Lebanon High School

September 1, 2024
A Note From the Principal
Dear Lebanon Parents and Guardians,
It is hard to believe that we are already in the month of September. We have already finished our opening day activities, had our first home football game at the refurbished VanDeGrift Stadium, and taken our school pictures for 2024-25. A lot can happen in just two short weeks.
September gives us a chance to take a deep breath and settle into the school year. It is a time where the newness of the year fades away, and students get into the rhythms of the school year. As parents, you can help during this important time by talking about school with your student, checking their grades on ProgressBook, and reaching out to their teachers if you have questions. Many negative situations can be addressed before they become issues with just a few conversations and well timed emails.
I encourage all of you to let me know if you have any questions or concerns with any aspect of our school or your student’s progress. You are always welcome to call me at (513) 934-5103 or to email me at reynolds.robert@lebanonschools.org. Also, if you get a chance, please take the time to come out and support our students at some of the upcoming events listed in this newsletter. Whether they are athletic competitions, performing arts contests, or ordinary school events, your presence and support means the world to our students. If you get the time, come on out and support our students and school. As always take care, stay safe and healthy, and…ONWARD, LEBANON!
Bob Reynolds, Principal
Lebanon High School
Homecoming 2024 Information
Lebanon Luau Homecoming Dance
Saturday, Sep 21, 2024, 08:00 PM
160 Miller Road, Lebanon, OH, USA
Homecoming Guest Information
Warren County College Fair
12th Annual Warren County College Fair
On Tuesday, September 24, Lebanon High School will host the 12th annual Warren County College Fair in the Main Gym. With over 75 colleges represented—ranging from traditional 4-year schools to 2-year, trade, and specialty schools—this is an event you won’t want to miss.
There will be two sessions:
Session 1: During school hours, open only to LHS/WCCC students. Seniors, juniors, and sophomores can meet with admissions representatives from across the region.
- To secure transportation for WCCC and Atrium students, a Google form will be sent on September 10 for those students interested in participating.
Session 2: From 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, open to the public. This is a great opportunity to explore programs and scholarships with your student or on your own.
Additionally, at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria, there will be a Financial Aid presentation. The speaker, who has presented for the past three years, provides valuable insights for families.
Join us from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM for the College Fair and/or Financial Aid workshop. It’s never too early to start planning for your student’s future!
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024, 05:30 PM
1916 Drake Road, Lebanon, OH, USA
October Parent-Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars! Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 24th. A sign-up link will be included in next month’s newsletter. Be sure to check it out to reserve your spot.
Friends of Academics (FOA) acknowledges student academic accomplishments via awards, luncheons, and scholarships. To contribute to these achievement recognitions, kindly consider making a donation to FOA through their Venmo account @lhs-foa. Over the summer, approximately 100 senior students creatively decorated their parking spaces to show support for FOA. Be sure to visit the Friends of Academic link to champion LHS academics! friendsofacademics@lebanoncityschools.org Please don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries.
The Ohio Department of Health requires immunization with the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine before entry into 12th grade at LHS or WCCC. Your student may have already received one dose of this vaccine, but a second dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday. If your student has not had these immunizations, please make arrangements for them to receive them as soon as possible. This immunization can be obtained from your family physician, the Warren County Health Department, or the surrounding area clinics and pharmacies. Proof of immunization or immunization exemption* must be provided to the nursing office by September 9, 2024, or by Ohio law, your student will be excluded from school. You can submit them through fax 513.933.2150 or email at cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org or fabik.laura@lebanonschools.org
* Per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy, a student may be exempted from immunization if a parent or guardian objects for good cause, including religious conviction, or if there is a medical condition that prohibits immunization. It will be attached to this email.
For more information, please contact a school nurse:
Beth Cain at cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org or 513.934.5115
Laura Fabik at fabik.laura@lebanonschools.org or 513.228.4015
Fax: 513.933.2103
General Notes
SCHOOL DAY: School begins each day at 7:25 and ends at 2:25.
DOORS OPEN: Doors to the building open at 6:55.
PARKING PASSES : Passes are available for students with a valid driver’s license. Purchase at the front desk with check or cash.