Bear News/Oso Noticias- September 5

News for September 5, 2024
- Thursday, September 12: PTA Meeting 5:30-7:00 PM
- Thursday, September 19: Latiné Heritage Month Potluck 5:00PM
- Thursday, September 26: Coffee with the Principals (bilingual) 9:00AM
- Tuesday, September 26: Programa Bilingüe Noche de Información 5:00PM
- Friday, September 27: DLSI Program Information Night 5:00PM
First Week!
Dear Little Canada Families,
As we wrap up our first week, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for choosing Little Canada and entrusting us with the privilege of supporting your children's educational journeys. We rolled out the red carpet for a well-deserve welcome back to our students and families! It was so heartwarming seeing the smiles!
Walking through the hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, and playground, the excitement and energy were palpable. I truly missed the lively atmosphere of our school. Our dedicated educators are what make Little Canada such a special place, and their passion, commitment, and love for our students shine through every day.
As our teachers returned from a well-deserved summer break, we began by expressing gratitude to each other and taking a moment for self-reflection. I encourage you to do the same. Please take a moment to reach out to your child’s teacher with a note of thanks or a bit of good news—it will mean the world to them!
We were thrilled to welcome our kindergarteners yesterday, and I want to assure you that they are in the best of hands.
Looking Ahead
According to Elena Aguilar, “You can really control, or have a tremendous influence over, what kind of year you have by starting with envisioning what you want it to be.” Since my return to this community, my vision has been around parent partnerships and community building. This year, we will continue with community building events and will work in collaboration with all of you to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students and families.
Let’s have a great year!
Thank you,
Dr. José Becerra & Michelle Keleny
Principal & Associate Principal
As we get ready to start the second week of school, I wanted to share some logistics information with you:
Morning Drop Off
Curbside drop off and pick up is available on the east side of the building through the east side parking lot. Please drop your child off in the east parking lot and have them enter the school at the front entrance. When using the drop-off lane, please pull down as far as possible to accommodate other families waiting behind you.
If while dropping off your child in the morning, You are planning on accompanying your child into school, please park in the east parking lot and escort them to the front entrance and sign in the office as a visitor.
Afternoon Dismissal
Students who are getting picked up from school are dismissed at 3:15PM from the classrooms. You are welcome to lineup and wait in your car before that time.
If you choose to park and walk get your student, you can use the BLUE parking lot in our east parking lot which is assigned to families.
As you have probably noticed, dismissal is a busy time, so we ask two things:
- Please, be patient with other families and our LC staff.
- Please, show grace to our families and LC staff.
Know that student safety is our top priority, so we will do our best to make sure dismissal runs smoothly.
For students who are walkers, they will be dismissed with teachers at 3:20-3:25. So you can wait for them in the parent pick up area.
Electronic Devices Policy
While many students own technology equipment including cell phones, Phones, iPods, personal gaming systems, etc. the use of such devices is prohibited at school. These devices can create unnecessary distractions in the building. Students are discouraged from bringing these devices to school. If a parent or guardian considers it necessary for their student to bring these electronic items to school we suggest they remain hidden within backpacks, pockets or submitted to classroom teachers for safe keeping. Little Canada is not responsible for theft or damage to such items. If an electronic device becomes a distraction it will be confiscated.
- First offense: Student will be asked to put the device away.
- Second offense: Item will be confiscated by staff member and held until the end of the day.
- Third offense: Item will be confiscated by staff member and placed in the office. The item may be returned to the student following an administrative conference.
- Fourth offense: the confiscated item will remain in the office until a parent/guardian is able to reclaim the item following an administrative conference.
School Breakfasts and Lunches
Each student will again receive a free breakfast and a free lunch this school year! Students will still need to enter their lunch PIN number so we can track how many meals are served each day.
You can find more information about this process at our district nutrition services website linked here.
