The MMS Wolf Call

November 18, 2024
In This Issue:
- Mayor's Food Drive Results
- ASB's Extravaganza Fundraiser
- MMS PTO News
- Vaccination Information
- Lost and Found
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum - Parent Curriculum Review Night
- MMS Upcoming Dates
Mayor's Food Drive Update
ASB's Extravaganza Fundraiser
- Join us Tuesday! PTO General Membership Meeting Nov. 19th at 6:00pm in the MMS Library - with a chance to win a Starbucks gift card and MMS tumbler! You'll hear from Principal Amy Montgomery and Parent Involvement Coordinator Nicole McCoy, plus we'll have news from ASB and talk more about how you can get involved as an MMS and PTO supporter and volunteer. We have PTO General Membership Meetings every other month throughout the school year. Keep an eye on social media for dates!
- Staff Appreciation Activities in November and December! Click through to learn how you can help! MMSWolfpackPTO | Stay Engaged & Involved | Linktree
- Holiday Sale on Wolf Wear! Shop the last of our remaining inventory of wolf-head hoodies for $20 and wolf-head t-shirts for $10! MMS Wolfpack PTO => Online purchases will be sent home with your student - or email president@mmswolfpackpto.org to make alternate plans for pick-up.
- Fred Meyer Community Rewards – It's easy to link your Rewards card to benefit MMS PTO! Log in to www.fredmeyer.com/i/community/community-rewards and search for #RA978 - Mountain View Middle School PTO - to designate us as your prefered non-profit organization. We'll receive cash back when you shop! PLUS: You still earn your Reward Points & Rebates!
The PTO leadership team for the 2024-25 school year is President Janelle Hizzey, Vice President Jessica Adams, Secretary Allison Warmington and Treasurer Angela Jonas! Reach out to president@mmswolfpackpto.org to learn more!
Vaccination Information
Keep your student up to date on recommended vaccines.
Resources to schedule vaccinations:
A free vaccine event is being held Dec 6th at Franklin Pierce School District from 1-5pm
Mary Bridge Children’s Immunization Clinic
Appointment required, call (253) 403-1767. No walk-ins.
Main location: Mary Bridge Tacoma WIC
316 N. L St., Tacoma (behind Frisko Freeze)
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is full! If your student is missing something, please have them check the lost and found next to the front office and on the stage. Please keep in mind that all items will be donated on Friday, November 22nd.
HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum - Parent Curriculum Review Night
Washington State law requires that every student receives HIV/AIDs prevention education in grades 5 through 12. Because this unit covers sensitive topics, Washington State law and SBLSD board policy require that parents are provided the opportunity to preview these lessons.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District (SBLSD) is hosting a curriculum night for families to preview the HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for students enrolled in the following:
2nd semester 8th grade Skills for Life (HIV/AIDS) and
9th grade Health classes (Health content).
The Curriculum will be available for preview. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to understand the health content for students currently enrolled in 8th grade Skills for Life or 9th grade Health classes, preview teaching materials and ask questions about the resources used in the classroom.
Parent Review Night
December 10, 2024 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Administration Building, Board Room
Parents wishing to exclude their child from the Sexual Health curriculum required by our state must preview this curriculum and sign an exclusion form.
Additionally, there will be another opportunity in the spring for families of 6th-12th graders who will study this Health-related content during 2nd semester.
MMS Important Upcoming Dates
11/26 - Early Release
11/27-11/29 - No School: Thanksgiving Holiday