St. Paul Chong Hasang Bulletin
Sunday, January 5, 2025
The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord commemorates the revelation of Jesus Christ to all people. The readings depict the journey of the Magi who followed a star to worship the newborn King. Key themes include seeking closeness to God, embracing diversity, and recognizing the guiding signs in our lives.
- First Reading – Isaiah 60:1-6: Jerusalem, arise! Your light and the Lord’s glory shine upon you, attracting nations and kings. Joyfully, your sons and daughters return, bringing wealth and praise to the Lord.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 72: God’s wisdom and justice in the king will usher in an era of fairness, peace, and expansive dominion, earning tributes from afar and devotion from all nations.
- Second Reading – Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6: God’s grace entrusted to me reveals a mystery: Gentiles are fellow heirs with Jews, part of one body, sharing the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
- Gospel – Matthew 2:1-12: Magi from the east, guided by a star, sought the newborn King of the Jews in Jerusalem, unsettling King Herod and the city. Informed by religious leaders about the prophesied birth in Bethlehem, Herod deceitfully instructed the magi to report back after finding the child. Following the star, the magi reached Jesus, worshiping Him and offering gifts. They returned home by another way, divinely warned to avoid Herod.
Pastoral Direction for 2025
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?
(1 Corinthians 3:16)
Happy New Year to Our St. Paul Chong Ha Sang CCD & YG Families!
Wishing you all a year filled with good health, abundant happiness, and the everlasting grace of God upon each and every one of your families!
Christmas Choir Performance
We had a lovely performance by our CCD & Youth Group who performed three songs this Christmas Eve: "The Innkeeper" "O, Come All Ye Faithful" and "What Child Is This".
Thank you to all 10 brave performers: Natalie Kang (Kindergarten), Caleb Kang (1st Gr), Claire Kwon (3rd Gr), Audrey Kang (4th Gr), John Rhee (6th Gr), Brigid Park (8th Gr), Joseph Jo (8th Gr), Hojin Yang (Freshman), Aaron Oh (Freshman), William Kim (Senior)
A Special Thank you to Music Director: Amanda Roark of Top Note Performing Arts Academy (Northbrook, IL) for volunteering her time for the past four weeks to make it all possible. We hope to create more opportunities in the future for our children to shine through the love of music.
*Special thanks to Sue Lam for providing and writing the above content.
All photos were taken by Min Ho Simon Kim (Alex’s dad).
YG Winter Retreat
45 YG students went on a retreat at La Salle Manor, spending two nights and three days together. The retreat was supervised by YG Director Peter Kim and YG catechist Peter Joo, with 6 chaperones helping out.
On Friday, Father Michael celebrated Mass and delivered a heartfelt homily about the deep love parents have for their children. He shared how even parental worries stem from care and reminded everyone that, while it might not make sense now, they will one day recognize and appreciate it as love.
The retreat wasn’t just about faith—it was also a chance to make friends and create good memories together.
Thank You for Joining Our Christmas Photo Event with Santa!
Thank you to the CCD PTO for all their help in preparing for the event, and especially for bringing Santa all the way from the South Pole! Truly the best Santa ever!
A special and big thank you to 홍보부 차장님, Mr. Min Ho Simon Kim (Alex's dad), for taking all the wonderful pictures. He has kindly printed the photos and displayed them in the cafeteria—please feel free to take your picture. Last but not least, thank you to Father Michael and 관리장님 for decorating the photo set so beautifully!
*If you would like a digital copy, please email kmh1216@gmail.com or ymdirector@stpaulchong.org.
2025 Joint Youth Group Retreat
Join us for the 2025 Joint Youth Group Retreat with St. Andrew Kim, a transformative weekend filled with faith and fellowship!
Date: Friday, February 2 – Sunday, March 2
Location: Loyola University Retreat Ecology, 2710 S. Country Club Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Cost: $170
Registration: https://forms.gle/JS7oeeEWLqVkKb9d6
Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 12
Contact Information:
St. Paul: Peter Kim – ymad_yg@stpaulchong.org | 217.721.7179
St. Andrew: Elizabeth – oh.elizabeth1@gmail.com | 847.738.3344
*A bus will depart from St. Paul at 5:30 PM on Friday and return around 3 PM on Sunday. Alternatively, you may choose to drive directly to the retreat center.
Seating Reminder for Mass
To keep things running smoothly during Mass, please try to sit toward the inside of the pews. This will make it easier for latecomers to find their seats. We really appreciate your help!
<CCD & YG> Important Dates to Remember
<CCD & YG> Classes will resume on January 5.
<CCD> Confirmation Sponsor Seminar
Date: Sunday, January 26
Time: 11:45 AM ~ 12:45PM
Where: Room is TBD
<YG> 2025 Joint Youth Group Retreat
Date: Friday, February 2 ~ Sunday, March 2
Location: Loyola University Retreat Ecology, 2710 S. Country Club Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Cost: $170
Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 12
<CCD & YG> Lunar New Year / No CCD & YG : Joint Mass
Date: Sunday, February 2
<CCD> Safe Environment Training #2
Date: Sunday, February 9
Volunteer Sign-Up Link
Reading Volunteer Sign-Up
Annual Confession Helper
Parish Announcements
2025 Parish Contribution Pledge Form
As we begin the New Year, we invite you to support our parish by making a pledge. Pledge forms are available in the church lobby. Please complete the form and place it in the offering basket. Your prayerful participation is deeply appreciated.
Dates: January 4th, and 5th
2024 Church Contribution Tax Deduction Statement
Tax deduction statements have been sent to families who contributed to the church this year.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Father Michael on Retreat: No Weekday Mass (January 7-10)
Father Michael will be on retreat from Tuesday, January 7 to Friday, January 10, so there will be no weekday Mass during this time.
설날 (Lunar New Year) Memorial Mass
As the Lunar New Year begins, we invite those who wish to offer prayers for their ancestors, parents, and siblings who have passed away to join us for a special Mass. Please register for the Mass at the office.
Date: February 1 (Saturday) at 5 PM / February 2 (Sunday) at 7 AM and 11 AM
Communion for the Sick
Date: Wednesday, January 15, after Mass
To register, please contact the Sisters or the church office.
Classroom Clean-Up and Room Usage Reminder
Please ensure the classroom is returned to its original setup after your meeting and kindly adhere to the designated room usage times.
Self-Serve Kimbap and Cup Noodle
Self-serve kimbap and cup noodles are available in the cafeteria.
- Kimbap: $5
- Cup Noodles: $2
Please drop your cash or check in the sales box.
Thank you for your support!
2025 Spring Semester Registration for Ha-Sang Korean School
Full-Day Classes: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Grades
Course: Korean language, culture, and history
Duration: 16 weeks (January 18, 2025 ~ May 10, 2025)
Class Time: Saturdays, 9:30AM ~ 12:30PM
For the full annual schedule and more information, please visit our website:
*If you are a high school student and interested in helping as a Korean School Teacher Assistant, please contact the Korean School.
For Inquiries:
Phone: 224.714.9044 / Email: hasangkoreanedu@gmail.com
Rev. Sungjae Hwang
Sr. Insook Han and Sr. Migyeong Kim