December/January 2025
Dear FSH Family Members and Friends
Winter at South High: A Season of Gratitude and Achievement
Winter is officially here! Snow now blankets the ground, holiday music performances are gearing up, and cold temperatures mark the season. At South High, we have so much to be grateful for—our amazing students, dedicated teachers, supportive staff, caring families, and proud alumni. Speaking of alumni, on November 26th the Bruin Hall of Fame Class of 2024 were recognized and at South High School – this opportunity gave students the chance to meet and learn from our inspiring inductees.
This fall has been filled with exciting activities and remarkable accomplishments. Starting with many memorable achievements across our golf, football, volleyball, swimming and diving, cross country, tennis and soccer teams. The theater department also performed The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Contest in late November – it is always fun to see the many talents of our students. Beyond these successes, South’s students and staff continue to make a meaningful difference through volunteer work, such as participating in the Day of Compassion and contributing to Fill the Dome. Whether excelling in academics, the arts, sports, or community service, South High students are preparing to graduate choice ready while “Striving for Excellence” every day!
Looking Ahead: Semester 1 Reminders
As we approach the end of the first semester on January 16th, 2025, here are a few important reminders:
BAM (Bruins Achieving More): Academic support is available for all students Monday through Thursday from 7:50 am to 8:25 am. Please reach out to your child’s teachers or the school for specific details about BAM mornings.
Attendance Matters: Regular attendance is essential for academic success and on-time graduation. Talk with your child about their attendance, and please don’t hesitate to contact South High if there are barriers or strategies we can help with.
Early Out: On December 20th, 2024, students are dismissed 2 hours early, 1:35 pm.
Winter Preview Night: January 6th, 2025. 4 pm - 7 pm: Incoming 8th graders and current 9-12 grade students and families are invited in to learn more about classes as we gear up for registration and to preview activities/clubs/electives in efforts to get all students involved!
Proficiency Day: January 16th, 2025. This day is offered as an opportunity for all students to reach their full potential by focusing on proficiency.
Happy Holidays from South High
As the holiday season approaches, we wish all our students, staff, and families a season filled with joy and togetherness. Thank you for being part of our South High community.
Warmest Wishes,
Mrs. Evenson
Assistant Principal
Fargo Public Schools Accepting Nominations Beginning November 25 for Teacher, Administrator, and Support Staff of the Year Awards
Community members are invited to nominate deserving Fargo Public Schools employees for the Teacher, Administrator, and Support Staff of the Year Awards. The Staff Recognition Program honors FPS staff members who serve our students with excellence. Nominate online and learn more about the program at: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/StaffRecognitionProgram.
Fargo Public Schools deeply values the nearly 2,000 staff members who ensure our students receive a high-quality education in a safe learning environment. To honor our employees, the District annually awards the following:
- Teacher of the Year Award − awarded to a certified staff member
- Administrator of the Year Award − awarded to a principal, assistant principal, director, or coordinator
- Support Staff of the Year Award − awarded to an educational support staff member, custodial/maintenance department staff member, or nutrition services staff member
Nominations will be accepted online from 9 a.m. November 25 to 4 p.m. December 13.
Option 1 - Take the survey online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/lrfpsurvey
Option 2 - Scan the QR code. Take a photo of this code with your smartphone and click on the popup link to take the survey
Option 3 - Visit the Fargo Public Schools Office at 701 7th St S in Fargo or call 701-446-1005 to have a copy mailed to you
Fargo Public Schools maintains close communication with local and national weather agencies, local government, and neighboring school districts in order to make decisions regarding inclement weather and other emergency situations that are in the best interest of the safety of our students, staff and parents. The decision to hold classes is based on the general weather conditions which exist for the majority of Fargo students.
Each weather event is looked at individually with multiple sources of information consulted before making the final decision on whether or not to hold school due to inclement weather. The decision to keep schools open or to close them results for weighing factors including excessive snow, temperature or wind chill numbers, wind speeds, road conditions, and the safety of bussing students.
The decision to close school will be made and communicated in as timely of a manner as possible. Closing our schools has a tremendous impact on our parents and community. We strive to make the decision if needed with enough time for parents to make arrangements for supervision of their children. However, at times, a decision the morning of a school day may need to be made to see what weather materializes overnight; if a decision is made in the morning, the decision will be made by 6:00 a.m.
