Principal Update - BHS Families
December 8, 2024
In This Edition...
- Upcoming Events
- Operation Christmas Wishes Update
- 2nd Quarter Progress Report Grades - Visible in StudentConnect/ParentConnect on 12/12
- 1st FAFSA Night at BHS - December 12th (Register by 12/10)
- 2025/26 Group Scheduling Meetings
- 2025/26 Scheduling Presentation
- Class of 2027 (Current Sophomores) Dual Enrollment/CTE/Early Middle College Parent Meeting @ 6 pm in STEAM Center - 12/10
- Course/Curriculum Videos
- Signing Day
- Classes for Next Year Requiring Applications
- Upcoming Lunch and Learn (International Sales/Account Manager) - *12/11 During Advisory in STEAM Center
- National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Charity Applications
- 2024/25 Unified Basketball Season - Practice Starts 12/16
- Message from the BHS PTO
- Senior Specific Information - *Includes December Senior Bulletin from Mrs. Richards and Information on Senior All Night Party Ticket and Yard Sign Purchasing
- Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
- BHS Counseling Department
- Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
- Weekly Wellness Lesson
- Brighton Orchestra Boosters Fundraiser - Tuesday, December 10th at Panda Express
- Mental Strength Training Workshop
- Big Bang Boom BCPA Show
- Previous Resources - Links Included
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, December 10th - Brighton Orchestra Boosters Fundraiser at Panda Express from 10:30 am to 10 pm
Tuesday, December 10th - Class of 2027 (Current Sophomores) Dual Enrollment/CTE/Early Middle College Parent Meeting @ 6 pm in BHS STEAM Center (More Information Below)
Tuesday, December 10th - Holiday Band Concert at 7 pm in BCPA
Wednesday, December 11th - Curriculum Videos Shown to All Students During Advisory
Wednesday, December 11th - Lunch and Learn (International Sales/Account Manager) in STEAM Center During Advisory
Thursday, December 12th - 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Visible to Parents and Students (Via ParentConnect/StudentConnect)
Thursday, December 12th - FAFSA Night in BHS Media Center at 6 pm (Register by 12/10)
Friday, December 13th - ASVAB Testing (Must Sign Up) in BHS Media Center During 1st and 2nd Hours
Friday, December 13th - Operation Christmas Wishes Gift Delivery to Perry ELC
Friday, December 13th - BHS Choir Concert at 7 pm in BCPA
Sunday, December 15th - Senior Survivor Charity Applications Due (More Information Below)
Tuesday, December 17th - Signing Day at BHS (More Information Below)
Wednesday, December 18th - Classes for 2025/26 School Year Entered into Student Connect and Scheduling Sheets Turned in to English Teachers
Wednesday, December 18th - Orchestra Concert at 7 pm in BCPA
Saturday, December 21st through Sunday, January 5th - Winter Break
Operation Christmas Wishes Update
We are so appreciative for all of the support we have already received for Operation Christmas Wishes this year! Many of you have made donations to the cause, donated items for the bake sale, tape and wrapping paper for gift wrapping, or whipped cream/candy for hot chocolate and candy grams. We couldn't do it without you! For a look into what last year's experience was like for our students and the recipients of your support, check out this video!
As you know, our Leadership class has been busy raising funds to supply over 400 children at Perry Early Learning Center in Ypsilanti, Michigan with gifts, hats, gloves, and other necessities. I am so glad to be able to share that they have met their $18,500 goal! Thank you again to our BHS families and the Brighton community for the neverending support in helping make it happen.
The Wrapping Committee Needs Tape:
2nd Quarter Progress Report Grades
1st FAFSA Night at BHS - Thursday, December 12th (Register by 12/10)
As you may know, the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is NOW OPEN. Our goal is to make the college application and financial aid process as easy for you as possible. With this in mind, we will be hosting a few different FAFSA and financial aid nights/workshops to assist you in actually filling out the appropriate paperwork and also let you know what options are available out there.
The first of these nights will be on Thursday, December 12th at 6 pm in the BHS Media Center. Register here by 12/10. We hope to see you there if there is anything we can do to help you with your FAFSA Application!
The Assistant Director of a University Financial Aid Department and our College Advisor, Ms. Farina, will be hosting this event.
Senior families are invited to come and complete their FAFSA with assistance available if they have questions. The Senior and parent must have each created a FSA ID at least three days ahead of time.
Pizza will be provided!
