Summer Principal Update - BHS
July 19, 2024
In This Edition...
- 2024/25 Back to School Registration Dates - Save the Date
- Back to School Re-Registration Packet
- Important Dates for the 2024/25 School Year
- New BHS Staff
- First Day of School
- Pink Week Events and Shirts
- Incoming Senior Specific Information - *Includes Information on Common App, Parchment, and Senior Specific Dates/Events
- Summer Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
- BHS Counseling Department
- BHS Students - Opportunities to Get Involved
- 2023/24 Yearbook Pick-Up
- 2023/24 Make Up Exams
- Summer Food Service Outreach
- Bus Drivers Needed
2024/25 Back to School Registration Dates - Save the Date
We have finalized all dates and times for Back to School Registration for the 2024-25 school year. We want you to have these dates and times early so that you can plan accordingly. Dates and times for each grade level are listed below:
Incoming 12th Graders (Class of 2025): Monday, August 26th from 8 am - 11 am
Incoming 11th Graders (Class of 2026): Monday, August 26th from 12 pm - 3 pm
Incoming 10th Graders (Class of 2027): Tuesday, August 27th from 8 am - 11 am
Incoming 9th Graders (Class of 2028): Tuesday, August 27th from 12 pm - 3 pm
- Club Fair will take place in the Auxiliary Gym from 12 - 3 pm on Tuesday, August 27th
Back to School Re-Registration Packet
Important Dates for the 2024/25 School Year
August 1st - Common App opens for Seniors
August 26th - Senior Registration 8 am - 11 am, Junior Registration 12 pm - 3 pm
August 27th - Sophomore Registration 8 am - 11 am, Freshman Registration 12 pm - 3 pm
September 3rd - First Day of School (see additional information below)
September 5th - Meeting for Freshman Running for Student Council @ 2:30 pm in BHS Media Center
September 10th - Open House from 6 pm - 8 pm
September 15th to September 20th - Pink Week (see additional information below)
October 6th to October 12th - Homecoming Week
- October 11th - Parade
- October 12th - Homecoming Dance from 7 pm - 10 pm @ BHS Fieldhouse
October 17th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 6:30 (Face to Face)
October 22nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 6:30 (Virtual)
November 5th - No School for Students
November 27th to December 1st - Thanksgiving Break
December 2nd - No School for Students
December 21st to January 5th - Holiday Break
January 20th - No School for Students
January 20th - Winter Test Out Opportunity (must sign up in advance)
January 27th - No School for Students
February 24th - No School for Students (PD for Teachers)
March 17th - No School for Students (PD for Teachers)
March 22nd to March 30th - Spring Break
April 7th - No School for Students
April 18th - No School for Students
May 26th - No School for Students
May 31st - Prom from 7 pm - 10 pm @ Suburban Showplace in Novi
June 12th - Last Day of School (Day ends at 11:15 am)
New BHS Staff
- Jennifer Napuli - Grade Level Principal (Incoming 9th Graders)
- Sheryl Hemphill - Administrative Asst. for Mr. Evans and Mrs. Richards in the Main Office
- Jessica Starrak - Special Education Teacher
- Joey Swinkey - Band Director
- Adrienne Thompson - American Sign Language Teacher
- Katherine Walters - Paraprofessional
- Alexis Jaster - School Social Worker
- Ericka Voorhies - School Social Worker
First Day of School
- Only incoming Freshman report to their 1st Hour class by 7:30 am on Tuesday, September 3rd
- Incoming Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors report to their 1st Hour class by 12:00 on Tuesday, September 3rd
- There will be a later bus run to pick up any Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors and get them to school for the later start
- All students will attend their regularly scheduled classes together from 7:30 am - 2:20 pm starting on Wednesday, September 4th
Pink Week Events and Shirts
As many of you know who have experienced it, Pink Week is one of the best weeks of the year at BHS! Our entire school and the Brighton community come together through both school and community-wide events to raise money for the Trinity Health Cancer Center in Brighton. More information will be coming out as the week gets closer, but we do want you to have a few key dates now to be able to plan accordingly as it will come quick. We appreciate any and all support this week as it is a fantastic opportunity to raise money for a great cause and to keep funds local! We also have shirts available for purchase via the BHS school store, The Paw. The week's events are outlined below:
- Monday 9/16 - Powderpuff Football Game at BHS Stadium @ 7pm. $5 entry fee. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
- Wednesday 9/18 - Pink Run/Walk 5K (we also will have a kids run/walk that is shorter)
- Thursday 9/19 - Brighton Idol (Downtown at the Millpond); Downtown Shopping Event (still to be confirmed)
- Friday 9/20 - Pink Out Football Game; Survivor Ceremony on the field at halftime
As mentioned previously, BHS' school store, The Paw is OPEN for Pink Week ONLINE pre-orders starting Monday 7/15 and running through 9/2. There is a limited amount of pre-order online inventory available. This year there are also some YOUTH t-shirts (but not a lot). The remaining inventory will be sold in The Paw once school starts.
