Ms. Turner’s Class
3rd Grade Math/Science
Ms. Turner's Class
This is our last week of August. School is moving along. Please remember attendance is very important. With only 4 days a week we are working hard each day and you miss out if you are not here. If you are sick we understand.
Announcements & Reminders
- Tardy Bell is at 7:30 am
- Please send a water bottle to school with your student.
- It is going to be hot over the next few weeks. This means we might not always be able to go outside for recess but we will have indoor recess.
Important Dates to Know
26th: PTO Meeting 3:15 pm
29th: Rise Up Assembly 7:30 am
2nd: Labor Day (No School)
6th: We will have ;school due to the holiday that was on Monday.
What We Are Doing This Week
Monday-Tuesday: We will interpret the quotient as the number of groups or the number of objects in each group using units of 2 and 3.
Wednesday: We will skip count objects in models to build fluency with multiplication facts using units of 4.
Thursday: We will use the distributive property as a strategy to find related multiplication facts.
Learning that materials can be based on their physical properties to create or modify objects such as a building a tower or adding clay to sand to make a stronger brick and justify the selection of material based on their physical properties.
Teacher Information