March 23, 2025
Happy Sunday MAV NATION!
We had an aMAVzing week at McNeil!
WE hope you have a MAVulous Spring Break!
We will see OUR Mavericks back on campus on Monday, March 24!
Please read below for important information, updates, and CELEBRATIONS of YOUR MAVS!
Upcoming Dates
Thurs., March 27 - McNeil We Are Blood Drive, New Lecture Hall
Mon., March 31 - Student Holiday / Staff Work Day
Friday, April 4 - End of MP4, IPR 1
Mon., April 7 - 10th Grade Spring Parent Meeting: MHS Cafe, 6-8PM
Friday, April 11 - MP4, IPR 1 sent home
Saturday, April 19 - McNeil Prom 2025 at Kalahari Convention Center Round Rock, 7-11PM Ticket INFO HERE
Important Documents
2024-2025 McNeil High School A/B Day Calendar
2024 - 2025 McNeil High School Bell Schedule
McNeil High School website
OFFICIAL McNeil HS Bell Schedule-2024-2025.pdf
McNeil High School HOMEWORK-FREE WEEKEND Dates, 2024-2025
Parking and Traffic Flow Presentation (updated last year; no new changes)
Each week we send out this newsletter to CELEBRATE OUR Mavericks and share important information about upcoming events. If you see something missing from a MavMail, reach out to the sponsor of the team, club, or event and ask them to have it added to the next MavMail.
Are you looking for MORE ways to stay informed of ALL the aMAVzing news from McNeil High School?
Follow YOUR MHS Student Council!
Read the OFFICIAL Student Newspaper: The Trailblazer, and visit this site to read our daily student announcements.
Does your student have an upcoming Driver’s License appointment? If so, YOU WILL need a Verification of Enrollment form. The VOE Request Form and MANY MORE resources are available on our MAV Campus Website A-Z Index. Click HERE for additional information and resources.
WE invite the McNeil Community to click HERE to get to know your 2024 - 2025 McNeil Maverick Staff! All Maverick Staff were able to create a slide about themselves to be featured in MavMail. Some staff will be updating their slides at a later date. It is OUR pleasure to serve the McNeil Students and Community… check back to get to know YOUR MAVulous Maverick Staff!
Don’t forget:
At McNeil… YOU are aMAVzing!
YOU can ALWAYS make YOUR day MAVtastic!
The Horse IS With You, ALWAYS!
At McNeil High School #WE>me AND… GO MAVS!! 💙💚🐎
Questions about the IB Diploma Programme? Reach out the Mrs. H, the IB DP Coordinator - emilee_hinegardner@roundrockisd.org
The MHS IB Diploma website is LIVE. Get all of the latest news and information about the McNeil IB Diploma Programme here: https://www.mcneilhsib.com/
Maverick Fine Arts Corner
Congratulations to Mav Band President Caleb Carter and the ATX Trumpet Ensemble for their first place finish at the National Trumpet Competition over the weekend!
The Maverick Winterguard will compete at Texas A&M in the Texas Color Guard Circuit (TCGC) Championships on Saturday, March 29 in the Reed Arena (730 Olsen Blvd, College Station, TX 77843). GOOD LUCK MAVS!
MavSports Center
Over the break, YOUR Maverick Baseball team BEAT Stony Point in a game at the @RRExpress Dell Diamond 7 to 4. WAY TO GO MAVS! This week, YOUR Maverick Baseball Teams will face Stony Point for Game #2 on Tuesday, March 25. Your Varsity Mavs will play at McNeil at 7:00PM with YOUR JV Blue playing at Stony Point HS at 5:00PM followed by YOUR JV Green playing at SPHS at 7:00PM. On Friday, March 28 YOUR Maverick Baseball Teams will face Vandegrift in Game #1. YOUR Varsity Mavericks will host the Vipers at McNeil at 7:30PM. After YOUR JV Green hosts the JV VIpers at McNeil at 5:00PM. YOUR JV Blue Mavericks will travel to Vandegrift for a game at 5:30PM. GOOD LUCK MAVS!