Complete Educational Benefits Form
ALL families need to complete the educational benefits form. Even though each student receives a free meal this school year, we still need families to complete the form. It unlocks other benefits AND it provides additional funding for Little Canda.
This is a HUGE priority for us this year. We will work to ensure that 100% of our families complete the form. My apologies in advance for all the reminders and contacts you will receive this fall. Please complete it even if you think your family income exceeds any benefit. Each application received helps our school!
Directions are below:
The Application for Educational Benefits (formerly known as Free and Reduced) can be completed beginning early August at LINQ Connect Family Portal.
Click on the green "Start Meal Application" button (log in not required).
Follow the instructions to complete your online application.
An eligibility notice letter will arrive via mail or email within 10 business days.
Additional Information:
One application needed per family each year.
This form used to be called the “Free and Reduced Lunch” form
The income thresholds are higher than in some programs, so many families are surprised to find they DO qualify.
Welcoming Students Back!
Open House!
Thank you for coming to Open House last week!
If you missed it, here is a link to each teacher's PowerPoints shared at Open House.
Feel free to open the document and click on the teacher's name.
Dr. Becerra
Information about New Bus Routing System
Roseville Area Schools has implemented a new transportation routing system to improve the efficiency of our bus schedules for picking up and dropping off students. While this system is designed to enhance our transportation services, we ask for your patience as we address and resolve any initial issues.
If you need to request a change to a bus stop or if you no longer require transportation services, please email us at transportation@isd623.org or call us at 651-635-1638. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
- Student Name
- Student ID
- Reason for the request (for example, relocation, change in transportation needs)
Please note that we are processing requests as quickly as possible; however, any changes to existing bus stops will not take effect until after the first week of school.
You will receive updates and information about any changes via email, so please ensure that your contact details are current. This includes verifying that your most recent telephone number and email address are on file to ensure you receive all necessary communications promptly.
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition.
Important Changes to School Meal Procedures for Roseville Area Schools Students
Roseville Area Schools will continue to offer free meals for all students during the school day, including healthy breakfasts, lunches, and after-school "super" snacks. To ensure our meal programs remain effective and equitable, we are implementing some changes to our procedures, specifically regarding second meals and additional lunch servings.
Changes to Meal Procedures
Elementary Schools:
- Elementary students will no longer be able to purchase additional items such as entrées or sides. However, milk may still be purchased separately.
- We encourage students to make the most of our meal offerings by eating breakfast, utilizing the share cart, and enjoying the "all-you-care-to-eat" fresh fruit and vegetable options available with their lunch serving.
Secondary Schools:
- Secondary students may purchase additional entrées, sides, or milk if they have money in their meal account.
- To purchase additional items, students must check in at the designated cashier, receive a food tray, return to the serving line for the additional items, and check out at the designated register.
- Students with negative meal balances will not be permitted to purchase additional items.
We encourage all students to take advantage of the free breakfast and lunch offerings, which include unlimited fruits and vegetables and access to the share cart. Secondary students also have the opportunity to enjoy free super snacks at the end of each school day.
Thank you for your understanding as we make these adjustments to better serve our students.
Welcome Back to School from the Health Office! Here is our contact information:
Attendance Line:
Kathy Casey, Health Assistant:
Alexa Cramer, Licensed School Nurse:
Please report all absences and attendance information to the XXX Attendance Line xxx-attendance@isd623.org or 651-259-xxxx). Absences should be reported by xx:xx AM. Regular and on-time attendance is crucial for children's learning!
If there are medications that need to be given at school, please email the nurse for more information, or stop into the Health Office. All medications (including things like cough drops and Tylenol) need to be given through the Health Office. Please do NOT give medications to teachers -- the Health Office staff needs to confirm health conditions, paperwork, medications, and expiration dates.
Extra Clothing:
Please include a change of clothes in your child's backpack. Bathroom accidents and messes on the playground sometimes happen, so it's important for students to have a change of clothes available when necessary.