Vegetable Garden Ministry
Upcoming Events
Saturday Gardening
Saturday, Jun 27, 2020, 07:00 AM
Saint Michael Vegetable Garden
A Message of Thanks
Looking Ahead
New garden layout provides:
1. Ease of crop rotation planning.
2. Ease of accessing/dragging hoses
3. Employs erosion control by contouring.
4. Hedgerows are designated for wild flowers to attract pollinators and bio diversification.
Provided by Marco.
Garden Calendar
The garden soil needs nutrients added. In order to do this, the Board would like to bring in 6-8 yards of Cow Manure @ $50/yard plus the cost of the truck. The manure can be spread immediately as it has already been cured. We are hoping to raise $350 - $450.
- Put your check in an envelope marked "VEGETABLE GARDEN MINISTRY" plus mark your check the same way and drop it off at the Church Office.
- Donate On-Line at: https://www.smcchurch.org/give (there is a box for Vegetable Garden)
- Mail your donation to: St. Michael Catholic Church, 3713 Harwood Rd., Bedford, TX 76021 (mark FOR VEGETABLE GARDEN)
Please submit donations by the end of July, if desired.
Thank you in advance! If you have any questions, please contact Chris at 817-925-4542.
Tips & Tricks
End of Season Checklist for Your Tomato Garden
Starting Tomato Seeds
- Tomato variety:
- Name of vendor (either for seeds or plants):
- Cost (seeds, potting soil, plants):
- Seed planting date:
- Germination date:
- Date first true set of leaves appear:
- Transplanting date:
- Special plant strengthening tips:
- Hardening off dates and exposure:
- Things I want to do differently about starting tomato seeds next year:
Planting Tomato Seedlings
- Date that I set plants in the garden or containers:
- Planting details:
- Garden layout records (so I can rotate crops):
- Containers - size and positions:
- Things I want to do differently about planting tomatoes next year:
Growing Tomatoes
- Watering method
- Watering schedule
- Staking method
- Type of fertilizer
- Fertilizing schedule
- First flowering date
- Date first fruit appeared
- Pests
- Diseases
- Special weather notes
- Things I want to do differently about growing tomatoes next year:
Harvesting Tomatoes
- First pick:
- Last pick:
- Volume:
- Seeds saved and save date:
- First frost date:
- Garden clean up details:
- Things I want to do differently about harvesting tomatoes next year:
Checklist copied from link below. Submitted by Mary B.
Drought, Drought, Rain, & More Rain! What's a Gardener to Do?
Submitted by Mary B.
Updated- Who's Who
Vegetable Garden Ministry Board Members
- Chris Delmolino 817-925-4542
- Ofel Cordero 817-691-6026
- Mike Piske- tractor & maintenance
- Marco Molinar- soil solarization specialist
- Mary Baxter- secretary/treasurer
Communications Committee
- Helen Bradley- photographer
- Bernadette Norman- membership (phone)
- Jennifer Patel- membership (email)
- Katharine Norman- newsletter/ technology
Comments? Suggestions?
Responses to this newsletter will be delivered to stmvgm@gmail.com. Email and newsletter managed by Katharine Norman 817-360-5856.