Link to order BHS Pink Week Items
Pre-orders will be available for pick up (or delivery to BAS employees) starting on 9/11 and running through 9/20. As always, 100% of proceeds generated by The Paw from Pink Week items will go toward BAS' donation to the Trinity Health Cancer Center in Brighton.
We hope to see you at the week's events!
Incoming Senior Specific Information
Senior Specific Dates/Events
Senior Class Council will put together a 1-page document with important information for the upcoming year that will be made available to all students at Back to School Registration, and will also be provided via email. However, there are some dates included below that you may want to put on your calendar now and your student may want to participate in.
Friday, September 6th - Senior Sunrise in the BHS Stadium starting @ 6 am
Wednesday, October 23rd - Senior Meeting in the BCPA during 1st and 2nd Hour
Wednesday, February 5th - Junior vs. Senior Volleyball Game in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 7:30 pm
Wednesday, March 5th - Senior Class Council 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Tuesday, April 22nd - Staff vs. Student Basketball Game
Friday, April 25th - BHS Lip Dub
Monday, May 19th to Friday, May 23rd - National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Week
Tuesday, May 27th - Seniors' Last Full Day
Wednesday, May 28th to Friday, May 30th - Senior Exams
Thursday, May 29th - Senior Sunset in the BHS Stadium starting @ 8 pm
Friday, May 30th - Cap and Gown Pick Up starting @ 8 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Walk at BHS starting @ 9:45 am (family and friends encouraged to attend)
Friday, May 30th - Senior Picnic in the BHS Stadium following the Senior Walk @ approx. 10:30 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Elementary Walk (more information to come) @ approx. 11:30 am
Wednesday, June 4th - Summa Cum Laude Breakfast (invite only) in the BHS Cafeteria @ 8 am (parents invited)
Wednesday, June 4th - MANDATORY Graduation Practice in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 10 am
Friday, June 6th - Brighton High School Commencement Ceremony in the BHS Stadium @ 7 pm (rain date is Saturday, June 7th @ 7pm)
Saturday, June 7th - Senior All-Night Party at BHS from 10 pm - 4 am
Common App
As a reminder, Common App officially opens for this year's Seniors starting on August 1st. This is the EARLIEST you can possibly submit an application to a school via Common App. If you have any questions prior to applying, please don't hesitate to reach out to the BHS Counseling Department or to any BHS Administrator and we would be more than happy to assist you. Common App can be a great option depending on your application plans, but there is no rush to get your applications in as soon as it opens. You want to make sure your application is as strong as possible prior to submitting and we are here to assist with that to the best of our abilities.
Parent Meeting for Class of 2025 (Presentation information included)
We held our meeting for the parents of all incoming Seniors last spring in preparation for students' Senior year. Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Grossfeld, and Ms. Farina discussed a number of different things that are part of a student's Senior year, including the college application process. Scholarships, FAFSA, and financial aid are all a part of that.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, linked below are three documents to help get you organized for your big senior year.
Class of 2025 - Future Senior Presentation
Future Senior Quick Info Sheet (this is a one-pager condensed version of the presentation)
Future Senior FAQs (we will continue to add questions and answers to this document as they arise)
We want Senior year to be a year students and parents enjoy, not something that is stressful for them! Having the right information and getting your questions answered is an important part of helping make that happen. We are here to help!
Scholarship Opportunities
We are regularly looking for potential scholarship for our students to help offset the cost of any type of postsecondary education our students pursue. One of these options is the scholarship directory. Within this directory, you can find scholarships available for a variety of different categories. Scholarships specific to this year's Seniors can be found here. You will find scholarship information for a multitude of scholarships dated as far out as August 31, 2025. You may also be interested in some of the Michigan-specific scholarships listed as a separate category. This page is one of many resources available for students when it comes to potential scholarship opportunities so we would encourage you to check it out! Our counseling website also includes pages for both local/state and national scholarships that your student may apply for.
