RFS Family Newsletter
January 6, 2025
Important Dates
1/14 PFA General Meeting 5 pm
1/15 EARLY Release 12:15 pm
1/22: Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
January 15th - Early Release
Wit & Wisdom Module 2
Students will begin moving to the next module in Wit and Wisdom throughout January.
Check out what your students will be studying:
Dear Families,
Now that we are officially in WINTER it is important that all students are dressed appropriately when sending them to school, in preparation to play outdoors. This includes a coat, hat, gloves or mittens, snow pants, and boots. We want to remind you that students will go out for recess when the temperature feels 20 degrees or above including wind chill. Student must have boots and snow pants to play on the grass/snow areas. Planning ahead ensures everyone will enjoy the snowy winter weather.
Students who are still wearing shorts to school are encouraged to bring in snow pants or sweatpants for outdoor recess. All students will be going out when the temperature feels 20 degrees or above.
In addition, winter fun can be wet. Please send in extra clothes to keep in student's backpacks to use when needed.
Thank you for your support in providing outdoor fun for all students,
Mrs. Painchaud
RFS Reminder
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we get back from our relaxing December break, we wanted to remind all families and students of a few school rules. To create a safe, focused and enjoyable learning environment for all, we ask that students leave the following items at home:
Toys and Stuffed Animals: While we know these can be comforting, we ask that students keep them at home to avoid distractions during class.
Electronic Devices: Cell phones, smart watches, electronic games, and similar gadgets should stay home, as they can interrupt learning. This includes any devices that can send or receive texts or calls.
Cameras: Personal cameras are not needed unless a teacher gives special permission for a field trip or project.
We really appreciate your help with this. If you have any questions or need more information, just let us know!
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Bonnie Painchaud, Principal
Kindergarten News!
Kindergarteners in Room 10 have transformed their dramatic play area into a post office where they practice writing, stamping, and sorting mail. The children enjoyed learning about the various roles and responsibilities of post office employees. Children in Room 1 were inspired by a story read in class to create a theater where they can put on puppet shows using puppets they have made.
3rd Grade News!
Use the live links below to access information and applications for the free/reduced lunch program
Elementary School Healthy Habits
Unified Arts Schedule
MSD policy for Volunteers
All volunteers, chaperones, and substitute teachers must complete a background check and be fingerprinted. If you intend to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please contact the district office for an appointment ASAP. If you have already had your fingerprints done through the school in previous years and have volunteered within the last year, you do not need to have them done again.
You will have to complete the two Vector training courses yearly: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention for Schools (K-12) and Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees. Follow this link for directions to the online trainings.
PFA News!
RFS Lunch
Parents may add funds to their students' My School Bucks account. More information regarding My School Bucks can be found on the District's website: https://www.sau26.org/Page/6187. Information can also be found in the beginning of the year paperwork that will be sent home.