News from the Nest
January 10, 2025
The Weeks Ahead
Monday, 1/13 (Day 2)
-HSA Meeting - VF Library 7pm
Tuesday, 1/14 (Day 3)
Wednesday, 1/15 (Day 4)
Thursday, 1/16 (Day 1)
-Group Picture Day - 9:00-10:00am
-Reading Olympics - 3:30-4:10pm
Friday, 1/17 (Day 2)
-Spirit Day: K-Yellow, 1st-Blue, 2nd-Green, 3rd-Red, 4th-Pink, 5th-Purple
-Jr Hawks Event: 6:00-7:30pm
Monday, 1/20
-No School for Students - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, 1/21 (Day 3)
Wednesday, 1/22 (Day 4)
-5th Grade Pathways Visit
Thursday, 1/23 (Day 1)
-Service Hawks: 8:00-8:30am
Friday, 1/24 (Day 2)
-5th Grade Tributes Due
-Spirit Day: NBA/76ers
-Spirit Assembly
Urban Air Fundraiser is Tomorrow!
It's not too late to join us tomorrow, January 11th, for Spirit Night from 5-7pm at Urban Air Royersford!
Receive a $5 discount on the Ultimate Access package by mentioning "Spirit Night" when purchasing your tickets at the desk.
This event is not limited to Vernfield Students and all ages are welcome so bring the whole family (and any friends!) for a fun night out to support our students HSA!
Let us know you are coming and sign the waiver in order to expedite your check-in:
20% of proceeds of all Spirit Night tickets will go toward our HSA budget to support our Vernfield Students.
*This is not a drop-off event. All children must be accompanied by an adult.*
January HSA Meeting
Please join us on Monday, January 13th at 7pm in the Library for the first Home and School Meeting of 2025! Learn more about the exciting events that are being planned for students this year, including Jr Hawks, Lip Sync and more.
Babysitting will be provided in the 2nd Grade Pod.
Pre-register today for Junior Hawks Night Out
This free event will take place on Friday, January 17th from 6:00-7:30pm in the Vernfield gym.
Please pre-register at tinyurl.com/JrHawks2025
Please remember that each child must be accompanied by an adult and no siblings are permitted.
In order for this event to be a success, the planning committee needs volunteers. Please sign-up to volunteer at the event at tinyurl.com/volunteerJrHawks2025
Attention 5th Grade Parents!
The Vernfield Elementary School Yearbook Committee is putting together 5th grade tributes for the 2024/2025 yearbook and we need your help to ensure that your student(s) has a special tribute to treasure for years to come.
Please click on the link below to complete the Google form response portion of the tribute for your student(s).
Please email two (see below photo requirements) photos to vernfieldyb@gmail.com no later than Friday, January 24, 2025.
-Subject line format: Students name (first and last), grade, teacher, 5th grade tribute. (EX: John Smith 5th grade Healey 5th grade tribute)
*Please include 1 photo of your 5th grader when they were younger. (preferably when they were under a year old if possible)
*Please include 1 photo of your 5th grader from this past school year. The photo can be from the first day of school, a school spirit day or any other fun day from the year.
If there are any questions please send an email to, vernfieldyb@gmail.com
Join Us at Spirit's Skate Party Fundraiser!
Vernfield Home & School Association will be hosting our 3rd annual Spirit’s Skate Party on Sunday, February 2nd, 2025.
The event is held at Inline 309 in Hatfield and will be from 1:00-2:30pm. Tickets are $15/per skater and are purchased that day at the door.
This event is open to all, so your children may bring a friend! Family, friends or siblings not skating, do not require a ticket.
Our 5th grade class will be hosting a bake sale at the event, so bring cash to support them!
Any 5th grade students and families can sign up to volunteer at the bake sale below. All bake sale monies will go towards the 5th grade picnic.
Questions? Reach out to Diane Meyer - Szish.diane@yahoo.com.
HSA Vacancies for 2025-2026
The Vernfield HSA is very thankful for the dedicated parents and family members who lead and support the many HSA-sponsored activities throughout the school year.
HSA Board elections for the 2025-2027 school years will be held in the Spring of 2025 at a monthly HSA meeting. There are two open positions that will be included in the election:
-VP Communications
We are still looking for a candidate to run for the open Co-Treasurer position and ask any interested parents to reach out to Sarah Osiol, Board President.
In addition, the following HSA Committee Chair positions are also available:
-K/1st Grade Lunchroom Helpers
-HSA Directory
-Hospitality co-chairs (2)
-Junior Hawks Night Out
If you are interested in any of these open positions or have any questions, please reach out to Sarah Osiol at sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
Vernfield Lip Sync is Coming Soon!
The Vernfield Home and School Association will be hosting Lip Sync 2025 ~ March 14, 2025 at 7pm (Snow Date March 15, 2025) at Indian Crest Middle School.
Talk to your friends and think about some song choices!
More information and permission slips will be sent home in a few weeks.
*Please note that each act is required to provide a parent volunteer the night of the event.
HSA Executive Board Members
President:Sarah Osiol; sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
VP Fundraising: Danielle Rostick; pharmgirl19130@gmail.com
VP Communications: Mandy Merrill; amhansen@gmail.com
Secretary: Kendra Luther; itpmentor209@yahoo.com
Co-Treasurer: Kristen Viscardi; keviscardi@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Stephanie VanHeyst; lasinss16@gmail.com
Stay in Touch with Vernfield Home & School!
Vernfield Elementary School
Website: vernfield.soudertonsd.org
Location: 960 Long Mill Road, Telford, PA, United States
Phone: 215-721-0606
Twitter: @SASD_Vernfield