Parents, please keep the following in mind:
If school is in session, and a parent decides that a student should remain at home due to weather conditions, that decision will be respected by the school. Parents should use their own judgment in determining if the weather is suitable for their children to make the journey to school. It is always up to parents to make the final decision about whether or not to send their student to school if they believe weather conditions present a safety issue. The absence for the day would be considered an excused absence.
If school is called off, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up-to-date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School cancellation information will also be broadcasted via local media, and will be posted across our website and social media sites (Facebook, X, and Instagram).
If weather or a situation develops during the day, and it is determined that an early dismissal is in the best interest of the students, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up-to-date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School closure information will also be broadcasted via local media, and the information will be posted on our website and social media sites (Facebook, X, and Instagram).
In our elementary schools, principals will proceed with an orderly dismissal consistent with the instructions provided by parents on the Plan for School Closing Due to Weather or emergency form filled out at the beginning of the year.
On December 10th, freshmen students will participate in a retreat led by the 4 – 6 – 3 Foundation and FPS staff members. This retreat will focus on mental health and resources available to support. Freshmen whose last names begin with A-K will participate periods 2-3 at the ATTIC, and students whose last names begin with L-Z will participate period 6-7 at the ATTIC. We then will have a culminating activity period 8 in the Main Gym at South for all freshmen students.
Reminder! Don’t forget to purchase your 2024-25 yearbook. Only $60.00. You can do this by logging into your School Pay account.
Don’t miss out on your memories of Fargo South High School.
Senior Pictures are due January 31st. Digital photos can be sent to fshyearbook@fargoschools.org (preferred) or a hard copy dropped off in the main office.
A $10 late fee will be required if submitted after January 31st. No pictures will be accepted after March 1st. Questions please contact Mr. Monsen at fshyearbook@fargoschools.org.
Parents, siblings and friends of Seniors! Grad Ad deadline is March 30th. Please contact Mr. Monsen at fshyearbook@fargoschools.org for pricing and information on Grad Ads.
Requirements for South High School senior yearbook photos are as follows:
- Senior pictures should be portrait not landscape in orientation
- All senior portraits shall be of the student only. No additional person or pets will be allowed in photos
- The yearbook prefers head and shoulder photos. We want YOU to be the focus of the photo, not the background or props
- JPEG (.jpg) digital image format is required with 300 DPI or higher resolution image files for actual size of photo. (in other words, we need high resolution image files for printing purposes)
- The photo is not to have any writing on it, including: name, the year or the studio’s name. No watermarked or “proof” photos will be accepted.
All photos must conform to school policies and standards and are subject to approval by, but not limited to, the yearbook staff, yearbook advisor, and school administration.
- Violation of school policies, dress code, or behavior codes
- Display of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, or weapons of any kind
- Inappropriate gestures, facial expressions or postures
- Revealing, suggestive, or obscene clothing
The yearbook staff, as directed by the yearbook advisor, reserves the right to edit, retouch, crop, or resize any photo submitted. Senior portraits that do not meet yearbook specifications will not be published. The yearbook staff has the right to request a different photograph if the above guidelines are not met. The yearbook staff reserves the right to edit or deny any submitted photo for publication and printing in the yearbook.
Fargo Public Schools will release students two hours early from school on December 20 to support the professional development of teachers. The other 2 release days for the school year are February 14 and March 14.
The early release days allow teachers to gather in an extended Professional Learning Community (PLC) to focus on the students they serve this school year. During these early release days, teachers will analyze data and plan lessons to support students who have yet to grasp current standards and challenge students who have.
The district is committed to providing high-quality education for all students and believes investing in teacher professional development is critical to achieving this goal. By providing teachers with dedicated time to collaborate and learn from one another, Fargo Public Schools is taking an important step toward improving student learning outcomes.
FPS understands that early release days may cause some inconveniences for parents and guardians. However, this is an important step towards improving our teaching practices and benefiting our students' learning outcomes.
Parents are encouraged to contact the school for more information about the early release days and how they will affect their child's schedule. Students will have the opportunity for both breakfast and lunch on the early release days.
PTA Reflections Program
Calling all Bruins!
We know you are creative, talented, and artistic!
