St Cecilia's News
October 2020
Parent Teacher Meetings
We are unable to host our Parent Teacher Meetings in school due to Covid restrictions, we have therefore moved them online with our usual booking system provider.
To access your account, please login using the link below. From Thursday 22nd October at 7pm you will be able to book virtual appointments with your child's class teacher. You do not need any other software, all appointments are run through the system.
You will need a PC, Chromebook or phone with a camera and microphone.
Appointment times will be fixed, you will need to be online and ready for your appointment time so please chose a time when you can be somewhere quiet for the conversation. The system does allow you to enter specific questions when booking.
The system will send you a prompt to book an appointment. It's a terrible shame that we can't meet in person, but we look forward to seeing you online, facemasks are not required!
Head Teacher's across all the schools in Sutton have agreed to use this same system so that we can communicate more easily between schools, share training and start to develop common systems and processes. We are off to a great start here with detailed training for SEND staff and all teachers have had initial training. Mrs Gallant and Mrs Foxen have set the system up to really meet the needs of our school, many thanks to them.
If you have any queries about the new system please contact Mrs Foxen directly at
EYFS / Y3 Walkway
Year 5/6 Entrance and Parking
- park considerately - not on the footpaths or across neighbours drives
- not block footpaths or the traffic lights when lining up
- not arrive too early for your child's drop off/collection.
We have to maintain a gap between year groups at our gates, we have to minimise the risk of cross infection between year groups, at child and parent level. Please maintain a distance at all times and thanks for working with us on this.
Parking at Brookways School
Building a new curriculum
You can see a Kapow Curriculum video, primarily aimed at teachers, below.
Puberty Talks for Years 5 and 6
Advent and Christmas
You may want to plan for Christmas Jumper Day - this year it will take place on Wednesday 9th December, the same day as our Christmas Lunch.
Unfortunately, guided tours will not be possible this year, we will however have online events after the half term.
Assessment Week
Happy Half Term
With best wishes,
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566