September 9, 2024
Taylor Road Middle School
Email: parkerk@fultonschools.org
Website: taylorroad.fultonschools.org
Location: 5150 Taylor Road, Johns Creek, GA, USA
Phone: 470.254.7090
Twitter: @Proud_Tigers
Instagram: @taylorroadms
This Week's Club Meetings
Club & Intramural Information will be updated on the website as it becomes available.
Junior Cougar Sports are NOT part of the TRMS Intramural program. Our intramural director, Mr. Pouncey, is unable to answer questions about Jr. Cougars activities. Please visit the Junior Cougars website for information on all Junior Cougars programs.
Visit our website for the MOST CURRENT CLUB LIST
Monday, September 9
- 6th Grade Biz Town Trip
- Little Big Band Rehearsal, 7:30 AM
- HOSA, Room 664, 4:15 PM
- 121 Reach, Media Center, 4:15 PM
- Science Olympiad Tryouts, Room 773, 4:15 PM
Tuesday, September 10
- Mathcounts, Room 830, 7:30 AM
- Detention, Room 114, 7:30 AM
- Unified Tigers, Room 917, 4:15 PM
- Soccer Practice, 4:15 PM
- Science Olympiad Tryouts, Room 773, 4:15 PM
Wednesday, September 11
- Art Club, Room 522, 4:15 PM
- Science Olympiad Tryouts, Room 773, 4:15 PM
Thursday, September 12
- One Well, Room 730, 8:00 AM
- Detention, Room 114, 4:15 PM
- Research Club, Room 718, 4:15 PM
- Soccer Practice, 4:15 PM
Friday, September 6
- School Governance Council, Media Center, 7:30 AM
- Jazz Rehearsal, 7:30 AM
- Chess Club, Room 114, 7:45 AM
- Soccer Game @ Crabapple MS, 5:30 PM
- Hooch Home Football Game, 7:30 PM
Grief Support Groups
Kate's Club( https://www.katesclub.org) and TRMS Counselors
These closed support groups of 4-8 students offer intentional activities over the course of six weeks to support students who have experienced the death of anyone close to them. Groups take place at the school and meet once per week during the school day. In the group, we define grief as a normal reaction to loss, provide a safe environment to share feelings, and discuss positive coping skills. Activities will highlight the importance of knowing we are not alone in difficult feelings, telling our unique story, and sharing emotions in healthy and creative ways.
If you are interested in your child participating- please fill out the link below. If you have further questions, please contact your student's school counselor: 6th grade Dawn Pompey, 7th grade Alexcia Massey, 8th grade Cindy Sabula.
Groups will begin after Labor Day.
Paper Permission Form found here
Students Interested In Trying Out for Science Olympiad
Students Interested In Trying Out for Science Olympiad
There has been an important date changes for try-outs since the informational meeting on August 20, 20204. You need to select two days to take a test. One day for each of your event you have selected to do.
Try-out days are now as follows:
- Thursday, September 5, 2024 – 4:30PM to 5:30 PM
- Monday, September 9, 2024 – 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
- Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
- Wednesday, September 11, 2024 – 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Please make sure your ride is outside the front of the school in carpool at 5:30 PM to pick you up when you finish the test.
Camp MAGIK, a healing camp for bereaved children and adolescents, is announcing its fall 2024 camp session. This session will be held at The North Georgia Christian Camp in Clarkesville, Georgia, October 4-6. Applications need to be postmarked or emailed to us no later than September 20, 2024. We will provide free transportation to camp and back based on need.
There is one announcement in English and one in Spanish:
Camp MAGIK - Fall Announcement 2024
Camp MAGIK - Fall Announcement 2024 en Español
Camp MAGIK is well suited to all youth ages 6 through 18 who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or other close loved one, especially youth who have experienced traumatic death within the last 3-4 years. Professional bereavement counselors, trained in grief and trauma, lead all counseling sessions. This is our 29th year providing this evidence-based service to the community.
There is also a retreat available for adults who want to process their own grief with other adults who are grieving.
Our camp sessions are FREE OF CHARGE to all participating children, adolescents and parents/guardians.