raised, classes will be able to go on field trips, purchase class rewards, and do special projects. Our goal is to earn $10,000 as a school. The class that raises the most money will receive a pizza party from Mrs. Durham!
Fundraising: Our Fundraising has begun and will run through the day of the Walkathon. As a school, we insist that NO STUDENT go door-to-door fundraising to people unknown to the student. Students may solicit donations from relatives, friends, co-workers of parents and neighbors (if done under supervision). If you have anyone wanting to pay with a credit or debit card, please call Abby at 541-830-6146 and she can add it to your parentVue account.
Spirit Week/ Red Ribbon Day October 21-25
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Silly Sock Day
Wednesday: Wear Red Day (Pledge to be Drug Free)
Thursday: Crazy Hat/Hair Day
Friday: Team Spirit Day
Math Night and Dinner October 24th 5:00-6:30 PM
Did you know that careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are growing more than twice as fast as the rest of the job market? Here at Hillside Elementary, we know how valuable math is to your child’s future. But do you know how fun it can be?!
Come find out at our Math Night event, on October 24th at HES from 5:00-6:30 pm. This Math Night will be a fun, family-friendly event that sparks passion for STEM through activities and games for BOTH students and their families. A pizza dinner will also be provided!
You and your child will explore … inspire … empower … and educate yourselves about how much fun math can be. You will also learn simple things you can do at home to foster your student’s interest in Math. Most importantly, you will get the chance to connect with other families while you and your children learn and play together.
Research shows that family engagement leads to greater student success. Students with engaged parents are more likely to earn higher grades, attend school regularly, have better social skills and go on to college. We are very excited to see family engagement come alive at Math Night, and we hope to see you there!
Halloween October 31st
- Costumes may not have parts that interfere with learning. This means no masks or costumes that restrict movement or vision, prevent sitting at desks, or prevent participation in physical education class. Costumes must not obstruct movement in the hallways.
- School rules regarding dress code must be followed: No short skirts/shorts/tutus no bare midriffs, no bare shoulders, or low necklines. Nothing that promotes the use of illegal substances or activities or are derogatory, disrespectful or depict violence.
- ALL costume preparations to be completed at home. (No dressing or applying of make-up or colored hairspray once students arrive at school).
- No masks or weapons (nun chucks/sickles/swords/knives/guns, etc).
- Students or parents who have questions about the acceptability of their costume should check with their teacher prior to wearing the costume to school.
- Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home to have a change of clothes brought up to them.
- PARENTS: Please help support and appropriate, distraction-free learning environment for all students by assuring that your student adhere to these guidelines.
PurposeFull People character traits for our students of the month
During the month of October, our Hillside staff will be celebrating scholars who demonstrate responsibility. Our Hillside scholars will be learning and practicing responsibility. We encourage our families to practice this trait at home too!
Responsibility: taking action and understanding the impact of our choices
Think About It
Here are some questions to ask your child at home or talk about as a family:
K-2 What are the responsibilities you have at home? How do people know what they are responsible for? Which responsibilities are you really good at?
3-5 Why is it important to show Responsibility at home? Where are some other places that we can show responsibility, and how does responsibility look the same or different as it does at home?
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Start 8:30 amEnd 3:15 pm
*Doors open at 8:05am for breakfast in the cafeteria. There is no supervision before 8:05am. First bell rings at 8:30 am. Late bell rings at 8:35 am.
Student Absence
If your student will be absent for the day, please call our office at 541-830-1225 or email islasg@eaglepnt.k12.or.us. Thank you for helping to keep our school healthy by keeping students home when they are sick.
Ipad Protection Plan
Hillside Elementary School Mission Statement
Hillside Elementary School
Email: pattersondurhamj@eaglepnt.k12.or.us
Website: eaglepnt.k12.or.us/hes
Location: 185 East Main Street, Eagle Point, OR, USA
Phone: 541-830-1225
Facebook: facebook.com/hehusky