Ferber Family Connection
September 2024

Dates to Remember
November 4- PTO Meeting 6:30pm
November 4-18- PTO Kwik Trip Fundraiser
November 6- PTO Breakfast with Buddies 7:30am
November 7- Picture Retake Day
November 12- 2nd and 3rd Grade Music Concert 6:00pm
November 19- PTO Dine to Donate- Tom's Drive In (Richmond St) 4:00-8:00pm
November 21- Community Listening Session with Superintendent Greg Hartjes 6:30-7:30pm LMC
November 27-29- No School- Happy Thanksgiving!
Ferber School Hours
8:10 a.m. Supervision begins on playground
8:22 a.m. First Bell
8:27 a.m. Classes begin
11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Lunch/Noon Recess
3:20 p.m. School Dismissal
3:30 p.m. Students should be picked up/walk home
The school office is open every day students are in attendance between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Community Listening Session
You are invited to attend an upcoming Community Listening Session about School Attendance Boundaries with Superintendent Greg Hartjes. There will be two opportunities to attend: Huntley Elementary and Ferber Elementary. Families from Huntley and Ferber Elementary Schools are being invited to these sessions, as their current boundaries are adjacent to Sandy Slope’s anticipated attendance area.
Please see link below for more information.
Dress Expectations Policy
Appleton Area School District students are prohibited from wearing clothing or possessing accessories which, in the opinion of school authorities, is contrary to acceptable health and safety standards or may disrupt the educational process or learning atmosphere. In an effort to keep the learning environment appropriate to a work setting, student dress must conform to the following minimum standards:
â—Ź Headgear (including hoods) may not be worn in the school building
â—Ź Jackets, coats, and gloves may not be worn in the building during school hours
â—Ź Students must wear appropriate footwear in and around school at all times
â—Ź No pants can be worn below the waist (undergarments may not be visible)
â—Ź Students may not wear revealing clothing. Examples may include but are not limited to: short skirts or revealing shorts, clothing that exposes midriffs or undergarments
â—Ź No garments which advertise or promote alcohol, tobacco products, or other drugs may be worn
â—Ź No attire or accessory which by its design, use, or intended use, could cause bodily harm, property damage, or intimidation to other persons, may be worn. Examples may include chains, leather straps, pet collars, and spikes
â—Ź No gang-related attire is allowed
â—Ź Body markings or tattoos that do not meet the above standards must be fully covered
Since styles change, the administration reserves the right to determine what is inappropriate for the learning environment. This policy is in force during the school day, in school vehicles, and at all school activities. The wearing of outer garments and headwear will be permitted in school vehicles and at school activities when appropriate.
Picture Retake Day
November 7th
News From the Dean
Gear Up For Winter
Cold weather is right around the corner. Please remember to dress your child for the weather. Once snow is on the ground, students without appropriate winter clothing (snow pants, boots, etc) will have to stay on the black top areas during recess.
Help Wanted
Ferber is currently looking for 1-2 lunch supervisors. This is a paid, part time position and can be a lot of fun!
The hours are 11:15 am - 1:30 pm.
Pay is $11/hour.
Please contact the Ferber Office if you are interested. The number is (920) 852-5465.
Ferber Spirit Wear
Free Dental Care
Upcoming Concerts at Ferber
Hello Ferber Families,
I am pleased to announce the dates for Ferber students’ Music Concerts.
All concerts will be held in the Ferber gym. Families and friends are invited to attend our evening concerts. Listed below are the concert dates and times. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Mrs. Laurie Woltman
*Ferber Music teacher
24-25 Ferber Concerts
Tuesday November 12: Grades 2 & 3 at 2:10 (Dress Rehearsal) & 6:00 pm (Evening Concert)
Tuesday December 10: Grades 4 & 5 at 2:10 (Dress Rehearsal) & 6:00 pm (Evening Concert)
Tuesday February 11: Grades K & 1: 2:10 (Dress Rehearsal)
Evening concerts: K concert at 5:30 pm & 1st grade concert at 6:30 pm.
Art To Remember
Blessings In A Backpack
Starting on Wednesday, November 6th, the Blessings in a Backpack committee is collecting donations of non-perishable single serve items to distribute for the upcoming longer holiday breaks. Longer breaks are not covered by the annual Blessings budget, but are a challenge for kids in the program. Please click here to see the full list of requested items and to sign up to donate. Donations are due by Friday, November 22. They can be dropped off in the blessings box in the lobby of the school. Thank you!
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support
Runny Noses and Accidents happen a lot around here! We will gladly take an donations of Kleenex, Clorox Wipes and gently used pants or shorts (all children's sizes). Thank you for considering!
The Salvation Army
News from Our PTO
Past Ferber Newsletters
Click on the link below to access older newsletters
Edna Ferber Elementary School
Kelly Collins- Principal
Lisa Head- Dean of Students
Email: ferber-elementary@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: Home - Ferber Elementary (aasd.k12.wi.us)
Location: 515 East Capitol Drive Appleton, WI 54911
Phone: (920) 852-5465