Summer Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
Mr. Matt Evans (incoming 10th Grade), Mrs. Tracie Richards (incoming 12th Grade), Mr. Nate Grabowski (incoming 11th Grade), and Mrs. Jennifer Napuli have been at BHS this summer working hard to ensure that BHS is maximizing opportunities for our students and is firing on all cylinders when the students return for Back to School Registration at the end of August. If you need to meet with your student's Grade Level Principal for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out. If your student has a 504 and is returning to BHS this fall, you will be receiving an additional communication later on this summer offering you the opportunity to have your student's support plan continue as written, or the chance to meet to address any necessary changes. If your student has a 504 and is an incoming Freshman, you will be receiving an additional communication later on this summer asking you to set up a time to meet to discuss the plan in greater detail, in order to help facilitate a smooth transition to a new environment in the fall. To contact your student's Grade Level Principal, please see the information below:
Mr. Matt Evans (incoming 10th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4101
Email: evansm@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Tracie Richards (incoming 12th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4114
Email: richardst@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mr. Nate Grabowski (incoming 11th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4103
Email: grabown@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Jennifer Napuli (incoming 9th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4112
Email: napulij@brightonk12.com
BHS Counseling Department
The June Edition of the BHS Counseling Newsletter can be found here.
You can also view the BHS College and Career Calendar here.
As a reminder, if you would like to meet with your student's counselor for any reason, you can reach the Counseling Office at (810) 299-4150. You can also schedule an appointment with their counselor using the following links below:
Incoming 9th Grader: Mrs. Petit - https://bit.ly/MrsPetit
Incoming 10th Grader: Mrs. Caverly - https://bit.ly/MrsCaverly
Incoming 11th Grader: Mr. Miner - https://bit.ly/MrMiner
Incoming 12th Grader: Mrs. Grossfeld - https://bit.ly/MrsGrossfeld
BHS Students - Opportunities to Get Involved
Each year we remind students of the importance of finding ways to get involved within their school community. In addition to being academically engaged, another excellent way to accomplish this is through participation in BHS athletics or extracurricular clubs. We share this information now as many of our fall athletics teams have tryouts/practices prior to school starting. The same is true of some of our clubs/teams. As a reminder, we will have a Club/Athletics Fair for all clubs/athletic teams interested in participating during Freshman Back to School Registration (12 pm - 3 pm on Tuesday, August 27th) in the Auxiliary Gym. For more information on these groups, please see the information below:
2023/24 Yearbook Pick-Up
Yearbook Pick-Up is still going on. If your student has not yet picked up their yearbook, they will need to pick it up from the Main Office. As a reminder, summer office hours for the BHS Main Office will be from 7 am to 3 pm Monday through Thursday. These hours will continue until Thursday, August 15th.
If you are unsure if you purchased a yearbook or not, find out here.
If you did not order a yearbook, unfortunately, all of our extra copies have been purchased at this point in time. We will let you know if additional copies become available for any reason.
2023/24 Make-Up Exams
If your student was absent on one of the final exam days or needs to make up one of their 4th Quarter exams for any reason, they should do so prior to the start of the 2024 - 25 school year. BHS is open for make-up testing Monday through Thursday from 7 am to 3 pm through Thursday, August 8th. The building will be open 7 am to 3 pm Monday through Friday starting the week of August 12th. Students looking to test should plan to bring something to write with and any additional items required for their exam (i.e. calculators, notecard if allowed, etc.). Students looking to test should enter through the front of the school and check in at the Main Office. All testing needs to be completed by 3 pm.
Any exams not completed by the start of the school year will be returned to the classroom teacher. If no arrangement has been made with the teacher or the student's grade level principal, any "incomplete" may be changed to a "0" at that point in time, with an appropriate grade change taking place as a result.
Summer Food Service Outreach
Attached is a flyer that lists locations that will have summer food service available, as well as some other community outreach programs to support families in need. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may benefit from the services that are provided via this community outreach program.
Bus Drivers Needed
Become a bus driver today! Drivers are needed for the upcoming school year.
Quick Facts:
1) Paid Training/ Starting Wage (7.1.2024) is: $20.78/hr.
2) Sign-on bonus of:
$5,000.00 for a fully licensed full-time driver
$3,000 for a fully licensed substitute
$2,000 for a new driver who needs training
3) Student Ride Along Policy for school-age students.
4) Same schedule as your students - no daycare needed
5) Medical insurance or cash in lieu, vacation, sick, and snow day pay
Apply now at www. Livingstonesa.org or call (810) 299-3890
Brighton High School
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/465
Location: Brighton High School, Brighton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: (810)299-4100
Twitter: @BrightonHS