2025/26 Student Scheduling Information
2025/26 Group Scheduling Meetings
On Wednesday, December 4th, current 9th through 11th graders took part in group scheduling meetings for the 2025/26 school year. These meetings were conducted by their grade-level counselor and grade-level principal. At this point, students should have received their course selection sheet for next year. If they have not, please have them stop by the Counseling Office to pick one up. Other important dates as it relates to next year's scheduling include:
- Wednesday, December 11th - Curriculum Videos During Advisory
- Tuesday, December 17th - Signing Day for Students (sign-offs on core classes and ability to visit elective options)
- Wednesday, December 18th - Students Turn in Course Selection Sheets to English Teachers (should also have course selections entered into Student Connect)
- Monday, January 6th through Friday, February 28th - One On One Individual Scheduling Meetings with Students and their Grade-Level Counselor
2025/26 Scheduling Presentation
Both students and parents should have received the scheduling presentation via e-mail that was shared with students on Wednesday. If you did not receive it for any reason, a copy of the presentation can be found here.
We would encourage you to check in with your student(s) about what they would like to do with their schedule next year. If they/you have any questions after reviewing the presentation or the links included within it, please don't hesitate to reach out to their grade-level counselor or grade-level principal. We are here to help and oftentimes, there is much more flexibility than students realize in what they can do with their schedule while still meeting graduation requirements to earn their diploma!
Class of 2027 (Current Sophomores) Dual Enrollment/CTE/Early Middle College Parent Meeting @ 6 pm in STEAM Center
On Tuesday, December 10th from 6 - 7 pm in the BHS STEAM Center, there will be an optional meeting for parents of students that are currently Sophomores. As we begin conversations around class selection for NEXT YEAR, there will be options available to them that they may want to take advantage of as early as next year, and need to be able to plan accordingly. Some of these options that will be discussed, in addition to standard scheduling decisions include:
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) options both at BHS and other county schools
- Advanced Placement course offerings
- DEEP Program
- Dual enrollment options
- Livingston County Early College programs
Course/Curriculum Videos
Now that grade-level group scheduling meetings have been completed, we are shifting the focus to prepare for Signing Day on the 17th. In order to do this:
- Students will watch the CORE class curriculum videos over the next week or so (need to see them BEFORE Signing Day on 12/17). They should also be talking with their core class teachers to determine what class would be most appropriate for them to take next year.
- During Advisory on Wednesday (12/11), teachers will be showing the Electives Curriculum Video to determine what classes they may
This will help students prepare for Signing Day. Students will be filling out their scheduling sheets between now and Tuesday, 12/17 and will also be entering their selections into Student Connect. The scheduling sheets will be due to their English teachers on Wednesday, 12/18.
Signing Day
As you know, Signing Day will be taking place on Tuesday, December 17th this year. There will be an alternate schedule on this day. A few reminders as it relates to Signing Day:
- Students will have the opportunity to visit 4 different classes for 10 minutes each to learn more about some of the classes we offer at BHS. This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about specific programs and what they can provide for the students. Please encourage your student(s) to visit classes that they may be interested in or that align with a potential future career path as opposed to selecting classes to visit based on where their friends are headed.
- Please have your student review the room locations for classes for Signing Day to make sure they know where they are headed on the 18th.
- The instructional portion of the day will begin with 1st Hour at 8:55 am. Seniors will not be required to be in the building until that point in time.
Classes for Next Year Requiring Applications
Certain classes at BHS require an application to be completed and reviewed to determine if a student is able to enroll in a class or not. If your student is specifically interested in taking one of these classes next year, please remind them about the application expectation. Applications can be picked up from the Counseling Office starting January 6th when we return from Winter Break.
Upcoming Lunch and Learn (International Sales/Account Manager) - Wednesday, 12/11 During Advisory
We are excited to announce that our next Lunch and Learn will be on Wednesday, December 11th during Advisory! The following information has been shared with our students:
Our next Lunch and Learn will be on Wednesday, December 11th during Advisory!
- Report to the STEAM Center this week immediately following 4th hour
- They will be presenting material from 11 am - 11:55 am, then students will be released to go to C Lunch
- We will have light snacks and refreshments available
- Students do NOT need a pass to attend these.
- When you arrive, you will need to scan a QR Code for attendance, so you are not marked unexcused absent from Advisory.
- You may not come late or leave early to attend a different lunch.
The next Lunch and Learn presenter will be:
Date = Wednesday, 12/11/24
Topic = International Sales/Account Manager
Tracy Trupiano
Analog Devices
We hope that you can encourage your student(s) to take advantage of these opportunities to talk to professionals from various careers!