Show us your work! The PTA Reflections Program is looking for you!
Students this is a great opportunity for recognition and possible scholarship opportunities at the national level simply by submitting your creative work!
Each year, over 300,000 students (nationally) in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. The theme for the 2024-2025 school year is
Accepting Imperfection
Students can submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.
Fargo South has had four students' work recognized at the national level in the past three years!
It could be you this year!
The deadline to submit your entry is January 31, 2025 and here is the link to submit your work online, National PTA Student Entry Portal. If you have any questions regarding the program please contact Fargo South’s Reflections Chair, Amy Kain, amykain@yahoo.com.
The purpose of this article is to provide you with information on how to access grading information in classes that are using Evidence Based Reporting (EBR); a proficiency-based model. Throughout the semester, you will not see a percentage grade in PowerSchool. Rather, when you open the home screen of PowerSchool, you will see an “S” or a “U” for this class.
The S/U grade is simply a snapshot of graded work in class and is not necessarily representative of the academic standing in the course. A “S” can denote a projected letter grade of A, B, C, or D, whereas a “U” denotes a projected Failure letter grade.
For a more detailed view of the projected grade in the course, please see the instructions below.
- Open PowerSchool on a web browser (not the mobile app).
- Once you log in, on the left-hand side of the home page, click on “Evidence-Based Reporting.”
- You will see a list of your student’s courses on the screen. Click the “drop-down” arrow next to the course for more information on your student’s grades.
For more information on this shift in grading practices, please see this document for Frequently-Asked Questions surrounding EBR.
We invite you to explore the Fargo Public Schools website dedicated to Evidence-Based Reporting, and specifically, this document detailing more in-depth information surrounding EBR.
After reviewing these resources, please do not hesitate to reach out to South High building instructional coach Nicole Beier (beiern@fargo.k12.nd.us) or the classroom teacher with any questions you may have regarding EBR grading practices.
ALL Current 8th -11th grade students/families:
January 6, 4:00-7:00 pm - Registration Open House at South High- an opportunity for students and parents to talk with teachers about the classes being taught, different levels of classes (ie., Advanced Placement, Dual Credit), and elective class options.
5:30 pm in the theater: presentation for 8th grade students, parents/guardians
Current 8th grade students
January 9: South High counselors will visit CBE 8th graders to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections, review graduation requirements.
8th grade students: (be sure to attend your 8th grade conference with your current counselor who will help guide you through the registration process and finalize the plan for next year)
Current 9th grade students
January 28: Counselors will visit current 9th grade students during Physical Science classes to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections and review graduation requirements
February 4 - 5: Counselors will visit Physical Science classes again to assist 9th grade students in entering and finalizing their course selections for next year
Current 10th grade students
February 6 - 7: Counselors will visit current 10th grade students in Biology classes to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections and review graduation requirements
February 12 - 13: Counselors will visit Biology classes again to assist 10th grade students in entering and finalizing their course selections for next year
Current 11th grade students
February 18: Counselors will visit current 11th grade students in English classes to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections and review graduation requirements
February 25 - 27: Counselors will visit English classes again to assist 11th grade student in verifying credits needed for graduation, and in entering their final course selections.
All students are encouraged to speak with their parents, teachers and counselors as they work toward goals they have set for themselves. As students plan for next year’s classes, they should keep in mind requirements for graduation, requirements for admission into any school beyond high school, exploring career options and personal learning. This newsletter contains information regarding all of these topics. Thinking carefully about one’s high school years and post-high school plans is a necessity.
Consider the demands of various combinations of courses. There are eight periods in the South High school day, with a starting time of 8:35 a.m. and an ending time of 3:35 p.m. We recommend that students choose six classes per semester, leaving two free hours (study halls) per semester. Seven classes is a heavy load and eight can be an overload. Students taking seven or eight classes need to have plenty of out-of-school time for homework. Students with extracurricular or employment obligations need to pay careful attention to course loads.
