CAES Parent Newsletter
September 2024 Edition
Join Us For Open House - September 19th
We are thrilled to invite you to our Camp Allen Elementary Open House on September 19, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.! This event is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet your child's teacher, explore their classroom, and gain insight into the routines and expectations for the upcoming school year.
During the Open House, you’ll have the chance to:
- Meet the Teacher: Get to know the dedicated educators who will be guiding your child’s learning journey this year.
- Explore the Classroom: See the space where your child will be spending their days and discover the engaging activities and materials they will use.
- Learn About Routines and Expectations: Understand what a typical day will look like for your child and how we’ll work together to support their growth and development.
- Explore how you can remain involved and work in partnership with our campus to foster a positive and successful experience for your child(ren).
We hope to see you there!
Parents please be mindful of the VA State Code that requires students to meet necessary seat time in class. This means that multiple absences and routine early dismissal from class could impact your child(ren)'s ability to grow academically and be promoted to the next grade. Attendance Matters!
We look forward to improving student attendance as we work to produce successful academic outcomes for every student. Students should plan to arrive to school in enough time to ensure they are in class by 8:55 am.
Our school doors open to students at 8:30 a.m. Students should not be left unsupervised on school grounds or property prior to that time. We do not have staff available to provide supervision for students before 8:30 a.m. and cannot be held responsible for the safety of students left unattended.
Additionally, if there is a time that your child must report to school after 8:55 a.m., an adult must accompany the student to the building to assure that they gain entrance to the building safely. Please DO NOT drop and go. Instruction begins promptly at 8:55 a.m. at Camp Allen, at that time all available staff members are assigned to some level of student supervision inside.
Research shows that missing as little as two (2) days every month, or 10 percent of the school year, can have a significant impact on students and their ability to learn.
- Starting in preschool and kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind in school.
- Missing 10%, or about 2 days each month over the course of a school year, can make it harder to learn to read.
- Students can still fall behind if they miss just one or two days every few weeks.
- Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.
- Absences and tardiness can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.
District & School Cellphone Policy
Per the NPS Student Code of Conduct, Elementary students are not permitted to possess cell phones, PCDs (iPads, Kindle Fire, Nook, etc.) or other EDs (MP3- players, iPods, laser lights, etc.) and are subject to disciplinary action for any violation of this prohibition. Note: Devices, which are incapable of a wireless connection, are strictly prohibited unless used for security purposes or reasons (i.e., Gizmo Gadget or similar type device).
This restriction applies to the use of GPS and listening devices such as AngelSense. Please see the letter below
Safety Matters: Drop-Off and Pick-Up Protocols
To ensure the safety and smooth operation of our drop-off and pick-up procedures, please follow these guidelines:
Parking: Please park only in designated parking spots and refrain from blocking the street. No parking is permitted on grass shoulders.
Drop Off/Pick-Up Line: Please stay in line and do not pass other vehicles as students and parents will be crossing.
- Car Riders: If your child is not listed as a car rider in PikmyKid by 2:45 pm, you will not be able to switch this and must come to the office window with your ID to check them out.
- Speed Limits: Please obey all posted speed limits and drive cautiously in the school zone.
Safety is our top priority, and your cooperation is essential for maintaining a safe environment for our students. Thank you for your attention to these protocols!
CAES School Clinic Services
Nurse Nahitchevansky is available to consult with parents as needed to address any health issue or concern of students. Information regarding the health condition of the student may be disclosed to school board employees in accordance with state and federal law governing the disclosure of information contained in student scholastic records.
In order for the nurse to provide medication or treatments, the following guidelines must be met:
• All prescription medications or treatments administered by the nurse during the school day must have a written physician’s order with a parent /guardian’s signature, permitting nurse administration, or in her absence, the principal’s designee.
• The nurse may give nonprescription medication to students only with the written permission of the parent or guardian. A medication administration form must be completed with parent/guardian signature.
• The medication form(s) is available on the nps.k12.va.us website or on page 180 of the student handbook. The form is valid for one school calendar year.
• Medication must be in its prescribed bottle. Over-the-counter medication must be in a sealed, unopened bottle. All medication will be secured in the clinic according to NPS protocol.
• A parent or guardian must deliver medication to the school nurse. Students are not permitted to transport medication.
• For any changes in medication, the parent must provide written authorization signed by the prescriber.
• The parent/guardian (or an adult parent designee) must pick up all medicine at the end of the school year.
• The school nurse will discard all left over medicine on the last day of the school year.
ParentVue Accounts
Parents can stay current with their child's progress in school with ParentVue. ParentVue can be found on the Norfolk Public School's website under the For Parents/Students tab.
New parents will now be able to generate their own Usernames and Passwords, and previous parents who already have Usernames will be able to change or reset their own passwords.
New Parents Accessing ParentVue must:
- Have an email address in the system
- Have an active student in the system
- Not already have a ParentVUE account (If a parent already has a ParentVUE account see below for resetting the password)
Returning Parents Resetting Passwords to Their ParentVUE accounts
If you have forgotten your username or password and we have your email on file, you will be able to reset your own passwords by using the “Forgot Password” option at login. You will receive an email that will provide you with your Username and a link where you can reset your password.
How To Access Student Testing Results
Parents of 3rd - 5th Grade Students:
If you are interested in accessing your student testing results, they are available via your Parentvue accounts. Please see the link for instructions:
A Word About Lockdown Drills
At Camp Allen ES, the safety and security of our students, faculty and staff is very important to us. In accordance with Commonwealth of Virginia Code 22.1-137.2, lockdown drills must be performed at least once during the first 20 school days of each school session. Each school holds at least one additional lock-down drill after the first 60 days of the school session.
Our lockdown drills consist of simple verbal and written instructions. We do NOT use an “active shooter” drill approach (training weapons, role players, first aid, etc.). In compliance, with expectations, we are notifying parents that Camp Allen Elementary will be conducting a lockdown drill this month at Camp Allen Elementary.
Pre-K and Kindergarten students shall be exempt from mandatory participation during the first 60 days of the school session.
Camp Allen ES- Bayport Savings Day
A representative will be on campus to help start the account and take deposits on the following Tuesdays: 9/24, 10/29, 11/26, 12/17, 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/29 & 5/20! Let the savings begin!
September Happenings:
3rd - 5th Grade Fall Growth Assessments
September 5th - Reading
September 10th- Math
9/19/24 @ 5:00!
Please Preregister!
In honor of our HOUSE of Dreamers (Reveur) Wear BLUE
Progress Reports go Home
Help us celebrate our awesome custodial staff!