Parent and Community Update
September 13, 2024

December 20, 2024 #9
Survey Extended
We're Listening
If you haven't already, we invite you to participate in the survey for families, community members, and staff. The survey will be open through December 23!
The survey, which launched December 6, is designed to further expand the superintendent's understanding of the community's needs and aspirations. It includes questions related to curriculum, instruction, assessment, student support, facilities, finances, operations, and technology. A separate communications-focused survey will follow in the coming weeks.
Staff, parents, and guardians received an email with a link to the survey. Check your email or simply click the link or scan the QR code!
Subcommittees Scheduled to Begin on January 7
Board members, parents, teachers, staff, students, and community members will begin meeting on Tuesday, January 7 to build on the work of focus groups, surveys, and interviews. The subcommittees will focus on critical areas with the goal of ensuring that all voices are heard and that the education plan reflects the collective input of the community.
Twelve subcommittee meetings for six key areas will be scheduled throughout the year, each led by corresponding District administrators. The insights gained from these meetings will play a central role in shaping the final Comprehensive Education Plan, which is due to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by September 2025.
Snow Day Decisions
Just a reminder that the first three snow days will be traditional snow days and there will be no school.
I recognize that many of you are wondering how decisions regarding inclement weather, such as snow delays and cancellations, are made. I'd like to share an overview of the process I follow when making these important decisions.
The steps outlined below reflect my approach, with the primary focus on student safety. I know that hundreds of teenage drivers will be on the road and thousands more will be boarding buses. Their safety is my absolute top priority. I also recognize the importance of providing ample notice, as I understand firsthand the challenges parents face when arranging childcare or adjusting their daily routines.
I rely on weather information from the National Weather Service. As a weather event develops, I monitor changes, including the expected timing, duration, and amount of precipitation forecasted.
As the storm grows closer, I may consult with several key individuals, including Tom Jenkins in transportation, the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) -- which hosts a 4 a.m. call with other local school districts -- and depending on the severity of the storm, the State Department of Transportation (DOT).
At times, based on the forecast, I may be able to make a decision the night before. However, storms can be unpredictable, and there are times when I must wait to see how conditions unfold before making a final call.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about this process.
High School Celebrates Ches-Mont Fall All League Selections
Congratulations to:
- Cross Country First Team: Kaitlin Kipp
- Girls Tennis Singles: Anais Ritz
- Golf Honorable Mention: Juan Garzaron
- Volleyball Second Team: Ella Sheehan, PJ Mendoza, Rebecca Baldwin
Congratulations to:
- Field Hockey First Team: Margo Schwarz, Stella Houghton, Marlis Kotz, Marissa Herring
- Second Team: Evelyn Guzzio , Charlotte Mack
- Honorable Mention: Morgan Carter, Katie Hanrahan
- Football First Team: Tyler Biel, Jacob Thompson, Aiden Ritch, Gaven Ritch, Ian Guyer, Pierce Duckworth, Eli Frazier, Shay Barker
- Honorable Mention: JoAlex Carbajal, Hunter Taylor, Garrett McCracken
Congratulations to:
- Boys Soccer First Team: Enrique Ortiz, Morgan Pelletier,
- Second Team: Kevin Avila, Jonatan Mendez, John Tuley
- Honorable Mention: Joshua Gruenwald, Coleman Riblett
- Girls Soccer First Team: Reese Rising
- Second Team: Claire Cofran, Maura Keitch
- Honorable Mention: Charlotte Davies, Evvy Hackley, Ava Schlosser
Greenwood STEM Students Support Native Plants
Fundraiser Supported Their Effort
Each year, 4th and 5th grade STEM students are given the opportunity to create an action plan that makes a positive impact on their community. For the past two years, a group of students have focused their efforts on “Operation Courtyard Rescue,” an initiative designed to promote the growth and spread of native plants around the community to support local wildlife, particularly pollinators. Seeds for this year’s fundraiser were harvested from Greenwood’s courtyard.
The funds raised through this project directly benefit the school’s Hydroponics program, which provides fresh greens to the area food cupboard and occasionally delivers fresh basil to staff members. The students' hard work not only fosters environmental awareness but also helps contribute to food security in the community.
To further support this important cause, Greenwood Elementary sold seeds this past week that will encourage the growth of native plants and contribute to the preservation of local ecosystems.
New Science Pilot at the Middle School
Kennett Middle School science classes will be piloting a new program called TWIG, designed to provide a hands-on, engaging learning experience. Each grade will focus on a specific science area: 6th grade on Earth and Space Science, 7th grade on Life Science, and 8th grade on Physical Science. TWIG emphasizes real-world investigations and STEM career explorations, helping students connect science to their everyday lives. The program aligns with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and includes 3-D performance assessments to evaluate both knowledge and application. The District piloted another science program last Spring and will be analyzing both to determine a path forward for middle school science curriculum in the future!
Bancroft Students Experiment with Clay, Paint, and More
Mrs. Bergman's art room at Bancroft Elementary was busy last month as students explored culture and art. Grade 5 students concentrated on Day of the Dead skulls using clay, flowers, and bright colors to honor loved ones for Día de los Muertos.
Colder weather and comfort food inspired the exploration into Andy Warhol and the process of printmaking. Grade 4 students were surrounded by soup cans for inspiration and then donated the cans to the Kennett food drive.
The month ended with a clay project with first grade artists who rolled out clay to make their own gingerbread people. They enjoyed sculpting details like icing and gumdrop buttons -- a hint of delicious things to come in the holiday season!
New Garden Elementary Construction Continues
Principal Weaver Tours the Construction Site
As the "new" New Garden Elementary takes shape, the anticipation is real! Construction will continue through 2026 with a new building opening for the 2026 - 2027 school year. Check out the photos from Principal Weaver's tour as well as a video taken last month. The countdown continues!