AV District News
January 6, 2022
Happy New Year & Welcome Back
Happy New Year Antelope Valley! We are excited to welcome your students back to school on Monday, January 10, 2022. In response to the high levels of COVID-19 transmission, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) has revised its Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools: Appendix T1. Below you will find a summary of the changes that impact our schools:
Masks continue to be required at all times while indoors. The recent change to the health order now requires students to wear masks in crowded outdoor spaces where physical distancing is not possible. LADPH strongly recommends that students wear masks that are well-fitted, non-cloth with multiple layers of non-woven materials with a nose wire. Masks are available at each school should your student need one.
COVID-19 Testing for Close Contacts
COVID-19 testing is now required for all students who are identified as close contacts regardless of vaccination status or recent COVID-19 diagnosis.
Students who are not fully vaccinated or those who are vaccinated but are eligible and have not received the booster: Quarantine is required for 10 days from the last known contact.
- After 5 full days have passed from the last known contact, the student can provide proof of a negative viral test result from a specimen collected on Day 5 to return to school on Day 6.
Students who have received the booster or are fully vaccinated but not yet eligible for the booster: Quarantine is NOT required. Students can remain in school but must test on Day 5 of their last known exposure.
All close contacts, regardless of vaccination status are required to upgrade their mask for 10 days from the date of their last exposure and monitor for symptoms.
For those choosing to participate in testing, the test must be an FDA-authorized viral COVID-19 test. FDA-authorized over-the-counter test is acceptable for these testing requirements.
Isolation for Students Confirmed Positive Case of COVID-19
All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, previous infection or lack of symptoms, who have tested positive for or been diagnosed with COVID-19 are required to isolate themselves for at least 5 days and until you are no longer at risk for spreading COVID-19.
For students with symptoms: You may only end your self-isolation after Day 5 if at least 5 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared, your symptoms have improved and you are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications. Additionally, you must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test result from a specimen collected on Day 5 or later.
For students without symptoms: You may only end your self-isolation after Day 5 if at least 5 days have passed since your positive COVID-19 viral test result and you have remained symptom-free. Additionally, you must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test result from a specimen collected on Day 5 or later.
For those individuals unable to test or choose not to test, and symptoms are not present or are resolving, your isolation can end after Day 10.
Detailed information on isolation can be found HERE.
Short Term Independent Study
Should your student be required to quarantine, they will continue their learning through Short Term Independent Study (STIS). The school will initiate the process to sign-up for STIS when you are notified of the need to quarantine. Your student will be provided daily class assignments from each teacher for the duration of their quarantine. Students' assignments must be submitted on the day they return to school in order to receive attendance and academic credit for their absence.
Contact Us
Email: info@avhsd.org
Website: avdistrict.org
Location: 44811 Sierra Hwy, Lancaster, CA, USA
Phone: 661.948.7655
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVUHSD