The Gateway Page
Gateway Middle School - June 2024 Parent Newsletter
Save the Dates
Monday, June 3rd
6th Grade Tours
Tuesday, June 4th
CTE Career Con - 6th graders signed up for this field trip earlier
Choir Party - in The Commons 2:45 - 3:45pm
District-wide Retirement Celebration 4:00 - 6:00pm @the CRC
Wednesday, June 5th
6th Grade Tours
Thursday, June 6th
6th Grade Tours
Middle School Art Show Reception @the CRC
Friday, June 7th
Senior Grad Walks @Gateway
Saturday, June 8th
Music in the Parks Choir & Orchestra FTs
Monday, June 10th
PTSA Meeting - in the Library
Wednesday, June 12th
Life Skills Willis Tucker FT 12:00pm - 1:53pm
Blacklight Orchestra Concert @ECA
Friday, June 14th
Early Release Schedule
Choir @the Mariners - tickets were purchased ahead of time
Monday, June 17th
WA State Culture Fair/Market Per. 5-6
Student ChromeBooks will be collected.
Tuesday, June 18th
June Jamboree - during school hours
8th Grade Celebration - outside 5:00 - 8:00pm
Wednesday, June 19th
Juneteenth - No School
Thursday, June 20th
Early Release + PM Assembly Schedule
Last Day of School - Students should not bring backpacks on the last day, unless medically necessary.
Check out the printable Everett School District Calendar
June Bell Schedules
Congratulations Ms. Sanchez!
We are so proud of Ms. Sanchez who has accepted a promotion! beginning July 1, she will be Principal of Elger Bay Elementary in the Stanwood-Camano School District. Liz has extensive elementary experience and is thrilled to return to her roots.
We will begin the process of identifying our new Assistant Principal who will begin on July 1.
Overdue Class Fees/Library Books/Chromebooks
Class Fees
Some families received a notification on May 2nd regarding a Music Class fee that due. Thank you to those families that paid the class fee. These fees help support the curriculum, and staff purchasing supplies necessary for their curriculum. Any remaining unpaid Music Class fees will be automatically converted into fines at the end of the year.
Class fees can be paid online with a credit card, or you can pay with cash (ideally exact change) or check at the Gateway Middle School Office. Please make checks out to Gateway Middle School. If you would like to pay online, please follow the instructions on login screen, using your student’s ID for the login information. After logging in, click on the following in this order:
• Click on the box under Who are you shopping for? then
• Under the Shop category “Items At Student’s School”
• Next to Categories “Registration/Orientation”
• Then click Buy next to “Choir Fee,” "Orchestra Fee," or "Band Fee" depending on the class your student is in
• Complete the checkout process, and the payment will show on your student’s account
• Friday, May 31: Email notices sent to students & parents regarding books currently checked out/overdue
• Monday, June 3: Last day to check out library materials
• Friday, June 7: All library materials due
• Monday, June 10: Send out fine notices
• Monday, June 17: All fines due by 2:45 + Summer reading check out begins
• All Chromebooks will be returned on Monday, June 17th in ELA classes
• Students will receive instructions on how to wrap cords, remove profiles, and clean the devices
• It is very important that students self report any damage
• Fines may not show up until August due to the way our tech fine system works
• Students will receive a fine for devices returned without a stylus and/or cord
Financial Obligations Related to Fines/Fees/Devices
All financial obligations must be paid for students to receive their Yearbook at the same time as the rest of their grade level before June Jamboree at the end of the year. Course fees that remain unpaid after the school year will be converted into fines on the student’s account.
Unpaid fines/fees can also affect your student’s ability to participate in high school athletics and after school activities.
If you need assistance with making the payment online, please call the Main Office at 425-385-6600 and we can help you. If you have questions regarding your student’s fee, or need to work out a payment plan, please contact the Gateway Middle School Office Manager - Mrs. Seifert at mseifert@everettsd.org.
Incoming 6th Grade Tours
We will have multiple 6th grade tour sessions the first week of June:
• Monday, June 3rd - Penny Creek Elementary
• Wednesday, June 5th - Forest View Elementary and Cedar Wood Elementary
• Thursday, June 6th - Tambark Creek Elementary and Silver Firs Elementary
We are excited to celebrate our 8th graders! Please note: the bus loop will be closed, so parking will be tight. We HIGHLY encourage carpooling and street parking where available. The Gateway parking lot, Forest View parking lot, and overflow lot will be available. Please plan ahead as this event always draws a big crowd!
June Parent Newsletters
Information from the previous Parent Newsletter
Connect with us!
Another way to stay connected is through our Gateway Broadcast News (GBN). On our website under the Parents tab, you can find the Morning Announcements (GBN) Archives. These announcements are read every day during 1st period, and the information is helpful for both students and parents.
To report attendance: GWYAttendance@everettsd.org
June 13 - June Jamboree (school-day, all grades)
June 18 - 8th Grade Promotion Celebration (evening)
June 20 - Moving Up Assembly (school-day, all grades)