By-Laws of the BKS PTO
May 31, 2024
By-Laws of the BKS Parent Teacher Organization - Proposed May 20, 2024
Article I - Name of Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Beechwood Knoll Elementary School PTO (BKS PTO).
Article II - Mission Statement/Purpose
The corporation is organized to promote a cooperative and supportive relationship between parents and educators that contributes to the educational, cultural, and social development of each child and enhances the learning process.
Article Ill - Members
Any parent and legal guardian of a Beechwood Knoll Elementary School student may be a member and shall have voting rights. The principal and any teacher employed at the school may be a member and have voting rights.
Article IV - Membership Meetings
The Executive Board of BKS PTO will schedule meetings of the members ("General Meetings"). Every effort will be made to have one General Meeting every other month during the school year. There will be no meeting the month of December. The Executive Board will deliver advance notice of meetings via Facebook, BKS PTO Website, and school wide email list. The co chairs will preside over the General Meetings and coordinate discussion of items on the agenda. The co-chairs will direct the discussion of each agenda item in an orderly manner that encourages participation by all members who wish to speak. The co-chairs may impose reasonable limits on the time and manner of discussion and on any matter requiring a vote, shall phrase issues in the form of a vote. Each member present shall have one vote and a majority vote is required by these by-laws. All records of the BKS PTO will be kept electronically and will be available for further examination by any BKS PTO member at their written (i.e. email) request. The executive board shall meet in person during the months where there is no General Meeting. . The executive board shall be in contact via other means (i.e. phone call email, text) when necessary.
Article V – Executive Board and Elections
Section 1a. Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be two co-chairs, secretary, treasurer and assistant treasurer.
a. Co-Chairs. The co-chairs shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, initial payments from the BKS PTO bank account, approve all paper and electronic notices and coordinate the work of all officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.
b. Secretary. The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes, bylaws, and any other necessary supplies, and brings them to meetings. The secretary shall generate, copy and translate paper notices to be sent home. All General Meeting minutes will be available on the BKS Facebook page and the BKS PTO Website for examination by any member.
c. Treasurer. The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and payout funds in accordance with the written approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at any other times of the year when requested by the executive board and make a full report at the end of the year. The treasurer will count any cash collected from the BKS school site with Assistant Treasurer, another member of the executive board and/or principal. Each year the Executive Board shall appoint an auditing committee which shall not include any member of the Executive Boord to audit the financial records of the BKS PTO at the end of the school year and to present a report at the last General Meeting.
d. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer shall assist the treasurer in tasks such as, but not limited to, providing cash boxes at events, making deposits and/or withdrawals from the bank and writing checks to vendors.
Section 1b. Additional Representatives & Committees Voluntary positions outside of the executive board. These positions are not elected.
e. Web/Promotion Manager. The Web/Promotion Manager shall maintain the BKS PTO websites (Facebook, Weebly)
f. Scholastic Book Fair Chair. The Scholastic Book Fair Chair shall coordinate Scholastic Book Fairs. Chair will form a committee to assist in the planning and preparation of the annual fair. Scholastic Book Fair Chair manages account access for Scholastic Dollars.
g. Events Committee. Family members volunteer to coordinate, set up and break down planned BKS PTO Community Events for all families.
h. Citywide Representative. Citywide Representative will make best effort to attend all Quincy Citywide Parents’ Council (Citywide PTO) meetings. Citywide Representative is encouraged to attend subcommittee meetings of the Citywide PTO (EDI, ELPAC, SEPAC). Citywide Representative will report summary of meetings attended at each regular BKS PTO meeting.
Section 2. Nominations and Elections. Elections will be held at the last meeting of the school year; Any member is eligible to be a candidate. At the April general meeting, candidate names will be called for election/re-election. At the June meeting, nominations may also be made from the floor. A ballot vote shall be taken. The ballots will be available at the meeting as well as an opportunity for an absentee ballot. An absentee ballot will be sent home to all BKS families. Ballots will be retrieved by a member of the election committee. Ballots will be counted by an election committee appointed by the Executive Board which shall not include any Executive Board members or candidates for election. The candidates receiving the most votes for each office will be elected. Selected candidates will be announced at the June General Meeting and will serve the following school year. The outgoing Executive Board shall make every effort to advise newly elected Executive Board members and provide for a smooth transition.
Section 3. Eligibility. Members are eligible for office if they are members in good standing at least 14 calendar days before the nominating committee presents its slate.
Section 4. Terms of Office. Officers are elected for a two-year term. Once an officer has completed their two-year term in one position, they are eligible as a candidate for any vacant position. There shall be no limit on how many offices a member can hold while a member of the BKS PTO. Each person elected can hold only one office at a time.
Section 5. Vacancies. If there is a vacancy in the office of co-chair, the other co-chair will serve alone. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, a new co-chair will be elected. If there is a vacancy in any other office, members will fill the vacancy through an election at the next regular meeting.
Section 6. Removal From Office. Upon recommendation of the Executive Board a motion may be made at any General Meeting of the BKS PTO to remove an Executive Board member (except the principal). If the motion passes, notice will be sent to all members advising them that a vote to remove an Executive Board member will be taken at the next general meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members in attendance will be required for removal of an Executive Board member. The Executive Board member shall be given reasonable notice prior to both such general meetings and shall be given an opportunity to be heard at both meetings prior to the vote being taken.
Article VI – Amendment of By-Laws
The Executive Board may propose an amendment to the by-laws. Written notice of any proposed amendment to the by-laws shall be given to the members at a General Meeting and voted on for approval at the next scheduled General Meeting. To pass an amendment, a majority of members present at the General Meeting must vote in favor of it. Upon acceptance amendments to these by-laws shall be attached (i.e. electronically) to the original document with the date of the amendment’s adoption clearly noted.
Article VII - Miscellaneous Provisions
PTO Binder. A PTO binder and/or online record of PTO meetings, events and duties must be kept and passed on to any new co-chair to assist with the planning and implementation of the responsibilities of the PTO Executive Board.