Coventry News
August 27, 2024
September 2 - No School
September 5 - Portillos Family Food Night 5:00 - 8:00 pm
September 10 - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm
September 12 - Parent Night
September 18 - Picture Day
Heat Related Guidlines
With the current heat, we want to remind you of our guidelines for outdoor activities during hot weather:
90 degrees or lower heat index - unlimited time outdoors unrestricted activities
91-95 degrees heat index - no more than 30 minutes outside with strenuous activity/games restricted
96 degrees or above heat index - remain indoors
The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and the district will continue to monitor conditions to make the best decisions for everyone involved.
Please know that you, as the parent, have the ultimate authority to make decisions that are best for your family. If you choose to keep your child home due to the weather, the absence will be excused, and your child can make up for any missed work. We kindly ask that you notify the school if your child will be absent.
Arrival /Dismissal Procedures
Arrival: Morning arrival starts at 8:30am and concludes at 8:50am. Students may be dropped off or arrive any time within that 20 minutes. Our buses typically arrive between 8:30-8:45am. Our supervisors begin duty at 8:30am.
Students cannot be on the blacktop/playground area before 8:30am. We ask for your help in ensuring none of our students are outside alone prior to the supervisors being out there. Thanks!
Just a reminder from now on, only Coventry staff are allowed on the blacktop and playground areas. This is to ensure the safety of all of our Coventry students.
Dismissal: At 3:30pm, students will head to their appropriate area, whether it be meeting a parent/guardian in the front or back of the building to walk or drive home, or, lastly, to the cafeteria to wait for their bus route to arrive. Coventry staff will be handling supervision duties after school as well.
Should there be a change in how your child should be getting home after school, please remember to let the office know no later than 3:00 pm, in addition to emailing your child's teacher. This information then helps the supervisors know who is going where instead of the usual schedule.
Safety Drills
The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. Under the Illinois School Safety Drill Act, all public schools are required to conduct a variety of safety drills annually. Drills practiced include fire (3), evacuation (1), shelter-in-place (1), and law enforcement (lockdown/active shooter) (3). See below for our current drill schedule:
Fire Drills
- Wednesday, August 28 - practice
- Friday, August 30 - with Fire Department
Lockdown Drill
- Thursday, September 5
Tornado Drill
- Tuesday, September 10
Preparing for various scenarios in advance helps empower staff and students in the case of a real emergency. While the chance of an incident happening is unlikely, we care about the well-being of our students and staff and are required by law to educate our school community to ensure emergency preparedness for all.
As indicated above, our school will participate in a lockdown drill on Thursday, September 5. We understand that some drills, particularly the law enforcement/lockdown drill, could cause anxiety for some students. Should you have questions about the lockdown drill or wish to opt your child out of the drill, please fill out and submit this form to your child’s school or contact the main office at 815-788-5500. Under state law, schools must still provide alternative safety education related to an active threat to students who do not participate in the lockdown drill.
Parent Night
Coventry Elementary is excited to bring you our world famous Parent Night. This night will be held Thursday, September 12th. We will be doing two, 35 minute sessions:
- Session 1: 6:00-6:35
- Session 2: 6:50-7:25
Both sessions will cover the same information. You will get a chance to see your child’s teacher and hear about all of the amazing ways we are going to engage our students. Please plan on attending, as this is an important step in the partnership for your child’s education.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Coventry Elementary PTA
- Instagram: @coventrypta
For any questions please email us at
First Day of School
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.