Community Update
June 21, 2024
Dear Syosset Community:
Syosset High School’s commencement ceremony is next Monday, but tonight our soon-to-be graduates are enjoying another rite of passage, the Senior Prom. We’re hoping they have a fun night and we’re looking forward to celebrating their hard work and sharing their families’ pride in all their extraordinary accomplishments.
Board Meeting Recap
The Board of Education met last night and put some finishing touches on its proposal to address our facilities’ renovation and enrollment needs. Once the proposal is finalized, we will begin sharing with the community all details of the plan, including an FAQ to respond to the many (good!) questions asked during our community survey. The plan will be put before the public for a vote in the Fall.
Bright Spot
One act of kindness no AI will ever replicate is a hand-written thank you note.
In another one of those #SoSyo moments, Senior Jesse Lebolt, who is graduating on Monday, sent a handwritten letter to Howard Reid – the bus driver who has been transporting our superstar Science Olympiad team all across New York for the past couple of years. In his note, Jesse thanked Howard for being actively involved through the ups and downs of each season – and for being an important part of the team. Jesse wrote: “Several years from now, when we tell the story of this season to a new Syosset Science Olympiad team, you will be part of that story, I promise.”
Every last one of us working in the District draws our inspiration from our students, and I can think of no kinder compliment than to be included as “part of the team.” Jesse, you’ve demonstrated that the SciOly magic starts with team chemistry.
Just three days of school remain. Be cool, stay cool!
Tom Rogers