YOUR Maverick Softball Team earned TWO big WINS during Spring Break when YOUR JV MAVS took the win over Westwood, 12-2, and YOUR Varsity Mavs beat Manor, 24-12. WAT TO GO Mavs!!! This wek YOUR Maverick Softball Teams will travel to Cedar Ridge on Tuesday, March 25 to take on the Raiders. YOUR JV plays at 5:00, followed by YOUR Varsity at 7:00PM. YOUR Softball Mavericks will host Vandegrift for TEACHER APPRECIATION NIGHT on Friday, March 28 at McNeil HS JV plays at 5:00 followed by YOUR Varsity at 7:00PM.
Then, YOUR JV Mavericks Softball Team will play in the Leander ISD JV Tournament on Thursday, March 27 and Saturday, March 29. On Day 1 (Thursday), YOUR JV MAVS will play Vandegrift v McNeil at 12PM and then Cedar Park at 1:30PM. Both games will be played at Cedar Park HS. On Day 2 (Saturday), YOUR JV MAVS will play Weiss at 10:30AM and then face Fredericksburg at 12:00PM. Both Saturday games will be played @ Liberty Hill HS.
YOUR Maverick Girls Golf Varsity and Team 2 will compete in the 25-6A District Golf Tournament on Monday, March 24 and Tuesday, March 25, a the Delaware Springs Golf Course (600 Delaware Springs Blvd, Burnet, TX 78611). GOOD LUCK MAV GOLFERS!
On Tuesday, March 25 YOUR Maverick Tennis Team will travel to Georgetown High School for the Georgetown Tennis Tournament. Then, YOUR JV Tennis Mavericks will travel to the Georgetown Tournament on Thursday, March 27. On Friday, March 28 YOUR Varsity Tennis Mavericks will travel to Prosper, TX for an invitational tournament at Walnut Grove High School (3500 E First St, Prosper, TX 75078).
On Wednesday, March 26 YOUR Freshman Maverick Track & Field Team will travel to Hutto High School for the Hippo Relays. On Thursday, March 27 YOUR Track & Field JV Team will compete in the Don Shelton Relays at Jack C Hays High School (4800 Jack C Hays Trail, Buda, TX 78610). Then, on Friday, March 28 and Saturday, March 29 YOUR Maverick Varsity Track & Field Teams will compete in the Texas Relays at Mike A. Myers Track and Soccer Stadium (707 Clyde Littlefield Dr, Austin, TX 78705). GOOD LUCK MAVS!
Congratulations to YOUR McNeil Boys’ Soccer Team on a great season! YOUR MAVS faced off with Bowie High School on Friday Night in the Bi-District Round of the UIL State Soccer Playoffs. YOUR MAVS played hard keeping the score 0-0 for 80 minutes of regulation and 10 minutes in the first overtime period. YOUR MAVS fought until the end but came up short, losing by a score of 0-2. Thank you to Coach Kidd, Coach OC, Coach Lookingbill, and Coach Foss for a memorable season. We are looking forward to another great season next year… GO MAVS!!
Prom Ticket Sales are ON SALE NOW!
Prom Info:
Theme: 1920's - Timeless Soiree
Location: Kalahari Resort and Convention Center
Date: April 19th, 2025
Time: 7PM - 11PM
All tickets will be sold on the MORP app.
Step 1: Create your MORP app Profile: Check out our guide to using the MORP app for help creating your profile. Be sure to use your RRISD Student Email when setting up your account.
Step 2: Complete a prom permission form: Prom permission forms are available in your office suite. All MHS students attending prom will need a completed permission form and their MHS student ID before purchasing their tickets. Ticket sales start Monday so don't wait!
- You can get a student ID in the library before school or during all three lunches. If you lost your ID it is $5 for a reprint, pay online before you go.
Ticket Prices:
March 3 - 7th $75.00
March 10 - 14th $75.00
March 17 - 21st $85.00
March 24 - 28th $85.00
March 31st - April 4th $95.00
April 7th - 11th $95.00
April 14th - 17th $105.00
Senior Survey: 100% of Seniors Need to Complete the Annual RRISD Senior Survey (MANDATORY ITEM)
Every senior in RRISD is asked to complete the annual RRISD Senior Survey. This survey allows high schools to best support students through the summer months after graduation, and it helps the district better support current high school students. Please take a moment to complete this survey TODAY. It will take less than 10 minutes. RRISD requests 100% participation in this annual senior survey; please complete this survey as soon as possible.
