Salem Public Schools

Friday, June 14, 2024
Salem Public Schools - Weekly Update
Superintendent's Message
SPS families,
As we close the school year, we feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with your child(ren) and family. Your child's/children's talents and gifts enrich our schools and help to shape dynamic learning communities.
In the interest of continuing to better serve you and your families, we are excited about launching our first annual parent survey as part of our strategic plan. We want to learn what is working for your child in our schools and what we should start, stop and/or adjust to enhance the educational experience for your child(ren). The survey should take no more than 15 minutes and we encourage you to take one survey per student in your home. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Haitian Creole. Please click the link here to take the survey, choose the school that your student attends and then choose the language at the top of the page. We plan to keep the survey open throughout the summer (from June 14 - August 9, 2024). Please encourage your friends and neighbors to share their experiences with us as well. Much appreciated!
I also want to remind families that the SPS Summer Learning website -- (https://salemk12.org/summer/) -- is filled with math and literacy resources to utilize with your children over the summer. The page will be continuously updated throughout the summer. Please note that once again, we have a summer reading challenge! The school-based grand prize for summer reading this year is a ride to school with the lovable and extremely popular Derby, the Salem Police Department's Community Resource dog. Each school will have a lucky student win this award. The reading logs (in English, Spanish and Portuguese) for submission can be found on the aforementioned website. We hope that everyone participates!
Enjoy the start of summer vacation and please do not forget the start date for the 24-25 school year- Students in grades 1-12 begin on Wednesday, September 4th (Carlton's first day for students in grades 1-5 is on Wednesday, Aug. 28) and the first day for students in Pre/K is on September 9th (Carlton's first day for PreK-K students is on Wednesday, Sept. 4). We look forward to welcoming everyone back for the upcoming school year!
And the rockstar award winner is.....
At Salem Public Schools, we are recognizing one staff member a week who exemplifies our core values of celebrating differences, facilitating collaboration, fostering innovation, creating equity and access, growing all students, and upholding high standards for all. We are surprising a deserving SPS team member with a rock star trophy.
This week's rockstar award goes to Colin Perry, grade 8 ELA teacher at Collins Middle School. Mr. Perry has been an outstanding addition to the Collins team as a dynamic educator who builds enduring relationships with students. He meaningfully connects with students by presenting engaging content, leveraging humor and tapping into student interests/passions. Mr. Perry, thank you for sharing your gifts with our students!
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) recently released the 2024-25 MCAS testing schedule. This release took place after our calendar had been created and approved by the School Committee. Unfortunately, one of the MCAS testing dates conflicts with a planned early release date. Therefore, we've had to revise the calendar. Hard copies of the revised calendars were/are being sent home with students prior to the last day of school.
- Jessica Valatka Awarded 2024 City of Salem and Waste Management Scholarship | June 14, 2024
- Bates Elementary School’s ‘Amazing Shake’ Teaches Quick Thinking, Poise Under Pressure | June 14, 2024
- ‘Never Forget The Power of Community’: Salem Public Schools Celebrates Largest Graduating Class Since 2015 | June 12, 2024
- VIDEO & PHOTO GALLERY: 2024 Student Voice Summit/See Me Festival at the Peabody Essex Museum | June 11, 2024
- The Salem News: Salem High graduates 236 seniors | June 10, 2024
- First Year of SEI Vanguard Learning Group Brings Empowerment to Educators, Students | June 10, 2024
We are excited to share our first Panorama Family/Caregiver Survey. We value your opinion as you are an important part in the life of your scholar and many others and a valued member of the SPS community. We would be honored if you would take a moment of your time to share your feedback with us.
Take the Survey (15 minutes)
The survey will be open from June 14-Aug. 9, 2024 and should take no more than 15 minutes. We encourage you to take one survey per student you care for, if you would like to. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Haitian Creole.
Should you have any questions or need support please reach out to us at 978-740-1225 or email lassade@salemk12.org
Host a Japanese Middle School Exchange Student, July 21-30, 2024
The Salem-Ota Cultural Exchange (SOCE) Club annually hosts 28 students (14 boys, 14 girls aged 12 and 13) from Ota City, Japan—near Tokyo. This marks the 32nd year of this cultural
exchange. This year students will be here, July 21-30, 2024.
The Japanese students have their days filled with their own program but are looking to stay with a family with similar aged kids for the evenings/weekends. Hosts typically have kid(s) in their own home, aged 10-17. Younger and older are also welcomed. Host families often get together for social outings during free time: games, beach/pool, shopping etc.
The students all have a working use of English and there is NO expectation that the US kids/families know any Japanese.
The only requirement is Japanese students must have a bed of their own and hosts must be willing drop their student off in Salem in the morning (usually around 8:30 am) and pick them up in Salem in the evening (usually around 4 pm). (Families often share these pickups/drop-offs.) While this club is based out of Salem, we have typically had hosting families from surrounding towns as well: Beverly, Marblehead, Lynn, Swampscott, Danvers, Georgetown, etc.
To express interest in hosting, please contact Marlene Warner at 978.394.4722 or marlene.warner@gmail.com; also visit our website at: www.salemotace.org for more information.
