The Elmwood Elementary Branch
Note from the Principal
Hello Elmwood Students and Families!
Field Day is coming up on Wednesday, June 5th and we are still needing two volunteers. If you would like to volunteer please click the link to sign up. All volunteers must have a "Volunteer Form" on file to help. Please stop in the office to fill out the form.
Mark your calendars to celebrate the end of the PTO fundraiser at the Touch-a-Truck event coming up on Saturday, June 8th from 10-12 at South Lake High School .
Also, there are 7 yearbooks left!📘 If you'd like to purchase one please send in $12 cash.
Lastly, on Thursday, June 13th our 5th graders will be "promoted" and enjoying a full afternoon of fun events. If you would like to volunteer to help out at the 5th grade party please click the link to sign-up. All volunteers must have a "Volunteer Form" on file to help. Please stop in the office to fill out the form.
Warmly, 💙💛
Mrs. Bowersox, Ed.S
👓Lost & Found Glasses👓
If you are missing glasses please stop by the front office to pick them up.
Upcoming Events
6/4- 4th Grade Field Trip to Great Skate
6/5- Field Day (Rain Day Make-up on 6/6)
6/7-Character Strong Assembly (Creativity)
6/7-Chemistry Demonstration for 5th Grade
6/8- PTO Sponsored Touch-a-Truck 10-12 @ SLHS
6/10- 5th Grade Promotion Practice
6/11-5th Grade Field Trip to Great Skate
6/13- 5th Grade Promotion Celebration
6/14-School Store / End of Year Celebration
6/14- Last Day- Half Day Dismissal @ 11:55
Lunch at School
Ask your students about the salad bar that houses fresh apples, sliced oranges, pears, carrots, broccoli, apple sauce, chunked cantaloupe and dried cherries 😋
Elmwood PTO News
Next, PTO Meeting is on Monday, June 10th @ 6PM in Elmwood Elementary School's Library.
If anyone has questions and/or comments please reach out to
2023 / 2024 PTO Board Members.
President: Andreea Tatu
Vice President: Sharita Gore
Treasurer & Secretary: Chelsea Rumohr
After School Clubs & Care
Before and After school child care is available. Please stop in the Front Office for registration forms and/or click the link below.
Get Involved in the After School Fun
- Cavbots (Lego Robotics): Last Meeting Monday, June 3rd
- Michigan Stage Theater: Complete
- Ecology Club: Complete
- Cooking Matters: Complete
- Anime Club: Complete
- Bucket Drumming Club: Complete
- Chess Club: Complete
- Healthy Kids Walking Club: Complete
- Student Council: In School Participation
- Safety Squad: In School Participation
- Service Squad: In School Participation
Getting to School
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
- We want to encourage our students and families to cross California and the surrounding streets safely. It is important to use the crosswalks and crossing guards available.
- It helps the flow of traffic if your child is ready to exit the car.
- Parents should stay in the car, to keep the drop-off line moving!
- There is NO Parking, dropping and/or stopping in front of the school on California. When this is done it prevents the busses from traveling safely and it causes quite a jam. There are signs up and police will ticket persons who are there.
- The front loop is ONLY for Busses.
- Parents may use the West Parking Lot/Loop to Stop and Drop their student(s).
- There is NO Left Turn out of the West Parking Lot/Loop.
- Parents may park on Malvern on the East side of school and/or on Alice on the West side of the school to walk their student to their entry door.
Lastly, please be mindful of school hours and do not drop off your children prior to 8:10. At 8:10 there should be a staff member outside to supervise them. 💛💙
Absences and/or Late Arrivals
If your child will be absent or late, please contact the office to let us know. You can either call the attendance line @ 586-435-1103 or email Mrs.Smith. When leaving a message, please state the child's name, teacher's name, date of absence and reason for absence (i.e. child is ill with fever, cough, etc.)
Be sure to order a Hot Lunch if they will be late and need a lunch. Orders must be in by 8:45 AM Thank you!!
💙💛 The Good News Note Store 💛💙
School Store
School Store
Character Strong
Reading at Home
Behavior Matrix and Handbook
Cell Phone and Technological Safety
Below check out the links to the rethink app, apple and android family sharing information which will guide you through making your children's technology "safe" for them by allowing you to control the content they see, the time they use it and observe the messaging they send and receive.
Employment Opportunities
We are still looking for noon monitors to help us out at lunch 🍽️ as well as building substitutes. Please click the blue button for employment opportunities to apply and/or click here or come in and fill out a volunteer form to help out.