Inspiring Excellence
Casa Grande Union High School District | January 2025
Dear CGUHSD learning community,
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year as we celebrate the Super Bowl, Valentines Day, and Presidents Day. My hope is that you and your family are off to a terrific start for the year 2025. Our team of educators continues to work hard examining our practices, procedures, and structure to increase academic achievement for all students to meet our mission that all students will graduate college and career ready. We thank you for your trust in us and continue to ask for your feedback on how we are doing. Even though this month is flying by, we look forward to a memorable month as we celebrate our loved ones, our countries leadership, and the end of a fantastic NFL season. May your families be blessed and safe thank you.
Jan. 29 = Early Release
Feb. 05 = Early Release
Feb. 11 = Governing Board Meeting
Feb. 12 = Early Release
Feb. 17 = Presidents Day = No School/Offices Closed
Feb. 19 = Early Release
Feb. 26 = Early Release
Governing Board
Regular Monthly Meetings
2nd Monday of Month (*typically)
*unless there is a conflict & approved by Board
Casa Grande Union High School District
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
520-316-3360 Phone
520-316-3352 Fax
contact@cguhsd.org Email
cguhsd.org Website
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Marilyn Twehous, Social Media Specialist