Prairie Ridge Parent Post
A Note from the Principal
Dear Families,
As we wrap up this school year and anticipate the start of a new school year, I want to assure you that we will continue to prioritize the well-being and success of our students. We are dedicated to providing them with a safe and supportive learning environment where they can learn and grow at high levels and SOAR as they focus on their goals.
We are most fortunate to have nearly all of our teachers and staff returning next year. We look forward to welcoming students, families and volunteers in August and forming partnerships that continue to grow stronger.
This Special Edition of our newsletter has pertinent information to ensure families are prepared when it is time for school to start. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Have a wonderful summer!
Carole Oliphant
Teacher Assignment
School Supply List
Preschool and Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
We are looking for a caring and compassionate person to join our dynamic team of paraeducators who support our center based program. Click Here for more information and then scroll down to find the posting. Please help us spread the word!
Click Here for more information.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to step into one of these roles, please reach out to the PTO at prel.pto@gmail.com.