Titan Orchestra Times - 2024-2025
The official newsletter of Centennial Orchestra
March Breakfast Social is Friday 3/14
Titan Orchestra Spring Awards Banquet
Student Officer Applications are open
Titan Orchestra Senior Scholarships
UIL Concert & Sightreading Schedules
Tuesday 2/25/25 @ Reedy High School
Wednesday 2/26/25 @ Reedy HS
Monday 3/3/25 @ Walnut Grove HS
Pre-UIL Concert 2/18 and 2/19
Local Youth Orchestras beginning auditions
Local Youth Orchestras are gearing up for auditions for next year. Joining a youth orchestra in addition to Titan Orchestra provides stronger musical skills, diverse learning opportunities, an expanded musical network, more performance opportunities, broader repertoire, leadership growth, and a boost to your resume. Check out the ones in our area below.
January Breakfast Social
Solo & Ensemble Details
Varsity (3B) Sectional Schedule
Student Volunteer Hours Available 1/24 and 1/25
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Trip
December Breakfast Social
Winter Concert Details
Volunteer Opportunities
Winter Concert Poinsettia Fundraiser!
Six Flags Registration
UIL Solo & Ensemble Registration
Halloween Social
October Breakfast Social
PINK Out Football Game
All-Region Success
Fall Concert Recordings
Spring Trip Registration Open until October 11th
Fall Concert, Thursday October 3rd
Student Volunteers
Lawler and Wester Beginner Concerts (Chamber Orchestra Only)
Concert Uniform Information
Uniforms provided by the Orchestra program
Black concert dress
Tuxedo jacket, tuxedo pants, and tie
Students will be fitted for their uniform during class and are responsible for their uniform for the entire school year.
Additional uniform supplies are required to be provided by the student
Dress Uniform
Black dress shoes (Close-toed, no more than 2” heels)
Tuxedo Uniform
Black dress shoes
Black socks
Formal, long-sleeved white tuxedo shirt (this is the style, families may purchase elsewhere in the same style)
Routine care of uniform
After each performance, it is strongly recommended that the black dress or tuxedo jacket be taken to the cleaners and dry-cleaned. Do not iron the dress or tuxedo. Removable sewn hems are permitted for dresses, but permanent alterations should not be made.
Collection of Uniforms
Any student who does not return the gown or tux by the announced date at the end of the year will have an “unclear record” form submitted to the office, and they will be unable to receive grades or register for the next semester until this obligation is met. Costs are: Dress ($112), Pants and Tuxedo Jacket ($112)
Titan Orchestra Spirit Night - Andy's Frozen Custard - 9/18
MoneyDolly Fundraiser
Our orchestra program continues to grow in numbers and talent, and we have huge things planned for them this year. We need to raise money to help fund student symphony trips, senior scholarships, uniform supplies, music, student awards & incentives, clinicians, social, and more. This year, we are partnering with MONEYDOLLY to assist us with our fundraiser. This fundraiser is super EASY to execute. Your student will NOT handle any money or products. They run this entire fundraiser from their phone using the MONEYDOLLY app.
A Message from our Booster Club
Hello Parents,
Welcome to the Titan Orchestra 24-25 school year! My name is Tracy Glasgow, and I am the CHS Orchestra Booster President this year. I have a senior that plays violin, and I’m looking forward to enjoying this last year participating in orchestra events.
We hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend. The fall season is upon us, and our first concert will be here in about a month. We will need help on September 17th & 18th fitting and distributing uniforms with Wylie from Tuxedo Connect. Please sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/chsorchuniforms
Also please make sure to complete the required FISD background check here: https://friscoisd.voly.org
We have a parent WhatsApp group that can be found here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FUcMxfvN7lAB4UqGzHYF3q
We are looking forward to a great year!
Fall Concert Dress Rehearsal
All-Region and All-State Information
All-Region and All-State are individual competition opportunities that all students are encouraged to prepare for. The process of preparing for an audition teaches goal setting, discipline, problem solving, and patience. Practicing and preparing challenging music makes students better players and helps develop a continuous growth mindset, whether they audition or not.
Students interested in auditioning for All-Region and/or All-State should start working on the material now with their private lesson teachers. Please take a moment to learn more about the All-Region and All-State process below
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Back to School Social RSVP closes 9/2
24-25 Student T-Shirt Design - Under the Sea
Beginning of the year Action Items
Private Lesson Registration
Interested in Private Lessons?
Private lessons provide your student the opportunity to have individual attention to their instrument. This individual attention will allow your student to grow rapidly as a player and musician. The benefits of private lessons include supplemental one-on-one focused instruction to help students reach their full potential on their instrument; additional attention to students' individualized goals; and a competitive edge in orchestra placement, All-Region, and Solo & Ensemble each year. Private lessons improve a student's technique and allow them to learn increasingly complex music that top-level orchestras play. Students aspiring to join the Virtuosi or Chamber groups are expected to be in private lessons as the rigor of the music demands specialized attention.
Returning students must complete the registration form to reserve your position in our CHS Private Lesson Program.
Orchestra Calendar
Titan Orchestra Website
Parents and Students: Click on the link below to join your orchestra's
All students should be registered for their own class Remind!
Follow us!
Required Student Supply List
Please have your instrument and supplies, 1" black binder with front pocket, dividers, and zipper bag, by the 1st day of school!
Routine Instrument Care
Reach out to your instrument vendor to set up an appointment and to see if you can drop it off. This can take time as most luthiers are also preparing for the next school year so don't wait!
Centennial High School Booster Club Needs Your Support
The Centennial Orchestra Booster Club is an integral part of the orchestra’s growth. Parents will donate countless hours to figure out ways to raise money for the Centennial Orchestra. They will volunteer to help out at concerts, receptions, contests; the list goes on and on.
Students really enjoy all of the “extra” things that happen in orchestra. We go on trips, have parties, compete in contests, eat lots of food, and so much more! We look forward to maintaining traditions!
All of these “extra” things are not free. Students want to see the traditions thrive. They will carry on as long as we have parents to volunteer and help raise the necessary funds to do so.
A small number of parents cannot continue to do all of the work for an orchestra this size. The booster club, the Centennial Orchestra, and the directors need help from ALL parents.
The orchestra’s school accounts and budget only take care of a very small amount of the monetary needs of the Centennial Orchestra. Fundraising and parent help is essential.
Parent volunteers are needed in the following ways:
Serving at concert receptions
Helping to prepare/set up/serve at the Orchestra Banquet at the end of the year
Spring Trip Chaperone
Field Trip Chaperone
Orchestra Party Chaperone
Offering to pick up food or drinks for an orchestra function or party
Being a member of the booster club board
In order for this orchestra to run efficiently, ALL must contribute. The CHS Orchestra students deserve the best! Parents, you have wonderful children, and they should get to experience every opportunity that the CHS Orchestra has to offer.
Email centorchbooster@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering your time and/or joining the Titan Orchestra Booster Board.