SMS Scoop
February 10, 2025
Night to Shine
On Friday, February 7th SMS was well-represented at Night to Shine, which was a fun, uplifting evening for everyone involved. Volunteer faculty, staff, and interns are pictured. There were also several current and former SMS student volunteers who served in a variety of capacities.
Thank you, Ms. Ford and the rest of the coordinators (Mrs. Beswick, Mrs. Burns, and Ms. Craig), for all of your effort to plan and prepare for the event.
Eighth Grade All-Star Conference
SMS 8th graders participated in the all-star conference, which is sponsored by the Scott County Partnership, on Friday, February 7th. Students rotated through four informational sessions throughout the morning, then participated in homeroom activities/competitions during the afternoon.
Mr. Hicks' homeroom won the competitions.
Pictured below are the raffle prize winners.
Top WARRIOR Point Earners for January
Congratulations to our top WARRIOR point earners for January:
6th grade - Martin Bernal, Cooper Doriot, Brennan Wilkerson, Braelyn Wilkerson, and Emma Padgett (not pictured)
7th grade - Bernardo Barbosa, Skylar Reynolds, Aylin Gomez Ramirez, Olivia Copple, and Jesus Belli (not pictured)
8th grade - Levi Mills, Violeta Bernal, Emmy Cheatham, Landon Leep (not pictured), and Griffin Owens (not pictured)
SADD Chapter Meeting
The SMS SADD chapter will meet during lunches on Monday, February 10th.
See Mrs. Kelley for additional information.
Builders Club Book Drive
Next week the SMS Builders Club is collecting books for the Vienna Little Library. Members of Builders Club will be in the main hallway to collect children's books before lunch every day from Monday, February 10th through Friday, February 14th.
Thank you in advance for donating what you can.
Calendar Reminders for 2024-2025
February 21 - no school
March 24-28 - no school
May 22 - last day of school
Yearbook Sales
SMS yearbooks are now on sale.
The cost is $17.
Yearbooks can be ordered via the QR code in the picture or via a paper order form that is available in the SMS office.
The deadline to order is Friday, March 21st.
Winter Sports Season
Winter sports are basketball, cheer, swimming, and wrestling.
Students should listen to the afternoon announcements for updates about practices and competitions.
Eventlink is the platform that we use to communicate with parents/family members regarding practices and events.
If you have questions about athletics, please contact Mrs. King at 812-752-8926 option 2.
Harmony Family Access
Harmony made some updates over the summer, including a new link for Harmony Family Access. When you need to visit Harmony Family Access to update information, check grades, add money to a cafeteria account, etc., please use this link. It is also located on the Scott 2 website under "Students & Parents" if you prefer to access it from there.
Got Questions?
This document outlines the answers to several frequently asked questions at SMS.
It is also linked our the SMS webpage (sms.scsd2.k12.in.us) if you need it for future reference.
2025-2026 Scott 2 Calendar
For those of you who want/need to plan ahead, here are some important dates for the 2025-2026 school year:
August 6 - first day of school
September 1 - no school
October 13-17 - no school
November 10 - no school
November 26-28 - no school
December 22-January 2 - no school
January 19 - no school
February 23 - no school
March 23-27 - no school
May 21 - last day of school
Student Handbook
The Scottsburg MS student handbook contains some updates for the 2024-2025 school year. Once again, the most significant changes took place in the attendance section.
SMS Student Handbook
We encourage you to read the handbook with your child(ren) and to contact us with any questions you may have.
Food Service
Like many schools, we occasionally experience some supply/distribution delays. We will follow the posted menus when possible, but will have to make adjustments at times.
Scottsburg Middle School
Email: khammons@scsd2.k12.in.us
Website: http://sms.scsd2.k12.in.us/
Location: 425 South 3rd Street, Scottsburg, IN, USA
Phone: (812) 752-8926
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottsburgMiddleSchool
Twitter: @ScottsburgMS