Windermere Family Update

Windermere Weekly Parent Update 8.16.24
Thank you so much for coming last week and last night to Parent Information Night at Windermere. Our partnership is so important. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher. It’s going to be a great year.
This week, we spent lots of time talking and reviewing with your child and his/her classmates what the Windermere Way sounds like, looks like and feels like in all parts of their day. Make sure you ask your child about the Windermere Way and what it means to be respectful, responsible and ready to learn. As you know today, we had Windermere Way Day. This annual tradition is such a fun, meaningful way for us to kick off our year and establish the start to our classroom and grade level communities and review expectations/norms for our classroom/Windermere spaces.
Upcoming Dates:
29 School Picture Day
1 Golden Bear Bash 6-10 pm
2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
18 - Early Release - 1:00 dismissal
18 - PTO General Meeting
27 - Hawk Walk
Library Media Center News
Welcome back! My name is Shannon Hemmelgarn and I am the very proud Library Media Specialist at Windermere along with my partner Alison Maute, our library clerk. Students began circulating books on the first day of school and we are reading! The library is available to your children all day, every day to circulate books at their teacher's discretion. I look forward to meeting your children where they are on their reading journey, helping them see themselves, and learn about our world through books!
I also serve as our educational technology support in our building. I have been working with classrooms to distribute iPads to grades 1-5 these first few days of school. The excitement is running high and we all feel so lucky to get to use these amazing school tools. Students who received their iPad all watched this short video before they explored their new device. Take time this weekend to watch it again with your child(ren) and discuss the content and a plan to be respectful, responsible, and ready to learn with their devices this year! (If you have technical questions, please reach out to
We would also love to honor your child for their birthday this year through our annual fundraising campaign called the Birthday Book Club! Register your child's birthday through this PTO link and your reader will be honored at the end of their birthday month. Students will choose a new book from a special collection (or old favorite) and we will place a birthday name plate on the inside cover in honor of their birthday. They will get to be the first to check it out and then they will get to share their gift with the library for others to enjoy. These funds raised go to supporting our collection and services that the library provides!
Stay tuned for updates for what is happening in our library throughout the year!
Mrs. Shannon Hemmelgarn
Library Media Specialist/Ed Tech Liaison
Alison Maute
Library Clerk
School Picture Day:
Our school picture day is Thursday, August 29th. You can prepay for picture packages at
Dr. Hunt's welcome message
We wanted to share a link to the video message from Superintendent Bob Hunt played during our open house event. Captions can be displayed by clicking on the closed captioning (CC) box. The captions can also be translated into a l
From the Nurses’ Office:
Welcome to the new school year! Our nurses are available to administer first aid treatment, evaluate symptoms of illness or injury, and perform other medical procedures. The nurse will notify appropriate teachers and staff of student health problems that may be of concern in the classroom. We have a passion for working with students and helping them feel their best, so they are ready to learn.
The Ohio Department of Health requires vision and hearing screenings for children in kindergarten, first, third and fifth grade and all students new to the district each year. These screenings will be done this fall. Screenings can also be performed at various other times during the year at parent or teacher request. Should you wish to opt your student out of vision and hearing screenings this year, please complete and return this form to us: 2024-2025 Vision and Hearing Screening Waiver.
Students who have difficulty with the initial screening are re-screened. If there are concerns, parents are notified and follow-up by a health care provider is recommended.
Per Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.671, new students (kindergartners and students new to the district) are required to have documentation of certain immunizations on file at their school. Please be sure to submit your child's immunization record to your school nurse as soon as possible. The state of Ohio allows a 14-day period after entrance to school to submit the immunizations. Additional information and exceptions to this requirement can be found HERE. To view the Ohio Immunization Summary for School Attendance, please click HERE.
If your child has a special health concern of which we are not already aware, such as a food allergy, diagnosis of asthma, etc., or an update to a previous health concern, please let us know so we can best serve their needs during the school year.
Many questions arise regarding the administration of medication at school. While we encourage medication to be administered at home, we understand this is not always possible. All prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. (Parents can sign for many common over-the-counter medications.) Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
614-487-5060 x 7003
Janice Walsh, MSN, RN, Licensed School Nurse
Kristin Murphy, BSN, RN
iPad Parent Control Information
The UACS Technology department provides 2 ways for caregivers to manage screen time, review web history, manage apps and internet access after school hours. The typical built-in Apple ScreenTime and Parental controls do not work because the district manages iPads for school use at a district level - the typical consumer level settings are not available. Caregivers can review web activity and disable internet access through the Lightspeed Relay Parent Portal. Additionally, caregivers can control app access and set rules through the JAMF Parent app. Questions may be directed to
JAMF Parental Setup and Guide Videos
UA+Ed Golden Bear Bash information
From the Nurse’s Clinic:
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Windermere Health Office at 614-487-5060.
Stop, Drop and Go:
Please refer to this arrival and dismissal doc for guidelines on keeping everyone safe during our drop off and pick up times.
Wireless Usage/iPhones/Gizmos:
As smartwatches become more common among students, parents have asked about settings that might reduce the risk of the device causing a distraction during school. Here are links to information about school-time settings for two devices we see here at school, the Apple watch and the Gizmo watch. We kindly ask that students use these settings. Please know we will always call you or allow your child to call you during the day, if needed. If a Smartwatch becomes a distraction, we may ask a child to keep it in their backpack.
Stickers on the new iPads
Please do not apply stickers or write on the iPad keyboard cases, as devices may be reassigned to other students throughout the year. Reassignment occurs when students graduate, transfer, or when devices need repair. The new keyboard cases are district property and durable assets intended to last for several years, not consumable items.
Stylus Information for New iPads
We have received some questions about what stylus, or specifically Apple Pencil, would work with the new iPads that students are receiving for this school year. The answer is that, like the headphones, any USB-C stylus, including the Apple Pencil USB-C, will connect with the new 10th generation iPads. Students can also continue to use any non-USB-C stylus, such as the Apple Pencil 1st generation, but will need to purchase a USB-C adapter to connect the stylus to their new iPad. It is important to note that specifically the Apple Pencil Pro along with the Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) will NOT work with the student iPads.
New UA Schools App
Get ready for school by downloading the new Upper Arlington Schools app! The launch of our new district app coincides with our new website, launched in June. The app gives families access to important information like school year calendars, school day schedules, and information to report a student absence — all in the palm of their hands. You can download the app in the App Store or Google Play.
Elementary progress reports update
Because the elementary school years are so critical to a student’s academic and personal growth, our teachers will be increasing the amount of communication regarding each student’s achievement this year.
In previous years, elementary students have received progress reports three times a year, at the end of each trimester. There have also been conference opportunities for families in the fall and the spring.
Beginning this school year, teachers will provide progress reports in January and June. In the fall and the spring, they will provide interim reports for each student. Teachers will go over each student’s fall interim report with families during conferences in October. While spring conferences are optional for families, all students will receive another interim report at that time.
Our goal is to increase meaningful conversations between teachers and families regarding each student’s individual achievement, growth and learning needs. We are excited to launch this expanded reporting system this year and look forward to collaborating with you!
Student Absences:
Please email along with your child’s teacher, any student absences. For extended absences (vacations, travel, etc.) please submit a pre-planned absence form. For more information on the district attendance policy, please visit the district's attendance web page. For all medical appointments, please provide a doctor’s note.
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