Scholarship Opportunities
Be sure to check out the Scholarship and Financial Aid page of our counseling website for scholarships and MORE! Pay attention to DEADLINES! All seniors should apply for local scholarships since they have a higher probability of getting these awards. Check this spreadsheet frequently; new scholarships are added all the time!
Report ALL of Your Scholarship Awards TODAY! (MANDATORY ITEM)
McNeil every year publishes all the scholarships you are awarded in our Senior Awards Night program. Please share EVERY scholarship you have been offered thus far, even if you will not be accepting the award. Every scholarship must be verified, so please email copies of any scholarship offers you get during this year to Mr. Tate (you can forward the email, send a screenshot, or upload a photo). Submit all scholarships to Mr. Tate at brandon_tate@roundrockisd.org to be included in the Seniors Awards Night program.
P.S. We don't publish the dollar amounts in the Academic Awards Night program, so do not be worried about that. However, we do keep a running tally of the dollar amount for the whole senior class which we announce at graduation, so do send me that info!
Share your Senior Google Slide! (OPTIONAL ITEM)
Each year, McNeil curates a slide from each senior to put the senior slideshow together. The slide show is displayed on our website throughout the summer, and it may be played at other senior events. All seniors are asked to create ONE Google Slide and SHARE it with Mr. Tate (brandon_tate@roundrockisd.org).
Please include the following on your ONE, SINGLE GOOGLE SLIDE:
First and Last Name
Plans after graduation (military branch, college/university, etc.)
Any other information you would like to share!
Space is limited to ONE slide per senior! Share your slide with Mr. Tate. He will copy it and add it to the master slideshow. Click HERE for design ideas and to see the senior slide show for last year's class of 2022. Please have your Google Slide complete and share it with Mr. Tate by Friday, April 25th. Please double-check your slide for grammar, punctuation, and spelling!
Mavericks Enlisting in the Military
If you have already enlisted, or if you plan on enlisting in the military by April 25th, 2025, please share your information with Mr. Tate (brandon_tate@roundrockisd.org) so we can celebrate you at this year's graduation ceremony! Thank you for your service!
Please email a copy of your FAFSA / TASFA submission, or submit the Opt-Out Form to your alpha counselor AND Mr. Tate. Your diploma will be withheld, and you may not be able to walk at graduation if you do not complete this graduation requirement. This is a requirement that is mandated by the state of Texas; therefore, EVERY senior MUST complete this task or their graduation requirements are not fulfilled. Emails have been sent home (to parents and students) for all seniors about this requirement."
Water Polo Camp!
YOUR McNeil Water Polo Team will be hosting a camp this summer for incoming 6th and 7th graders and incoming 8th and 9th graders on May 27th through May 29th. See below for more information. Use this link https://forms.gle/ftXuLZk6aZejpgNQ8 to register. GO MAVS!
AP Testing begins May 5
Last year, 1,215 MAVulous Maverick students took 2,239 AP Exams in 34 different subjects over 14 days. It takes A LOT of proctors to make these tests happen. If you are interested in being an AP Test Proctor at McNeil or would like more information, please email JohnMark_Edwards@RoundRockISD.org
College Board Student Accounts (for AP students)
On-Demand Video (on YouTube)
Hey, MAVS… Are you taking an AP Exam this Spring? Please watch this video which discusses College Board student accounts and helpful tips. Topics include… Where do I login?... What to do if I forget my password?... What to do if I forget my email address or cannot access that email?... And self-help options for students. If you have any questions, please contact us at McNeil_Testing@RoundRockISD.org.Girls Flag Football Season
Did you read this article that says McNeil is going to have Girls’ Flag Football this season?
A league of their own: Girls' flag football gets NFL backing in Austin
Are you interested in playing Flag Football THIS SPRING at McNeil High School? Email Coach Michael_Hale@roundrockisd.org or Coach Scott_Hermes@roundrockisd.org for more information. LET’s GO MAVS!
