News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

A Note from Your Principals
As we communicated yesterday afternoon, today, we conducted our first announced lockdown drill. We wanted to take a moment to commend our students and staff for their outstanding efforts!
Everyone followed the procedures calmly and efficiently, demonstrating our commitment to safety.
It’s important to reassure our students that today’s drill was just a practice, and we all did everything we could to keep ourselves and others safe.
Your cooperation and support at home are what make our school a secure and supportive environment.
Thank you for your teamwork!
We hope everyone enjoyed the reimagined format for Open House; making the evening more family-friendly and interactive! I know our students were excited to take ownership for showing you around the building and teaching you some of what they’ve learned over the first 17 days of school!
With the new approach, we would LOVE your feedback. We are asking that each family in attendance take a few minutes to share your thoughts on the evening. Please use this Google Form to share your input!
Volunteer Opportunity
Our PTO sponsored PAWS raffle prize for October is a weekly PUMPKIN PAINTING PARTY!
While Mrs. Howard, our art teacher, will host in the Art room and provide the painting supplies, we would LOVE 2-3 volunteers each week to assist with set-up, actual painting, and then the clean-up.
If you're interested in helping, please review the available slots above and click on the button to sign up.
Please note: You will need to be officially registered as a Tier 1 volunteer. This just means you've completed the district volunteering form - no additional background check is required!
Thank you!
SWHS Preschool Seats Available
Seats are available for two children to join South Windsor High School’s on-campus preschool. Located at the SWHS Annex, the preschool is overseen by teacher Mrs. Melissa Doherty and paraeducator Arpitha Subramanyam.
In a safe and engaging environment, participating children learn alongside high school students who aspire to be future teachers. The preschool begins operation October 10, and runs every Tuesday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
For more information, please visit the preschool’s website or email Mrs. Doherty at
Ask Your Child(ren) About...
1, 2, 3 Magic
1-2-3 Magic is a simple and effective behavior management system, that when coupled with our PAWS expectations, helps students understand, self-monitoring, and regulate their actions. Here’s how it works:
Clear Expectations: Teachers set clear behavior expectations for the classroom. Students know what is expected of them.
Counting Method: When a student displays a behavior that needs adjusting, the teacher counts: “That’s 1.” If the behavior continues, the teacher says, “That’s 2.” If it continues again, the teacher counts, “That’s 3.” At 3, there are consequences, which can include a brief timeout, loss of privileges, or a written reflection.
Self-Monitoring: This system encourages students to think about their actions. They learn to recognize when they’re about to reach a count and have the opportunity to change their behavior before facing consequences.
The goal of 1-2-3 Magic is to promote self-discipline and responsibility, helping students become more aware of their choices in a supportive environment. It empowers them to take charge of their behavior, leading to a more positive and productive classroom for everyone!
Ask your child(ren) the following questions to learn more about the use of 1, 2, 3 Magic across our school community:
- What is 1, 2, 3 Magic? How does it work?
- When do your teachers "count"?
- Have you ever reached a count of 1, 2, or 3? What happened?
- How do you feel when you receive a count? Did it help you change your behavior?
- Can you think of a time when you caught yourself before reaching a count? What did you do differently?
- How can we use something similar at home to help you remember to follow our family's rules?
- What do you like most about 1, 2, 3 Magic? Is there anything you would change?
September's Celebrations & Recognitions
It was an exciting month of celebrations! We kicked off the year with our first group of students recognized for going above and beyond with a PAWSitive Office referral, shared plenty of gratitude through our community shout outs, and recognized our "golden utensil" winners with VIP lunches!
Take a peek at slides below. These have been scrolling on the monitor displays in our office, cafeteria, and lobby, and now they are shared with you, so you can celebrate all the amazing members of our ET community!
2024-2025 PTO Family Directory
Each year the PTO coordinates a Student/Family Directory. This is OPTIONAL but, if you would like your child's address/phone number/e-mail included please fill out the Google Form below.
*NOTE: A separate form for each child in the family will need to be completed.
Teachers/Administrators/Staff are NOT allowed to give out this information so, this is a great way to be able to schedule play dates, birthday parties, etc.
This form will be open for submissions until October 14, 2024. At that time, the form will be closed and the family directory will be put together and distributed electronically to all Eli Terry Families. The form will then re-open again at the beginning of January 2025 for any new submissions and be re-published.
Any Questions? Please reach out to
Thank you!
A Peek Inside Our Week
Third graders "keep the beat" in all different ways during music class!
2nd grade families enjoyed our reimagined Open House!
Kindergarteners in Mrs. Hahn's class read the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone. Then they practiced retelling the story using puppets!
Aman, a 4th grader, worked hard on his writing. He was focused on his spacing and elaboration!
Students in Mrs. Hooley's room enjoy the read-aloud "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" to help reinforce their "Word of the Week" - see!
Delaney, a 4th grader, ROCKED the marking of 2-syllable words!
Second graders Jack Stoddard, Vivian Weng, and Nathan Lee had a picnic lunch at Nevers Park with delicious food from Vivian's family's restaurant!
PTO News & Events
Next Month's Scholastic Book Fair
Eli Terry will be welcoming the Scholastic Book Fair during the week of October 15th!
There are many volunteer opportunities available throughout the week and we'd love for you to be part of it! Sign-up directly at this registration link and be sure to complete the district's "volunteer registration" form.
For additional information about the book fair, stop by the fair website - there's great information about what books will be featured at this fair, as well as how to set-up your student's electronic payment option (the very popular eWallet)!
THANKS to the success of our fairs over the last few years, we ensure that no child leaves the book fair empty-handed. Also returning this year is Family Night on Thursday, October 17 - stay tuned for more information!
Any questions, contact the Eli Terry PTO via email or on our Facebook page.
Mark Your Calendars!
NO SCHOOL - Rosh Hashanah - Thursday, October 3rd
PTO Night at Hartford Athletics - Saturday, October 5th, 7PM
STEM Night - Thursday, October 10th, 6:30-7:45PM
Fall Picture Day - Friday, October 11th (see flier below)
NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples Day - Monday, October 14th
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - Tuesday, October 15th - Friday, October 18th
PTO "Trunk or Treat" - Friday, October 25th
NO SCHOOL - Diwali - Friday, November 1st
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
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