National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Charity Applications
The National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Committee is looking for charities to be the beneficiary of this year's Senior Survivor Fundraiser. If you know of any charities that may want to apply, please feel free to forward the flyer with them. All interested applicants must also fill out the Google Form to submit their interest in being selected as this year's charity.
Important information for any interested charities:
- Applications are due by December 15th, 2024.
- Charities will be evaluated by Brighton Area Schools Administration in a timely manner.
- All charities will be asked to submit a short, two-minute video highlighting their charity.
- Charities need to email their video, or a link to their video, to nhs@brightonk12.com
- Videos will be due by January 5th.
- National Honor Society Members will view videos and participate in blind voting.
2024/25 Unified Basketball Season - Practice Starts 12/16
The 2024/25 Brighton Unified Basketball season is starting soon! We are encouraging students to come join the inclusion revolution! If your student is interested in participating and they have not done so already, they need to stop by either Room A7 (Mrs. Renicker) or Room C27 (Mr. Doupe) to sign up. Practice starts on Monday, December 16th right after school.
Message from the BHS PTO
Next PTO Meeting: January 14th @ 7:30 am in Main Office Conference Room
Please see the message below from the BHS PTO:
We will be celebrating our BHS Staff this December with a Holiday Gift Card Giveaway and Woot Woot Treat Train. If you would like to help make this effort a success, please see the signup.
We have provided some slots for local businesses. You can drop these gift cards to the main office, attn: PTO.
We have also made an Amazon wish list for easy shipping directly to us.
We typically give gift cards ranging from $5-$25, in order to get enough for everyone.
Please have all items turned in by Friday 12/13.
Thank you for donating!
Senior Specific Information
Senior Specific Dates/Events
Here are some important dates included below that you may want to put on your calendar now and your student may want to participate in.
Sunday, December 1st - FAFSA is Open!
Wednesday, December 11th - Lunch N Learn (International Sales/Account Manager)
Thursday, December 12th - FAFSA Night
Friday, January 10th - Senior Recognition Ads Due
Wednesday, January 15th - Lunch N Learn (Finance/Banking/Mortgages)
Monday, January 27th - Baby Pictures Due
Wednesday, January 29th - Lunch N Learn (Pharmaceutical Sales)
Wednesday, February 5th - Lunch N Learn (Nursing)
Wednesday, February 5th - Junior vs. Senior Volleyball Game in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 7:30 pm
Wednesday, February 12th - Lunch N Learn (Engineering)
Wednesday, March TBD - Lunch N Learn (Law Enforcement)
Wednesday, March 5th - Senior Class Council 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Wednesday, March 12th - Lunch N Learn (Fire Authority)
Tuesday, April 1st - Senior Photos/Videos due for the Senior Video
Wednesday, April 16th - Mandatory Spring Senior Meeting during Advisory
Tuesday, April 22nd - Graduation Speech Tryouts 7 am and 2:30 pm in D47
Tuesday, April 22nd - Staff vs. Student Basketball Game
Wednesday, April 23rd - Lunch N Learn (Construction Trades)
Tuesday, April 29th - Graduation Song Tryouts 2:30 pm in LGI (Old Choir Room)
Friday, April 25th - BHS Lip Dub
Wednesday, May 7th - Lunch N Learn (International Business)
Wednesday, May 15th - Lunch N Learn (Clinical & Pediatric Psychology)
Monday, May 19th to Friday, May 23rd - National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Week
Tuesday, May 27th - Seniors' Last Full Day
Wednesday, May 28th to Friday, May 30th - Senior Exams
Thursday, May 29th - Senior Sunset in the BHS Stadium starting @ 8 pm
Friday, May 30th - Cap and Gown Pick Up starting @ 8 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Walk at BHS starting @ 9:45 am (family and friends encouraged to attend)
Friday, May 30th - Senior Picnic in the BHS Stadium following the Senior Walk @ approx. 10:30 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Elementary Walk (more information to come) @ approx. 11:30 am
Wednesday, June 4th - Summa Cum Laude Breakfast (invite only) in the BHS Cafeteria @ 8 am (parents invited)
Wednesday, June 4th - MANDATORY Graduation Practice in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 10 am
Friday, June 6th - Brighton High School Commencement Ceremony in the BHS Stadium @ 7 pm (rain date is Saturday, June 7th @ 7pm)
Saturday, June 7th - Senior All-Night Party at BHS from 10 pm - 4 am
Recent Senior Communication from Mrs. Richards and Senior Information Sheet
Hi Seniors!