2025 Majestics in the Spotlight
Illusions Spring Show Clinic and Performance Registration Form
Participants will have a dance clinic on Saturday, 04/05/2025 to learn their spring show routine. On or before 04/05/2025, participants must purchase 2 tickets on their own, due to our reserved seating system (One for the dance and the second for a parent/guardian) to Illusions Spring Show. They will perform at the beginning of the second act of the show!
Price: $65.00 - This includes T-shirt and Saturday dance clinic
Who? This exciting opportunity is available to any child K-8th grade
When/Where? Saturday: 04/5/24 Clinic
Drop Off at 9:30-10:00 am. Clinic is from 10 a.m-12 p.m. at the Raymond E. Hartfield Performing Arts Center.
Learn your dance routine for your special night and receive your shirt!
04/05/2025 Illusions- McNeil Dance Dept Spring Show
Show begins at 7pm, seating starts at 6:30pm. Dancers and families will watch the 1st act. During Intermission, you will sign your dancer in near the Black Box in the Lobby. Our dancers will perform in the 2nd number of the 2nd act. Your dancer will immediately exit the stage after they perform and head back directly to their seats. We encourage you to stand and help your dancer find their seat!
***Registration must register prior to 3/21/25 to ensure a t-shirt.*** Please pay online for your convenience: https://www.mcneilmajestics.com/upcoming-events/majestics-in-the-spotlight
Click HERE to sign up!
From the Counselors’ Office: Course Verification Info
Hello MAVS!!
It is time to verify your course requests for the 25-26 school year.
THE VERIFICATION WINDOW WILL BE OPEN FROM 3/1/25-3/14/25. After the 14th, no course request changes will be allowed for the 25-26 school year.
Please log into your Home Access Center (HAC) account and follow the steps below to see your course requests:
Log into Home Access Center (CLICK HERE)
Click on "Schedules"
Look under 25-26 Courses
If your course requests are correct and you do NOT want to change anything, there is no further action required.
If you would like to change your course requests, please follow these steps and submit a response for EACH course you would like to change:
Click on this link for "McNeil High School Course Verification Form"
Complete the entire google form
Check your email for a confirmation of the request
Submit a form for each course request you would like to change
Counselors will be updating the requests throughout the verification window. Please check your HAC to ensure the updates have been made. Counselors will complete updating by 3/28/25. If your change has not been made by 3/28/25, please reach out to your counselor.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your alpha counselor:
Are you interested in attending a leadership camp over the summer?
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where young people can develop leadership skills while having fun and making connections.
RYLA 2025
RYLA will be held at Twin Lakes Family YMCA, in Cedar Park, TX
June 29 - July 4, 2025
Check out their website for more information: https://rotarydistrict5870.org/sitepage/ryla
Society of Women Engineers at Texas A&M
We are the Society of Women Engineers at Texas A&M, reaching out to you about an exciting educational opportunity for your students! SWENext is a free outreach program held on Zoom geared toward high school students to provide them with information about Engineering at Texas A&M University. Our information sessions include topics covering engineering, academics, life at Texas A&M, and much more.
We ask that you share this information with interested high school students. Any interested students must complete this form to receive details about registering for our upcoming SWENext events. We have attached a flyer to this email with SWENext information for you to share as well. Feel free to check out more information about our Outreach programs by visiting our website, https://www.swetamu.com/swe-inspire.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by sending us an email at outreach@swetamu.org
Did you know… College Representatives visit McNeil Students regularly?
Click HERE to see a calendar with the upcoming list of Colleges coming to the McNeil
College & Career Center (in Office Suite 5, located in the back of the Cafeteria) from 11AM - 1 PM. Maverick students and families that have questions about applying to college should check the McNeil Counseling Department webpage: Applying to College & Career Future Goals and contact Mr. Brandon Tate, McNeil High School Lead Counselor, with any additional questions. GO MAVERICKS!
Upcoming Recruiters from Colleges and Universities:
Monday, March 24 - Texas State University
Monday, April 7 - Cardiff Metropolitan University
Tuesday, April 8 - Michigan State University
Tuesday, April 8 - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tuesday, April 8 - Temple University Japan
Tuesday, April 8 - University of Washington-Seattle Campus
The fair will be held on Tuesday, April 8th, 2025 from 6:00 - 8:30 PM at the Palmer Events Center. We plan to have about 300 exhibitors for you to check out. Please visit College Fair website for more information.
