HSA Katy Wednesday Mail
August 19th, 2020
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!
Let's meet our administration & classroom teachers for this school year!
A note from our lunch clerk
During the school closure last spring and over the summer months, Harmony offered meals to all children ages 18 and under in the community. Meals were distributed at select schools at no charge. The last distribution day will be the week of August 10th and will include meals through August 16th.
Online school begins on August 17th, and with the start of a new school year begins meal service under the National School Lunch Program. Just as if meals were served on site, all students will be charged for meals according to their eligibility of free, reduced, or paid. For students of paid eligibility, breakfast cost $1.75 and lunch is $3.30. For students of reduced price eligibility, breakfast cost $0.30 and lunch is $0.40. Parents are encouraged to submit an application for free or reduced price meals by going to www.schoolcafe.com and setting up a parent account. (Click here for directions on how to apply.) Paper applications may also be picked up from the school on meal distribution days. Once a student is approved for free or reduced price meals, they will remain that eligibility for the rest of the school year and the first 30 days of the next. Families have until September 29th to apply. Parents are encouraged to reapply whenever there is a loss of income or new participation in SNAP/TANF.
Your child’s school will distribute meals on Monday & Wednesday between 8:00 AM-10:00 AM. Meals will only be provided to students who are enrolled at that school. If you have children enrolled in multiple Harmony schools, you will need to visit each campus to pick up meals. For every day in the distribution cycle, your child may choose which days they would like a breakfast and/or lunch meal. A choice of milk is available, but they are not required to take it. If your child has special dietary needs, visit the school website to download the Special Dietary Accommodations form and have it completed and signed by a licensed medical authority.
Listed below are the meal distribution procedures. If you have any questions, contact the Child Nutrition Assistant: Mrs. Rosal Dikov, 832-437-3926, rdikov@harmonytx.org
Parents or guardians may only pick up meals for children in their guardianship.
- At the designated date and time, parents will approach the pickup zone and wait for cafeteria staff to approach the driver side window. Students are not required to be in the vehicle.
- If parents/students walk to the distribution site, follow school staff instructions to pick up meals at the designated table. Please maintain 6 foot social distance from others in line and school staff. Masks must be worn at all times.
- When a parent or guardian arrives to pick up a meal without a child, they will need to present one of the following items:
- Student ID number
- Student ID cards
- The parent will roll down their window (masks are required), or approach the table when called, and cafeteria staff will maintain appropriate social distance. The parent will tell the cafeteria staff the their child’s ID number, show the ID card, or show the official letter/email for each child who attends that school.
- Once enrollment is verified, the student or parent may select their meals. Only one breakfast and one lunch may be selected from each day offered. Each meal will be charged to the students meal account based on eligibility.
- The student/parent may select one milk for each meal purchased. Selections include white milk, chocolate milk, or no milk. Milks will be placed in a bag and tied closed.
- The parent will open their trunk and the bags of meals and milk will be placed in their trunk.
- If they have walked to the distribution site, they will approach the table when called and pick up their meals. Tables will be sanitized between uses.
If you have any questions regarding meal distribution, please contact Mrs. Rosal Dikov, 832-437-3926, rdikov@harmonytx.org.
Front Office Hours
Harmony Science Academy Katy
Email: mschaefer@harmonytx.org
Website: www.hsakaty.harmonytx.org
Location: 22400 Grand Corner Drive, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: (832) 437-3926
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HSAKaty
Twitter: @HSA_Katy