4 credits of English
- English 1 or Honors English 1
- English 2 or Honors English 2
- English 3 or AP English 3 Lang/Comp
- English 4 or AP English 4 Lit/Comp
3 credits of Math
- Algebra 1 or Algebra 1-Intro/Conclusion
- Geometry or Informal Geometry
- Additional Math beyond Geometry
3 credits of Science
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Additional Science
3 credits of Social Studies
- World History/AP European History
- US History/AP US History
- Economics/AP Economics
- Government/AP Government
0.5 credit Physical Education
0.5 credit Health
3 Credits of World Language, Fine Arts, or Career and Tech Ed.
5 credits of Elective classes
Pass the Civics Test
22 total credits
Nearly every day new scholarship opportunities arrive at South High. Students and parents should recognize that there are a wide variety of criteria used to award scholarship dollars. These include, but are not limited to: financial need, community service, extra co-curricular activities, academic ability, talents/interests, ethnicity, military affiliation, apprenticeship, and 2-year schools.
Where do I look?
South High Resources:
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/south
- Click on Student Services
- Click on Scholarships
- Scholarship listings are also posted in the Career Center and on the website regularly
Outside Resources
- Internet (see a listing of other websites at our website)
- Books
- Businesses
- Organizations
- School you plan to attend (admissions or financial aid office)
Applications for scholarships are usually online; others can be found in the Career Center. Timelines and deadlines for scholarships vary, please watch them closely.
SEE YOUR COUNSELOR for more information!
The North Dakota Legislature created this scholarship to encourage and reward high school students for taking challenging coursework in preparation for attending a college or university in North Dakota.
The total value of the scholarship is $6,000, disbursed $750 per semester or $500 per quarter. Recipients have up to six years following high school graduation to use the scholarship. To qualify for a disbursement, recipients must be enrolled full-time, as defined by the financial aid office at the institution, maintain the minimum cumulative GPA requirement of 2.75, and maintain progress towards degree completion requirements of the scholarship.
The scholarship can be used at any of the approved public, private or tribal colleges within the state of North Dakota. Eligible institutions must be regionally accredited and offer programs of study of at least 2 years in length.
The online application for the ND Scholarship can be submitted January 1, 2025 - May 30, 2025. Students can apply for this scholarship online at the ND Education Portal which can be accessed through their PowerSchool account. Once approved, students have up to six years to access these scholarship dollars. Therefore, any student who qualifies should apply for this scholarship, even if not planning to attend a ND school in case plans change. This scholarship can also be applied to students who may return to ND for graduate school within 6 years of graduation.
North dakota choice ready scholarship
For North Dakota Choice Ready Scholarship Information, click on link below:
Consider the following:
- take the ACT or SAT in the spring
- arranging college visitations for the spring or summer:
- developing a resume of the high school years to help when completing scholarship, school, and job applications;
- continuing a strong, academically-oriented schedule of classes for your senior year;
- arranging a job shadow through the Career Center in order to explore career interests.
The WorkKeys assessments are designed to allow students to demonstrate work readiness in the areas of Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents. Students who score well may be eligible for a National Career Readiness Certificate. Students who score five (5) of higher on all three WorkKeys tests will have fulfilled one of the requirements for the North Dakota Career and Technical Education Scholarship worth up to $6,000. Talk to your counselor to see if you qualify! The dates for the WorkKeys are January 9th and April 24th. Additional information about WorkKeys is available at: http://www.act.org/workkeys/index.html.
The ACT and SAT are college entrance tests required by most 4 year colleges. Students should check with the specific schools they plan to apply to for the test needed. These tests are generally taken during the latter part of a student’s junior year and during senior year.
ACT Exam Schedule
South High School Code: 350-565
ACT Fee: $68.00
ACT with Writing: $93.00
Late Registration—add $36.00
SAT Exam Schedule
South High School Code: 350-565
SAT Fee: $68.00
Late Registration: Add $30.00
If students qualify for the free lunch program, there are opportunities available for him/her to receive fee waivers or cost reductions for some events. These may include fee waivers for ACT/SAT/PSAT exams; reduced price for AP exams; scholarships for ZAPS workshops. Please check with your counselor to make sure students access these opportunities.
High School sophomores, juniors, and seniors can now process transcript requests electronically through eTranscripts. Students request their transcript securely and at their convenience through their PowerSchool account.
1. Students log into their PowerSchool account and click on the icon with the arrow/box
2. Click ND Education Portal
3. Click tab with student’s name
4. Send Transcript
5. Choose college transcript needs to go to
Please allow 2 days for approval. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office or call Beth Phillips @ 446-2015.
