The Eagle's Nest
Week of September 14
Happy Sunday Eagles!
We hope you've enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to cooler temperatures this coming week. Our students have been working hard in class. Please continue to encourage them to complete all of their assignments on their remote days and to log in during the live sessions on Wednesdays.
We have six important reminders for you this week:
1. Please make sure students are dressed appropriately for remote learning, students and adults can be seen and heard on the computer screen. Appropriate language must be used by everyone, at all times.
2.Interim reports and federal cards will come home on Tuesday, September 15 with Cohort A and Thursday, September 17 with Cohort B. Please return the federal cards as soon as possible.
3. We will have our first Lockdown drill of the year on September 18 for Cohort B and September 22 for Cohort A. The drill will be at 9am and no late check-ins or early check-outs will be allowed at this time.
4. Our PBIS celebration for Cohort A will be on Tuesday, September 29 and Cohort B's will be on Thursday, Oct 1. Students must earn 50 points and have no think sheets to participate in the ice cream party.
5. Please continue to arrive at school on time daily, our first bell rings at 7:30am and the late bell is at 8:00am.
6. Health Screenings are due by October 31st for Kindergarten students and those who have transferred to Clyde Erwin from out of state. Students who have not returned these forms will not be allowed to come to school on November 2nd. Students can return the day the health screening is returned.
Online School Payments
We are asking that all student fees be paid online. Payments are quick, simple and there is no convenience fee or surcharge.
Parents who use School Cash Online have the ability to:
- Keep track of their child's school items and activity fees.
- Stay connected by receiving email notifications of new fees.
- Check their account history.
- View and print receipts.
- Pay for school fees any time, anywhere, with a simple click.
- Easily link and access all students in a household.
- Make payments using Visa or Mastercard.
Visit to pay your students fees.
If you are unable to pay student fees, please request a waiver from your child’s teacher.
All students K-5 will pay $31.00 for school fees, including the $25.00 device fee.
How to find Remote Learning Assignments
Important September and October Dates
Sep 15: Interim Reports and Federal Cards go home with Cohort A
Sep 17: Interim Reports and Federal Cards go home with Cohort B
Sep 18: Lockdown Drill Cohort B
Sep 22: Lockdown Drill Cohort A
Oct 1: Cici's Pizza Night
Oct 15: End of the grading period
Oct 22: Report Cards go home (Cohort B)
Oct 26: Report Cards go home (Cohort A)
Oct 26-Oct 30: Red Ribbon Week