The 2nd quarter is cruising right along! I know that many of you have heard back from some colleges, college coaches, and recruiting offices already. I'd love to hear about your exciting news, whether you are going to college, into the military, a trade school, traveling, have an internship or going right into the workforce! Send me an email, stop by the main office, or stop by our table at lunch and share the excitement!
I have a few goals for you this month:
- Complete your FAFSA, regardless of what your plans are next year. FAFSA Night is Thursday, December 12th at 6 pm in the BHS Media Center. Click on this form to sign up by 12/10!
- Start filling out some scholarship applications. You'll be amazed at how much it can help pay for your future!
- Stay on top of your academics. For many of you, "Senioritis" is kicking in, but now is not the time to let your grades slip. Stay engaged, you've got this!
- FAFSA is now open!
- Upcoming College Fairs
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship Update & Additional Scholarship Opportunities
- Upcoming Lunch N Learns (12/11 - International Sales - see below for more info)
- Senior All Night Party Info & Volunteers for Planning
I've also included repeat information at the bottom so that it's all in one place for you. Families can refer to Mr. Evans weekly communications as well, so there is some overlap of information. We are trying to be as proactive as possible to help you have a successful year. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!!
~Mrs. Richards
A few items that you still have the option to complete include:
Senior Class Video Submissions - see slides 15-17 of Senior Meeting Presentation
- Click on this link to submit images & video
Baby Picture Submissions - see slides 18-19 of Senior Meeting Presentation
- Click on this link to submit baby pictures
Senior All Night Party - Ticket and Yard Sign Information Included
Please see the following message from the Chair of the Senior All Night Party Committee:
ALL PARENTS!!! It's that time of year where we start recruiting parents that want to be a part of the planning committee for the Senior All Night Party (SANP). We have a few openings due to last year's members' kids graduating.
What has made the party so successful is having underclassmen parents be a part of the planning - so just because you don't have a Senior does not mean you cannot help. WE NEED underclassmen committee members to ease some of the burden on Senior parents and to help with consistency year to year.
If you are interested in being on the planning committee, please either reach out to me (Michelle Letendre) via messenger or email at michelleletendre@gmail.com
Additional Info:
To order your senior's SANP ticket, click on THIS LINK.
To order the yard sign, click on THIS LINK. (*note - this yard sign is different from the one that you will receive as part of your senior fee. The senior fee yard sign will have their senior picture on it. This yard sign is a general "Class of 2025" yard sign, and is a fundraiser for the Senior All Night Party.)
NOTE - this is only recruiting people that want to be a part of the planning - not volunteer just the night of. That request will come out after Spring Break.
Financial Aid Information for Class of 2025 Families
Hello Senior Families,
Financial Aid season is right around the corner! This means it's time to get ready to complete the 25-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as it is NOW OPEN. Regardless of what the plan for after high school is, we encourage every Senior family to fill out the FAFSA. This email includes many financial aid resources for your convenience.
Here's what you can start doing NOW in terms of financial aid:
- Each Senior and a parent should aim to create their FSA IDs prior to December 1st. (They take time to verify)
- Use this tool or this resource to find out which parent(s) needs to be part of the FAFSA process.
- Attend a financial aid webinar or watch this recorded webinar.
- Learn about the Community College Guarantee and Michigan Achievement Scholarship. Informational webinars can be found here.
- Look into scholarships offered at the schools you are applying to. Local scholarships are updated here throughout the year. National scholarships can be found at websites such as Going Merry, Fastweb, CollegeBoard Big Futures, and many more.
- Reach out if you have questions. I am here to help students and families with anything college-related, including financial aid! (farinac@brightonk12.com)
Why should I fill out the FAFSA?
- Everybody is eligible for some amount of financial aid. You won't know what you qualify for unless you fill out the FAFSA.
- It is the only way to qualify for the Community College Guarantee, and is necessary to be considered for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
- You are planning to attend college OR a career training program after high school.
- It allows schools to consider you for more scholarships, grants, and other aid.
- It's FREE and you do NOT have to accept any of the aid that is offered to you.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Clarice Farina
Brighton High School
College Adviser - Advise MI
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & every other Monday
Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
If you need to meet with your student's Grade Level Principal for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out. If your student has a 504 and returned to BHS this fall, you should have received an additional communication offering you the opportunity to have your student's support plan continue as written, or the chance to meet to address any necessary changes. If your student has a 504 and is a Freshman, you have received an additional communication asking you to set up a time to meet to discuss the plan in greater detail, in order to help facilitate a smooth transition to a new environment this year. To contact your student's Grade Level Principal, please see the information below:
Mr. Matt Evans (10th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4101
Email: evansm@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Tracie Richards (12th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4114
Email: richardst@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mr. Nate Grabowski (11th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4103
Email: grabown@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Jennifer Napuli (9th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4112
Email: napulij@brightonk12.com
BHS Counseling Department
The November Edition of the BHS Counseling Newsletter can be found here.