Good attendance, whether at school or on the job, is very important. If a student must be absent from school, please call Katy @ (701) 446-2023.
Class attendance will be reported daily by period. It is the intent of the attendance secretary to contact parents at home or work the same day by phone to directly report any class(es) that have been reported as absent.
Fargo South sends an automated alert message calling to inform parents/guardians if your child is marked tardy for a class period. This means your child arrived after the bell rang and class started. Per school protocol, students receive an hour of detention after a 3rd tardy in a particular class. Parents/guardians are also able to track student attendance via PowerSchool if they wish.
Fargo South appreciates your support in reinforcing the importance of punctuality with your child. Regular attendance and arriving on time are essential for a successful learning experience
Mainstage Musical - MAMMA MIA!
Trollwood Performing Arts School's 2024 Mainstage Musical is Mamma Mia! Performances are set for July 22-26 and July 28-August 2 at Bluestem Center for the Arts. Visit trollwood.org for more information. Group ticket sales, for groups of 10 or more, are on sale now, and regular tickets will be on sale in May.
Cast auditions will be held February 22-26. Orchestra auditions will be held in March. Students may sign up for an audition slot by calling 218.477.6500 or emailing trollwood@fargo.k12.nd.us. Students may also participate as a run crew member or technician by registering for summer programming.
The Fargo South Drone Racing team will be recruiting drone pilots for the spring season. We will compete against other schools using Velocidrone. There will be an in-person tournament for those teams and individuals who qualify. We fly TinyHawk III drones.
Practices will begin January 2nd in C19e. Those who are interested should contact Mr. Reichenbach at reicheu@fargoschools.org
Kristi Brandt, Principal - 701-446-2004
Greta Evenson, Asst. Principal (A-K) - 701-446-2005
Dr. Shannon Mortrud, Asst. Principal (L-Z) - 701-446-2008
Mike Beaton, Activities Coordinator - 701-446-2006
Dode Bentson, Administrative Assistant - 701-446-2010
Donna Lee, Activities Secretary - 701-446-2011
Kris Haphey, Bookkeeper - 701-446-2022
Troy Nielsen, SRO - 701-446-2025
Student Services
Heidi Moritz (A - F) - 701-446-2017
Dennis Miller (G - K) - 701-446-2019
MJ Andersen (L - R) - 701-446-2021
Adrienne Eider (S - Z) - 701-446-2020
Beth Phillips, Registrar - 701-446-2015
Jesica Rodriguez, Secretary - 701-446-2016
Brenda Koppy, Career Center - 701-446-2028
Christy Matlock, School Nurse - 701-446-2034
Brittany Engelhardt, Social Worker - 701-446-2018
- December 20 - ASVAB testing for Juniors
- December 20 – Early Out
- December 23 - January 1 - Christmas Break - No School
- January 2 - Classes Resume
- January 6 - 8th Grade Parent Night 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- January 6 - Open House
- January 6 - FAFSA Help - C30
- January 16 - Proficiency Day
- January 16 - End of First Semester
- January 17 - Staff Professional Development - No School
- January 20 - MLK Jr Day - No School
- February 14 – Early Out
- February 17 - Holiday - No School
- March 14 - Early Out
- March 17-21 - Spring Break - No School
- March 28 - Proficiency Day
- March 28 - End of Quarter
- April 1 - P/T Conferences - 4:00 - 8:00 pm
- April 1 - Career Fair
- April 10-13 - Play
- April 17 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - otherwise No School
- April 18 - Good Friday - No School
- April 21 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - otherwise No School
- April 26 – Prom
- April 28 – South High Honor Society Induction Ceremony
- May 12-23 - AP Testing
- May 21 - Senior Scholarship Ceremony
- May 26 – Memorial Day – No School
- Janu 5 - Proficiency Day
- June 5 – Last Day of Classes
- June 8 – Graduation – 3:00 @ FARGODOME
Fargo South High School
Greta Evenson, Asst. Principal
Dr. Shannon Mortrud, Asst. Principal
Mike Beaton, Activities Coordinator
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/south
Location: South High School, 15th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2000
Twitter: @fargosouthhigh & @fshactivities