Phoenix News
Health Careers High School, December 16, 2024
Attendance Recovery
In order to meet the TEA attendance requirements (90% Rule)for the first semester, students cannot have more than 4 absences (excused or unexcused) for any class. If you have more than four absences, you will need to go to attendance recovery. It will be every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Each attendance recovery session will help you regain one absence (one class period). Attendance Recovery will be in Mrs. Anguiano's room (142) or Ms. Snow's room (158). You must be on time and stay the entire time in order to receive the credit. Students are not able to bank hours ahead of time. Only students who are over the allowable amount of absences are permitted to stay in attendance recovery. You will be required to do school work or read a book. You may not use your cell phones. Chromebooks may only be used for school assignments.
Freshmen and Incoming Sophomores new to Health Careers will be able to get their ID badges for free. Returning students needing an ID replacement will need to pay $5.00.
IDs can be purchased before school only in the front office.
Friendly Reminder--Lunch Deliveries
Due to allergies, COVID and other health concerns, we will not be allowing any outside food to be delivered to or brought to the campus. Students who have off campus lunch will not be allowed to bring any food back to the campus. Parents bringing a forgotten lunch for their own child may bring it in a lunch box/bag or a plain brown bag labeled with the student's name. Food and drink are not allowed in the classrooms. Students may carry a water bottle.
Health Careers High School
Location: 4646 Hamilton Wolfe, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-397-5400
Twitter: @NISDHCHS