Monday Notes
November 4, 2024

Advocacy Challenge
Participating in this week's advocacy challenge is a great way to start the month of right!
- Email teachers in your feeder system and ask when you can stop and say “Hi”.
Audition Reminders
As we wrap up All-State Auditions, don't forget that the deadline to upload band and jazz auditions is November 9 at 3:00 pm!
General Music Article
Check out this great article filled with ideas for the general music classroom. Quick read but well worth it!
All-State Music
Just a reminder to order music for your students once the rosters are published. Music for band, vocal jazz, and instrumental jazz is available from Musicality. Choral directors can acquire music via their favored vendor. Please make sure to take care of this immediately after the rosters are published.
Conductor Driver?
Conference Registration
Tick Tock - time to registerer for the 2025 All-State Music Festival and In-Service Conference! When registering, make sure to also purchase a luncheon ticket!