A list of participating institutions is constantly updated as Colleges/Universities sign up for this opportunity, but you can see that list here. We hope that you will see organizations that do not normally visit the Austin area (and some popular institutions).
We encourage you to sign up beforehand and take advantage of all the opportunities the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) offers. You may register here or by using the barcode on the flyers.
Interested in attending a pre-college immersion experience?
Austin University is hosting the High School Summer Program from June 27-29, 2025. In this pre-college, immersive summer program, the University of Austin invites rising high school juniors and seniors to come experience our curriculum in action. Students can apply on our website. I have also attached our program flyer that I hope you will share with your students and families!
Graduation and our Project Grad Celebration are just around the corner. We NEED your help! Our fundraisers have been successful and have laid a great foundation. Our greatest NEED at this time is cash donations. Please consider making a donation to help ensure we can provide an excellent drug and alcohol free celebration for every senior who wishes to attend. We need to raise $55 for each senior in attendance. Any donation below, equal to, or above that amount is truly helpful!
Online store to make a credit card donation: https://ch2v-347.memberhub.com/store#
Student Attendance Reminders / Updates
In accordance with RRISD attendance policies, Maverick students who arrive to their assigned class 10 minutes late (or more) will be marked ABSENT for that CLASS.
After returning from an absence, students have 5 days to turn in excuse notes to the attendance office.
Parents may email absence excuse notes to mcneil_attendance@roundrockisd.org.
For notes to excuse an absence the note must be turned in to the attendance office or be sent as an email within 5 days of returning from the absence.
Click HERE to view the Tardy / Absence Policy Presentation presented to MAV students by their teachers during flex on Friday, August 23 developed by the McNeil Behavior and Student Support Committee.
UPDATED Tardy Information (9/16/2025): In accordance with our campus Tardy Policy, students may be assigned a range of consequences for excessive tardies, including Saturday Detention, In-School Suspension, or other consequences deemed appropriate by your student's administrator.
McNeil Administration is adding a new consequence from the range of consequences available to assign students for excessive tardies. As of Monday, February 24, students will be assigned Lunch Detention if they exceed more than 5 tardies in a grading period. Disciplinary assignments because of tardies will be progressive, and students with increasing numbers of tardies will be assigned more Lunch Detention, possible Saturday Detentions, or other consequences deemed appropriate by your student's administrator.
Please encourage your student to report to class on time. Students with more than 5 tardies this week will be assigned administrative consequences as described above.
Free & reduced school meal application for eligible families.
NOW OPEN: Free & reduced school meal application for eligible families.
It takes only 5 minutes to apply and your application is completely confidential.
For more details and to apply click HERE: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
2024 - 2025 Sports and Fine Arts Schedules
Here are links to our Fall/ Winter Sports Teams’ Game schedules and Fine Arts Schedules.
We will add celebrations weekly! GO MAVS!!
24-25 MavTheatre Schedule.png Follow: @Mav Theatre Co
McNeil Orchestra Performance Dates Follow: @McNeilHsOrchestra
Dance Dept. Performances (McNeil High School) Follow: The McNeil Majestics
McNeil Swim & Dive - 2024-2025 Follow: McNeilSwimandDive (instagram)
Spring 2025 Varsity Tennis Schedule Follow: @McNeilMavsTennis
24-25 McNeil Wrestling Calendar Follow: @MavWrestling
2025 McNeil Boys Soccer Schedule Follow: McNeilMens_Soccer (instagram)
2024-2025 McNeil Girls Soccer Schedule Follow: McNeilWsoccer (instagram)
2025 McNeil Track & Field Schedule Website: McNeil Track & XC Booster Club
2025 Mav Softball Schedule Follow: @MHSMavSoftball
McNeil Baseball Schedule - 2025 follow McNeilHSBaseball (instagram)
MHS Golf 2025 Spring schedules.pdf
McNeil High School Athletics Website
Check out more Mavtacular Events on our Community Calendar and the MHS Trailblazer
Social Media
Website: https://mcneil.roundrockisd.org/
Location: 5720 East McNeil Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 464-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.mcneil
Twitter: @MHSmavs