As a reminder, if you would like to meet with your student's counselor for any reason, you can reach the Counseling Office at (810) 299-4150. You can also schedule an appointment with their counselor using the following links below:
9th Grader: Mrs. Petit - https://bit.ly/MrsPetit
10th Grader: Mrs. Caverly - https://bit.ly/MrsCaverly
11th Grader: Mr. Miner - https://bit.ly/MrMiner
12th Grader: Mrs. Grossfeld - https://bit.ly/MrsGrossfeld
Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
As a part of the BAS Strategic Plan, we are always trying to find ways to maximize and support student growth. One of many ways we do this is through the Brighton Area Schools App. This app can be downloaded for free on iTunes and Google Play. It is loaded with resources for students and parents. In addition, consider using the "Your Best, Your Growth, Your Future" part of the app to submit a goal and receive 1:1 support and feedback to help you achieve it! The app will also allow you to receive notifications on what is happening throughout BAS and be updated on future events and information.
Weekly Wellness Lesson
Each week, we will be sharing out a weekly tip/resource with our families. This week's tip:
"Thank You..."Upcoming Community Events and Opportunities for Students
Brighton Orchestra Boosters Fundraiser - Tuesday, December 10th at Panda Express
On Tuesday, December 10th, Panda Express will be donating 20% back to the BAS Orchestra Boosters from 10:30 am to 10 pm on any orders made using the Code 3831444. You can also bring in the informational flyer, pull it up on your phone, or order via the Panda Express App or website. Thank you in advance for your support of the BAS Orchestra Boosters!
Mental Strength Training Workshop - Brighton Area Schools Alumni Association
This year, the Brighton Area Schools Alumni Association is again offering a Mental Strength Training Workshop for students in grades 5-12.
The Workshop is offered on Monday, January 13th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the BHS STEAM Center
Their goal is to prepare students to examine strategies and techniques concerning self-talk. They want to help students see how thoughts impact our overall well-being and to learn coping strategies for overthinking/ruminating and criticism.
The sessions are taught by: Kelsey Gustafson, owner of Kelsey Gustafson Coaching LLC, who earned a MS in Sport & Human Performance from Adler University and a BS in Psychology & Communication Studies from Albion College. Kelsey has a competitive figure skating background and competed in volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
See the informational flyer for more information.
Early registration is a $35 donation to BAS Alumni Association Scholarships, while
a $50 at-the-door registration donation is requested for those that register on the same day as the workshop.
More information and online registration available at www.BrightonMIAlumni.com/Events
Each student receives a handout of content covered along with additional resources. This is an active session with hands-on exercises and student interaction.
Big Bang Boom BCPA Show
What: An all-ages Rock adventure, Big Bang Boom is the ultimate music experience for kids and adults!
Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Brighton Center for the Performing Arts
7878 Brighton Rd, Brighton, MI 48116
Tickets: ($10 - child, $20 - adult) available at www.brightonperformingarts.com/events
Contact: (810) 299-4130Details: The ultimate rock experience for kids and adults! Ideal for pre-K to 3rd grade, their cool music is loved by parents and educators alike. With performances at KindieFest, Kidzapalooza, HangOut Fest, and countless library and school shows, Big Bang Boom is a trusted name in family entertainment. Don’t miss their Emmy Award-winning “Read to Succeed” track! Bring the excitement to your little ones for a rocking, educational adventure.
Previous Resources - Links Included
- ASVAB Opportunity - Friday, December 13th at 7:30 am in BHS Media Center (Sign-Up via QR Code)
- 2024/25 Brighton High School Tutoring List
- BHS National Honor Society Tutoring
- Updated Lunch and Learn Schedule
- Order a Yearbook
- Student Scholarship Directory
- BHS Career and College Event Calendar
- Upcoming College Fairs
- Fentanyl Fathers Presentation to BHS Seniors
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Information
- County-Wide Mental Health Network Resources
- County-Wide Mental Health Network Newsletter
- Tall Cop Says Stop November Newsletter
Brighton High School
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/465
Location: Brighton High School, Brighton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: (810)299-4100
Twitter: @BrightonHS