2024 Summer Learning Activities, Requirements Available
The Summer 2024 learning activities and requirements are available featuring an array of works suggested by the American Library Association, Salem Public Library, Massachusetts Book Awards, popular series as well as the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) Summer Challenge for children and adults.
Salem Public Schools is pleased to offer free summer meals beginning Monday, July 8. This program will run on all weekdays through Friday, Aug. 16. Kids and teens 18 and under can enjoy meals for free all summer, no sign-up required, no questions asked. Kids and teens must be present to receive a meal and are required to eat on site.
Sites at Salem High School and Mary Jane Lee Park will host fun kid-friendly activities throughout the summer led by Salem High School student activities helpers. There will be a variety of fun-themed days at these locations including Shark Week bingo, International Day of Friendship celebration, ‘Summer-ween’ party (Halloween in summer), and more. Updated activities, serving times and menus can be viewed on the Summer Eats Webpage.
Join us to kick off Summer Eats with a celebration at Mary Jane Lee Park Monday, July 8 from 4-6 p.m. for a variety of fun activities for kids and teens. Free meals will be available for adults as well only at the kick-off. We will also be giving away freebies and Summer Eats swag.
In addition to these sites and times, there are hundreds of Summer Eats meal sites across Massachusetts. Visit ProjectBread.org to find locations near you.
Waitlist space is still available in the FREE Expanding Horizons Summer Program for students who will be in grades 6, 7, or 8 as of next school year.
This is a great opportunity for students to explore new areas of interest, connect with friends, and have fun. Students participate in three main activities a day and complete a survey to indicate their preferences. Breakfast, lunch and field trips are included, and transportation is provided for students if needed (and if they live farther from the school).
The program runs from July 8- Aug. 8, Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. For more details, contact Taylor Mimms, Site Coordinator, at tmimms@leap4ed.org or text at 978-595-2021.
Spaces are still available for the Salem Career Technical Institute's free five-week course for certification in Building & Property Maintenance, beginning Monday, June 24 through Wednesday, July 31.
The course is open to recent graduates, unemployed/under employed, and those seeking a career change towards building and property maintenance. Students will learn from BPM professionals in the areas of carpentry, insulation, green energy along with hands-on tool training, safety protocols and building automation.
Students will also receive certification in OSHA 30 standards, first aid, CPR and AED; Hotworks and HBI Pre-apprenticeship standards; and preparation for LEED Green Associate credentials.
Spaces are limited. To register:
- Visit tinyurl.com/SalemTech
- Telephone (978) 854-3885
- E-Mail Salem CTI Outreach Specialist John St. Onge: jstonge@salemk12.org
The Department of Public Health has issued guidance to help keep families safe this summer. The guidance covers topics such as:
- Insect bites
- Swimming
- Window and car safety
- Sun and heat protection
- Preventing rabies exposure
Inaugural Girls In Sports Day Slated for Saturday, June 29
The first-ever Salem Girls In Sports Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 29 at the Veterans Memorial Field House at Salem High School.
Girl-identifying Salem Public Schools students entering grades K-5 in Fall 2024 are invited to join Salem High School student-athletes for a station-styled sports clinic focused on inspiring the next generation of female athletes to build skills and have fun. Registration costs $5 per student. Each athlete will receive a free t-shirt upon arrival.
For more information, contact Salem High Director of Athletics Reilly Christie at rchristie@salemk12.org.
Transportation Registration is Open--Register Now!
Transportation Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now OPEN in the Aspen Family Portal.
All students who wish to ride the bus for the 2024-25 school year must submit an application, even if the student currently rides the bus or is considered a mandatory rider.
A completed application must be submitted by Monday, July 1, 2024. Applications received after July 1, 2024, will not be accepted except in extenuating circumstances to allow proper time for processing and routing.
Note: If you have a student that attends Salem Academy Charter School, you will not be able to submit an application for your student in Aspen. Salem Academy will send a separate application form to families. Please click below for information about Salem Academy Bus Applications:
COVID-19 Test Kits Available
Salem Public Schools is pleased to announce the availability of COVID test kits at all our schools' main offices and health offices. If you require a test kit, kindly contact your school nurse or main office to coordinate pickup. It is important to note that we do not have an in-school testing program. In the event of illness, students will be sent home, and families have the option to conduct COVID testing at home. Please refer to our sick-day guidelines on the district website or consult your school nurse before deciding whether to send your child to school. Your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for all is greatly appreciated.
Virtual Backpack
Welcome to the Virtual Backpack. This is a space where we will place items that in the past may have been a flyer in your student's backpack from friends and partners to SPS.
Download the ParentSquare App
A reminder that ParentSquare is the district platform for communication. You will receive communication from the district, your school, and your student's classroom all in one space. You can communicate 1-to-1 with teachers, sign up for parent-teacher conferences, and more.
This is the primary communication platform for all Salem Public Schools. All messages and alerts come through ParentSquare and the app makes 1-to-1 communication with your student's teachers and signing up for guardian/student conferences a breeze. If you are not receiving messages from ParentSquare or if you are having trouble, contact your school's front office. You can visit www.parentsquare.com for more information.