Bobcat Innovation
Sept. 27th 2024
Bobcat Innovation - Sept. 27th, 2024 Newsletter
We had an amazing Homecoming week at Bobcat Innovation. The students loved dressing up and we ended the week in style at our Homecoming pep assembly with the high school cheer team and football players. Make sure to check out all the fun pictures below!
Don't forget that picture day is Monday and Tuesday this coming week for Bobcat Innovation In-Person and Hybrid students, as well as Virtual elementary and middle school students. See the flyer and write-up below for the schedule and more information.
Please see the flyers below about the Free Meals Program. Even though our meals at school are free this year, we still need everybody to fill out the free and reduced lunch forms in order to make sure that we get our full funding.
Don't miss the parent presentation at East Middle School next week on cyber safety, bullying, and much more put on by the State Police. It will be Thursday, October 3rd at the East Middle School Cafeteria.
We still have space in our hybrid classes at Bobcat Innovation. Students in our hybrid program follow the same curriculum as our virtual students and learn from home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. However, on Tuesdays and Thursdays they come in-person to the Perry Center, taking advantage of everything that face to face education has to offer. If you are in 2nd-5th grade and are interested in switching from full time virtual to hybrid, please let Mrs. Stockoski or Mrs. Johnson know. You can also email Director Zach Hamilton at zhamilton@gbcs.org.
If you are interested in volunteering to come in on Fridays for popcorn and recycling at the Perry Center, please fill out the form at https://forms.gle/78jS1Cgz9CQU4iV9A.
Warm regards,
Zach Hamilton, Director of Innovative Programs (Daily oversight of Bobcat Innovation In-Person and Hybrid)
(810) 591-6077
Kevin Keilitz, Asst. Director of Innovative Programs (Daily oversight of Bobcat Innovation Virtual)
(810) 591-6375
Important Dates
* Friday, Sept. 27 - Half Day; Homecoming
* Monday, Sept. 30 and Tuesday Oct. 1st - Picture Day!
* Thursday, Oct. 3rd - Michigan State Police safety presentation - For Parents - 6:00pm - EMS Cafeteria
* Friday, Oct. 4th - 1/2 day of school for students (afternoon PD for staff)
* Thursday, Oct. 24th - 1/2 day of school for students
* Friday, Oct. 25th - Last day of 1st marking period
Bobcat Innovation Homecoming Fun!!
Spirit Week at Bobcat Innovation!
State Police Parent Presentation
Grand Blanc Families,
Next Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, you are invited to attend an evening presentation, presented by the Michigan State Police. State Police will cover many topics such as online safety, bullying, and give tips to parents on handling these complex issues with their kids. The presentation will take place at the East Middle School cafeteria at 6:00pm.
We hope to see you there.
Important information about our Free Meals Program - Forms needed!
2nd Grade Students Presenting to the Board of Education
Pictures for In-Person and Hybrid Programs Only
Picture Day Schedule
Monday, September 30, 2024
7:30 - 8:00 - Mrs. Cramer and Mrs. Groce (advisory)
10:00 - 10:30 Mrs. Brock
1:00-2:30 - Elementary and Middle School Virtual Students
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
7:30 - 8:00 - Mr Vallimont and Mrs. Cormany (advisory)
10:00 - 10:30 - Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Stockoski
10:55 - 11:20 - Mrs. Angelini
12:55 - 1:20 - Mr. Leverette
1:30-2:30 - Elementary and Middle School Virtual Students
Bob-Kitten Cheer Clinic
Genesee County Broadband Initiative Survey
Help bring better internet connections to our community! Check out the website below, and take the survey.
Counseling Corner
BVL Seniors! It is a good time to start thinking about your plans for after high school. Whether it is going to college, the trades, working, or the military. This is a good time to connect with your counselor, Ms. Uhl, to talk about what you want to do next. Feel free to email her at juhl@gbcs.org to set up a time to chat. Additionally, October is Michigan College Month. Below you will find a list of Michigan colleges with no application fees or waived fees.
BVL Seniors: Mott Community College is hosting a College Fair and Financial Aid Night on Thursday, October 17th. See the flyer below for details.
BVL High School students. Mott Community College will be hosting an informational night for those interested in a career in health care on Thursday, October 3rd. See the below for details on this event.
Message from the District Nurses
Medication at School
Our goal is your child’s safety and your help is needed to achieve this goal! Students are not to carry medication without orders per district policy.
All medication authorizations must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. The order is good for one school year unless shorter time frame ordered by physician. Authorization forms must be completed for both prescription and non-prescription medications.
- Each medication needs its own authorization
- Refill of the medication is the responsibility of the parent/guardian
- Expired medication will not be administered
- Action plans for health conditions such as Diabetes, Seizures, and Allergies must be completed every school year
- Unused medication will be discarded unless picked up by the parent/guardian on or before the last day of school
- FOOD ALLERGIES: Dietary restriction form is available on the Food Services department webpage, foods can be substituted with a form on file, including gluten free options!
Additional information and forms can be found on the Grand Blanc Community Schools web-site, Health Resources.
Upper School Field Trip to Aerial Park
6th, 7th, & 8th grade Athletic Opportunities
Bobcat Innovation Athletics Website: https://bobcatinnovation.gbcs.org/for-students/pic-athletics
Grand Blanc East Middle School Fall Athletics Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_r_X39BRlT6_Q_9ysmZlTzGvmSkvTdbQ4ZpdXKmwhKk/edit?usp=sharing
Perry Innovation Center
Email: zhamilton@gbcs.org
Website: https://bobcatinnovation.gbcs.org/
Location: 11920 South Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-6078
Facebook: Visit us on Facebook at: Bobcat Innovation