Penn Brook Elementary School
Week of December 2nd
From the Penn Brook Administration
Hi Penn Brook families,
We hope you had a wonderful long weekend with families and friends
Tuesday 12/3 is an early release day with dismissal at 12pm. We will follow the same dismissal procedures as a typical day just at an early time. Please make sure that your students Dismissal Plan for Tuesday 12/3/24 is correct in Pick Up Patrol by 10:30AM
Penn Brook Administration - (978) 352-5785
Principal - Beth Benoit
Assistant Principals - Amy Wahl and Kate Donlin
Penn Brook Office Dianne Collins and Jeannine Dion
Nurse - Collen Wilson and Nicole Moffatt
Report Cards and Progress Reports
The term ended at Penn Brook on 11/27. Teachers are working hard to finalize grades and complete report cards in Aspen. We anticipate sending out notification that you can view report cards in Aspen on 12/13. Grades and report cards are not finalized until you receive and email from Beth Benoit, Principal indicating that report cards are ready to view.
Please see the resources below that will help you if you are unclear on how to view documents in Aspen. This is the same process that was shared regarding viewing iReady and Dibels data.
Accessing your documents in Aspen (Guide)
Requesting an Aspen password reset (PW reset form)
Breakfast and Lunch at Penn Brook
Breakfast will be grab and go style. Students will pick up their breakfast if they choose in the cafeteria in the morning and then go to their classroom.
Bus information can be found on the new District website
December Events
12/3 - Early Release Day for Students at 12pm - Faculty/Staff Professional Development
12/18 - Penn Brook School Advisory Council at 8am
Community Flyers
From the Georgetown PTA
Please use the link below to access the newsletter for the Georgetown PTA
Georgetown PTA - December Events
No scheduled events this month