NAMS Soar & Achieve Newsletter
November 18, 2024
Principal's Message
As we embark on this season of giving thanks, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity that I have to work with our amazing students, staff, and families at New Albany Middle School. The first part of our school year has been outstanding in large part because of your partnership with our school.
677 students made the honor roll during the first grading period.
90% of our students had zero disciplinary infractions during the first grading period.
582 students had an attendance rate of 95% or higher during the first grading period.
210 students had “perfect attendance”.
We raised over $6000. dollars for our annual Turkey Challenge to support families in need through the New Albany Food Pantry.
Successfully traveled with our 8th grade students to Washington DC.
Took all of our 7th grade students to the National Veterans Memorial Museum in Columbus.
Finished a successful fall athletic season including winning the Championship in Golf.
I could not ask for better students, parents and staff members to do this work with.
Our next big events include:
Winter MAP Testing- December 3rd (ELA), 5th (Math), and 9th (8th Grade Science)
Mid Term Exams for HS Credit Courses- December 18th-20th
House Selection Days for All Students December 19th and 20th
Reminders for Students and Parents
Our goals for this grading period and beyond include:
All students making honor roll of 3.0 or higher
All students having 95% attendance or higher (no more than 2 absences per grading period)
Zero discipline
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr. Kevin L. Freeman Sr.
Winter Weather
Cold weather is upon us and it’s important for students to dress accordingly during this time of the year. We will be going outside during our lunch period as long as it’s dry and temperatures with wind chills remain above 20 degrees.
House Update
The House System is an intentional approach to build a strong sense of belonging and promote a positive school culture by creating smaller communities within New Albany Middle School focused on team-building, kindness, dignity, respect, friendly competitions, expanded leadership opportunities, and community service. Our Middle School House Teacher Leaders have been collaborating during the first semester to develop our House System.
House selection days will take place on December 19th (8th Grade) and December 20th (7th Grade). Our eight houses are shown below:
Medications at School: Keeping our Students Safe
In order for students to take medications at New Albany Schools, we require parent and physician signatures on the medication administration form (Click here: Request to Dispense Medication Form). All prescribed and over-the-counter medications are to be delivered to the school clinic by an adult in the original container and must be taken in the clinic. Students are not permitted to carry their own medications. (The only exception is for the following emergency medications: epinephrine, inhalers, and insulin.) If you have any questions, please reach out to the Middle School Nurse Martha Bohman at 614-413-8512 bohman.5@napls.us
Annie Jr. Crew Workshop - Wednesday, Nov.20th!
All 6th, 7th and 8th graders Parents are encouraged to attend!
November 20, 2024 3:10 -5pm in the MS Cafeteria
Are you interested in participating in the MS Spring musical as a cast or crew member?
Please attend this workshop/meeting to get all the info you need to prepare for auditions and crew interviews.
To be covered:
· Crew duties and expectations.
· Crew time commitment
· Cast member roles and expectations
· Cast time commitment
· Rehearsal schedule
· Sample dance combination will be taught. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Annie Jr. will perform at the McCoy Center for the Performing Arts April 11-13, 2025
Any questions? Please email us at namstheatredept@gmail.com
Google link for sign up: https://forms.gle/LA9ijU5NyhfyjST97
Pre Planned Absence Request Form
State law places the responsibility for children being in school with the parent. Strictly interpreted, it is illegal for students to be out of school for any reason other than approved absences per Administrative guidelines. For students who will be absent, please submit the required pre-planned absence request form. Students must return this form to Amy Thiel at Thiel.4@napls.us
Important Dates, Reminders and Links
- November 20 - Annie Jr. Crew Workshop
- November 22 - Interims Posted
- November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
PTO Update
PTO Update
It's hard to believe that we're getting ready for the holiday season. We're so grateful for our wonderful school, staff, teachers, students and all of you! Also, special thanks to VIO Med Spa at Easton for being a sponsor of our NAMS PTO this year!
Holiday Luncheon Help
This year's luncheon is on Wednesday, December 18, and to thank our amazing teachers and staff, we're presenting them with small gifts. We would love to combine our efforts/funding with yours! You can donate any amount of your choice by Wednesday, December 4. Thanks for your help! We're also looking for volunteers to help during the lunch; please email us namspto@napls.us if you're able to help!
Stay in Touch
Like our New Albany Middle School PTO Facebook page, follow us on Instagram at NAMS PTO and email us at namspto@napls.us with any questions. Also contact us if you're interested in learning more about our sponsorship packages or volunteering on any of our committees.
Go Eagles!
Terri Erlenbach - President
Ali Smith - Secretary
Nancy Alexander - Treasurer
Melissa Olson - Fundraising
Kristen Pietro & Sarah Mullendore - Membership
Erin Foster & Meredith Murphy - Hospitality
Krystal Sharrock & Amy Wenker - Programming
Emily Liebert - Communications
New Albany Middle School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/ms
Location: 6600 Dublin Granville Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-413-8500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyMS/