JSS Newsletter
Jack Stuart School - May 2024
In Our House
JSS School Administration Message by
Mr. Todd Sieben, Principal
Ms. Erica Easton, Assistant Principal
Spring has finally arrived and it is time to get planting. Our grade 1 and 4 students and staff will be planting flowers as part of their learning about plants, plant needs and care for plants. Thanks to our School (Parent) Council for supplying the flowers.
JSS students and staff will continue to participate in field trips before the end of this school year. FYI…our Grade 2 and 4 students will partake in swim lessons at the end of May and early June. Exciting times!
Student attendance has the greatest impact on student learning and success. Please help us out and ensure your child(ren) regularly attends school. Certainly, if they are ill or have an appointment, they will be marked excusably absent.
JSS students continue to live their School Promise each day (Promise to take care of themselves, each other and JSS, and pledge they won’t forget the promise). Each week, we randomly pick two student Jaguar Cards (from all the student names submitted each month into Jaguar Card Bin) to enjoy a free lunch. 139 JSS students received Jaguar Cards in September, 107 in October, another 224 in November, 120 students in December, 228 more in January, 121 in February, 61 in March and 80 in April…for a total of 1080 Jaguar Cards so far this school year. We are very proud of all our students living the school pledge each day. Stay tuned for our May totals and beyond.
Thank you to …
● Our 25 Grade 5 ‘Office Helpers’ for showing up at PM break (lunch) in the main office to greet guests and assist other students.
● The parents/guardians who help out with our School (Parent) Council hot lunch program.
● Parents/Guardians for supervising field trips and assisting in our classrooms this year.
● Community volunteers who continue to give of their time working with kids.
Follow us …
Website: http://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Instagram: jackstuartschoolbrsd
Facebook: Jack Stuart School
Twitter: @jstuartschool
Learning Commons Summer Book Swap - May 27
On Mon., May 27 we will be running a 'Summer Book Swap' in the Learning Commons during recess. Students who wish to participate may bring up to 10 (previously used) books from home that they would like to exchange (with parental permission) for a different book to take home and keep. This will be a great way for our students to bring some new reading material home for the summer without spending money!
The Book Swap will run as a 'BRING 1 - GET 1' system. Students will receive 1 ticket in exchange for each book they bring. Each book at the Swap will cost 1 ticket to swap. This event runs as a SWAP, therefore any books brought from home intended to swap will not be returned back home.
We remind parents to send used, reasonably aged, fiction or non-fiction books, age appropriate for Kindergarten to grade 5/6 students.
Books for swapping can be brought to the Library by students any day now up until Thurs., May 23. To avoid any accidental swapping by our younger students please indicate to your teachers that any books your children bring to school up are indeed books intended for the Book Swap.
Library Books due back in June
ALL LIBRARY BOOKS are to be returned to school by Thurs., June 6.
Overdue Notices will be sent out the following week, please check in your child's backpack to see if you received a notice of any overdue, lost, or damaged books.
Any lost or damaged books can be replaced by sending cash with your student or by cheque written to 'Jack Stuart School'.
Any remainder fines (that are not paid directly to the school), will then be added onto student Rycor accounts and will be required to be paid online.
JSS Council & Parents' Society
by Terra Manion, President: jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com
Thank you to everyone that purchased items from our Growing Smiles Fundraiser.
Join us at our last Parent Council meeting of the year, followed immediately by our Parent Society Meeting on Wednesday, May 29 at 5 pm
Important Dates
May 8 - Hot Lunch - Boston Pizza
May 20 - Victoria Day - No School
May 22 - Hot Lunch - Subway
May 23 - JSS 'Mini Legends' Sports Day
May 27 - Summer Book Swap in the Learning Commons
May 29 - School Council/Parent Society Meeting 5 pm
May 31 - City Track Meet - (Grades 3 & 5)
June 6 - ALL library books due back
June 6 - Early Dismissal @ 11:52 am/Staff Meeting
Contact Us
Email: jackstuart@brsd.ab.ca
Website: https://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Location: 200 Mount Pleasant Drive, Camrose, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-672-0880
Facebook: facebook.com/JackStuartSchool
Twitter: @jstuartschool