Sha'arei Orah Announcements
Shabbat Vayikra-Zachor - 13 Adar II 5784 - March 22-23, 2024
Shabbat Schedule
Candle Lighting - 6:57 PM
Shacharit - 9:00 AM
Latest Shema (Magen Avraham) - 9:22 AM
Latest Shema (Gra & Baal HaTanya) - 10:03 AM
Tot Shabbat (ages 0-3 with parents) - 10:45 AM - Led by Aryeh Mellman
Youth Programming (ages 4+, drop-off) - 10:00 AM - End of Davening
Shabbat Ends - 7:59 PM
This week, in lieu of a formal drasha before mussaf, Rabbanit Sarna will be giving a post-kiddush shiur at 12 PM. A short Dvar Torah before mussaf to welcome Rabbanit Sarna will be given by Susie Ratner.
Kiddush this week is sponsored by the Spiritual Leader Search Committee and by the Board, in honor of Rabbanit Leah Sarna's first Shabbat as Spiritual Leader.
In the news...
We are thrilled to announce that Rabbanit Leah Sarna will begin her position as Sha'arei Orah's spiritual leader this Shabbat, March 23, 2024! Please join us for a community-wide shiur after kiddush, and invite other members of the community to help officially welcome her to Sha'arei Orah!
Childcare Update
Keep an eye out for the new signs and schedules for Shabbat childcare as we continue to progress in adding structure to the childcare programs. Please be patient with us as we trial some new ideas.
The childcare committee is open to feedback! Please reach out to Rachel Rabin with questions or ideas.
Kiddush Setup and Clean Up Sign Up
As a lay led shul, we ask that each member household sign up twice per year to help set up and clean up Kiddush. You can sign up here: "Kiddush setup/clean up signup sheet" Please add your name to two different weeks to ensure we have coverage. The next available date for sign up is April 27!
Childcare/Counselors Support Sign Up
We ask that each family with small children sign up twice per year to help support the counselors, ensuring the kids are where they are supposed to be. Sign up here: childcare/counselor signup sheet.. The next available date is next week, 3/23!
Meet the Sha'arei Orah Community
that this document will only be accessible to members of the google group. For more information, some samples, and directions on how to participate, please click here or simply send an email to with your introduction.
Support Sha'arei Orah
Kiddush and Sponsorships
Kiddush sponsorships are strongly encouraged!
Basic - $80
Enhanced - $125
Simcha - TBD
If you are interested in sponsoring Kiddush, please contact
Leining and Divrei Torah
The next available date for leining is 5/4/24 (Achrei Mot) - Google Sheet
For questions about Leining, please contact Matt Hamermesh.
The next available date to give a D'Var Torah is 6/1/24 (Bechukotai) - Google Sheet
For questions about Divrei Torah, please contact Moriah SimonHazani (
Misheberach List
Discretionary Fund
We are pleased to let you know that Sha'arei Orah, as a result of the efforts of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, now has a modest emergency fund to help relieve financial distress caused by COVID-19. The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is leading many Emergency Response efforts for our community. They generously created a grant to our shul's Discretionary Fund to support those of us in need. Additional information about the Fund can be found here.
These funds are intended to help those in need of food, medical assistance, rent/mortgage payments and/or medical expenses. If you are in need of assistance, or have any questions, please reach out to Susie Ratner and we will work to help as much as we are able. Your conversations will remain in the strictest of confidence.
May we all have a year of health, happiness, and prosperity.