Patriot Press
December 20, 2024

Greetings Poynter Families,
The past two weeks have been filled with so many exciting events!
First, if you attended the play last weekend, you already know what an incredible production it was. Our students were fantastic! A big thank you to Ms. Thompson for all her hard work in bringing the performance to life.
We also enjoyed a fun and engaging Spirit Week, and on Tuesday, members of our talented band performed downtown. Meanwhile, exciting things have been happening in the classroom. For example, in Ms. Alder’s science class, students explored chemical reactions and got to see a fascinating demonstration using dry ice.
Thank you for sending us such amazing students. We love working with them every day. We hope your students have a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
- 12/23 - First Day of Winter Break
- 1/6 - Back to school
- 1/7 - Latino Parent Advisory Committee
- 1/14 - Principal Chat
- 1/20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 1/30 - Last day of Semester 1
- 1/31 - No School (Teacher Grade Prep)
- 2/3 - No School (Teacher Prep)
Winter Break
Zone Winter Sports
Winter sports are starting January 21. There will be dodgeball and volleyball. Click here to register.
Latino PAC Meeting - 1/7/24
We will meet at 5:30pm in the library. Here's the information.
Principal Chat - 1/14/24
Families are invited to a principal chat on January 14. We have been doing some work around Poynter's vision. I will be updating families on this work and getting feedback to help inform our choices. Below, you'll see a word cloud that combines the values that Poynter staff, students, and families have identified as important. We will meet in the library at 6:00pm.
Feeling depressed or anxious
Having trouble with drug or alcohol use
Thinking or talking about suicide