Rāmere Friday 6th May Haratua 2022 (T2: Wk1/10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
Happy Mother's Day: Sunday is Mother's Day and is a great way to acknowledge, honour and show our appreciation to all the mums who give so much for the betterment of their children. Thanks for your efforts and input.
ANZAC Service: Thank you to Mrs Jenny Coyle, Miss Laura McVicar and the students who gathered on Monday 25th of April to walk in the ANZAC Remembrance parade.
Student Councillors Rilan Anderson and Ollie Glynn laid a wreath, with Erin Wallis and Iyland Roberts reading out the Ode and Flanders Field poems. Mrs Coyle also read the Prime Minister's message. A real team effort.
Thank you also to Sam Ramage for putting the poppies and crosses up on our front fence.
It is important for us to remember that freedom and safety are earned with sacrifice from others. We will remember them.
Orange Traffic Light Setting: This term we will be operating under a revised Orange Traffic Light setting. There is a very normal feel about life back at school which is hopeful and refreshing.
For us, this revised Orange means the following...
- Masks are required on buses for Year Four students upwards. They are completely voluntary in the rooms and around the school. There is now a level of personal responsibility associated with this. Should you wish to wear a mask there is a supply in the office.
- Parents are allowed back into school with normal sign-in/sign-out requirements.
- There are no gathering limits indoors or outdoors.
COVID Positive: We would appreciate knowing what children have been COVID positive over the holidays which will give us a feel for how far through the wave we are for our school.
At the end of the last term and into the early part of this term we know of 55 children who have had COVID. This is just over 42% of our school. This growing level of immunity within the school population gives us confidence that this term will be less wobbly than last term.
A reminder that we have a supply of RATs here at school for school families.
Thank You - Team Edendale
- Tracey Lockhart, Sam Ramage and Jack Ramage: During the holidays Tracey, Sam and Jack were busy inside and outside of the school cleaning and attending to the grounds, ensuring that we were ready for this term. Tracey also did a lot of liaison work with contractors who were doing work in our boiler. Thank you, Tracey, Sam and Jack, for the work that you did, to get the school ready for us this term. We appreciate it.
Principal's Term Two Challenge: Authors and Illustrators
Section One: Become an Author - Write an original poem to a maximum of 200 words focused upon the theme 'On the farm'.
Section Two: Become an Illustrator - In a style of your choosing, create an original picture themed around 'On the farm' that can be put alongside our poems.
Age Groups: There will be pages dedicated to...
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section (mum, dad, grandma, grandad, teacher, etc)
The End Result
Successful entrants (authors and illustrators) will be put into a book that we will print for the school that will go into our school library and a copy for each class.
We will then sell copies to the general public.
The Requirements and Rules
- The theme is 'On the farm' so the writing and/or picture must reflect this.
- The word limit for the poem is 200 words.
- The illustration style can be of your own choosing, A4 in size (landscape or portrait) but it must be able to be scanned into a jpeg.
- The entries are due by Friday 10th June.
- On all entries make sure you put your name, age, year level and room on the back. (Unless you are in the Open section where your name will suffice).
- You can enter as both an author and illustrator.
- You can only enter one piece of work for each section.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Two 2022
Week Two (of 10)
- Monday 9th May to Friday 13th May: Science Week Sue Galloway
Week Three (of 10)
- Tuesday 17th May: Sports Activator
- Tuesday 17th May: Elgregoe Show
- Tuesday 17th May: School Board Meeting Three, 6.00pm, staffroom
Week Four (of 10)
- Monday 23rd May: Home and School Meeting, 7.30pm
- Wednesday 25th May: Kamahi Reserve, Whole School
- Thursday 26th May: Year 6 Big Day Out
Week Five (of 10)
- Tuesday 31st May: LMV Cross Country
- Thursday 2nd June: LMV Cross Country Postponement Day
Week Six (of 10)
- Monday 7th June: Queens Birthday Public Holiday - School Closed
- Tuesday 8th June: Sports Activator
Week Seven (of 10)
- Friday 17th June: Southland Cross Country
Week Eight (of 10)
- Monday 20th June - Thursday 23rd June: School Interviews
- Friday 24th June: Matariki Public Holiday - School Closed
Our Kura News and Information
Term Two Integrated DRIVE Inquiry - BRRRRRRRRRRMMM!
Our Term Two integrated inquiry (Science, Technology and Social Sciences) for the first half of this term is around machinery and how we as humans create, design and engineer so many different machines to help us in our lives.
Children are answering the question: Why do we have machines and how do they help us?
They are going to choose one machine and share their learning with an information poster.
Monday 9th May to Friday 13th May: Science Week
Next week we have Sue Galloway with us for the whole week. She is going to go into each classroom and turn them into science laboratories.
The children will get engaging, authentic, fun hands-on science experiences.
We can't wait.
Kapa Haka - Term Two
Our Kapa Haka group is starting up next week on Wednesday afternoon for Year Four to Six children.
Sharne Parkinson is our Kapa Haka teacher and we look forward to working hard to develop performances for the up and coming Matariki Celebration on 24th June at the Waimumu Field Days.
Menzies College - Teacher Only Day
Menzies College is having a Teacher Only Day on Wednesday 11th May. This means the Mataura Island/Fortrose bus will not be running.
Lost Property - Name Your Child's Items
Please ensure all uniform items are named and then if they are lost we can return them to the rightful owner.
2nd Hand Uniform - For Sale
There are some 2nd hand uniform items for sale from the school office.
Book Club - Issue 3
Scholastic Book Club Issue 3 has gone home.
All orders need to be returned to the office by Friday 20th May. You can also order online.
Edendale Dairy Lunch - Orders
Thursday lunch orders from the Edendale Dairy have been enjoyed by students.
Please see below a revised Lunch Option menu from Edendale Dairy for Term 2.
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Two Responsibility Haepapa
Responsibility means we own our actions towards our roles, activities and items for our own and other’s benefit and is shown through loyalty, duty, commitment, initiative, onus, ownership, contributions, trustworthiness and doing.
At Edendale Primary School respect is demonstrated when we...
Are ready for our learning.
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Respect Manaakintanga
Term Three - Excellence Tohungatanga
Term Four - Integrity Ponotanga
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal/Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Pippa Clarke for being a strong contributor, living out our school values every day.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
The next general meeting for the School Board in Term Two is on Tuesday 17th of May at 6.00 pm. Meeting material will be issued the week before.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Two 2022
The Term Two 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 23rd May starting at 7.30pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool