FBMS Weekly Newsletter
January 21, 2025 #inspiringhope
1/22: Wednesday: Grade 8 Winter Concert, 7:30PM
1/23: Thursday: MHS Presentation to Grade 8, 5:30PM (see below for more info)
1/24: Friday: Grades close for Q2
1/31: Friday: Report Cards issued in ASPEN
Calling all Grade 8 Parents! There will be a 8th Grade Open House at MHS on Thursday, January 23, starting at 5:30PM. Attendees will have an opportunity to explore the high school facility, visit the unique learning spaces there, meet current students and teachers, and hear how Marshfield High School prepares all students to be college and career ready. Please attend if you want to learn about your child's opportunities at our great high school!
Student voice is a valued priority in Marshfield Public Schools, and the newly formed Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC) plays a vital role in amplifying it. Comprised of students from grades 6-12, the SSAC meets with district leaders to provide feedback and propose solutions on topics like inclusion, student wellness, academic opportunities, and school culture. The council has convened to create community agreements, draft a student voice survey, and engage in meaningful discussions to shape their work. The 6-12 group recently met with the Superintendent in the library and is pictured below. FBMS Members include Sean Nutley, Emma Oberg, Lola Hobin, Liam Regan, Charlie Granato, and Kira Henninger. We appreciate the work they are doing to help all students!
Students in Mrs. O'Donnell's Grade 7 Computer class worked on creating codes which controlled circuits and apps. Students additionally worked on analyzing errors in code to debug problems.
In Mr. Nalen's STEM class, students applied their problem-solving and engineering skills to tackle an exciting challenge: programming and building LEGO robots capable of climbing a 45-degree ramp. This hands-on project encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and iterative design as students test and refine their robots to optimize traction and stability. By experimenting with gear ratios, weight distribution, and motor power, they gain practical insights into the principles of physics and robotics, all while fostering a love for STEM learning.
As part of their OpenSciEd unit on Chemical Reactions and Energy, Grade 8 students created ready-to-eat meals (MREs) and flameless heaters. The design cycle included engineering, peer feedback, advertisements, consideration of design modification consequences, and an analysis of impacts on stakeholders. The two teams below received the highest number of student "orders" for their products. Well done!
Grade 7 student present their final projects on Chemical Reactions.
Grade 6 Science students created their own solar systems out of play dough after learning how the planets were formed.
Students in the EMpower group met for a fun game of volleyball last week. The EMpower program pairs English Language Learners with teacher mentors within the school. It helps to foster a sense of belonging and enhance cultural competencies within our school community. A huge shout out to those teachers who are mentors and to our awesome ELL educator, Mrs. Bohorquez.
A Message from our Yearbook Advisor
For GRADES 6, 7, and 8:
The countdown is on! Don’t let the memories of this school year slip away—order your Furnace Brook Middle School Yearbook now and make sure your child has a keepsake they’ll treasure forever.
Order online here: Yearbook Order Link
Price: $36.00
Most students will want a yearbook when they are distributed in June, so please consider ordering. Students often have their peers sign their yearbook or write small messages as remembrances. Please order yours today! Feel free to contact Sarah O'Donnell, Yearbook Advisor, at sodonnell@mpsd.org with any questions.
Also, for GRADE 8 ONLY:
Attention Grade 8 Parents and Caregivers! Celebrate and brag about your child with a personalized message. Show how proud you are by purchasing a personalized recognition ad in the yearbook. This is your chance to create a special memory that will be cherished forever and make their yearbook even more unique and meaningful.
Click here to create and purchase your ad! But don’t wait too long—time and space are limited. The deadline for ads is February 1, 2025. Again, this is for Grade 8 parents only.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Sarah O'Donnell, Yearbook Advisor, at sodonnell@mpsd.org. (And while you’re there, don’t forget to place your order for this year’s yearbook if you haven’t done so yet! Click here to order a yearbook!)
If you play Chess or are interested in learning and/or playing with high school students, please join members of the Marshfield High School's Chess Club for a one-time event on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - right after school, in RM 111. All materials will be provided for players and everyone is welcome. We hope to see you!
Upcoming Grade 7 Event!
We have the following upcoming screenings:
SBIRT Screening for FBMS 7th Graders will take place in the late winter/early spring of 2025.
What is SBIRT?
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is used in schools as a process to screen for substance use and have a brief conversation. This health screening is required by Massachusetts law. School SBIRT teams can consist of school nurses, guidance counselors, health and wellness staff, youth wellness coaches, or other trained staff.
All students in 7th Grade will take part in this process. The screening and conversation takes about 5-10 minutes per student. After screening, trained school SBIRT teams will have one-on-one conversations with students about how to support their overall health, safety, and success in school. If the student needs more assessment or support, school SBIRT teams may work with the student and/or their caregiver to meet their needs.
Parents should contact the school nurse to opt out of the process: mcarroll@mpsd.org, kmellen@mpsd.org, mowren@mpsd.org Please email all RNs if opting out of SBIRT.
Postural Screenings for 6th and 8th graders will take place in December 2024.
Parents should contact the school nurse to opt out of Postural (scoliosis) screening: Please email all RNs if opting out of screening: mcarroll@mpsd.org, kmellen@mpsd.org, mowren@mpsd.org
Annual Physicals:
Students in Grade 7 are required to submit an updated physical with proof of immunizations for their health record at the beginning of the school year. Please send in via scan/email or Fax
All meds must be hand delivered by the parent and be given directly to the Nurse. Medications are not permitted to be sent in with students- this is unsafe as medication could get lost or contaminated. Guidelines PRIOR to bringing in medication, please have:
A current Physician’s order,
Parent Consent Form Filled out
The medication in its original container with a pharmacy label if applicable.
Absences / Injuries:
Please provide up to date information and indicate that students are receiving adequate care at and home and by their pediatrician, and clearance for participation in gym class. Please report any changes in health status e.g. health conditions, new medication, illnesses, and injuries.
Guidelines as to when to keep your child home. See attached link:
Guidelines on when to stay home
Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions. Be well.
FBMS Nurses: Maura Carroll, RN , Karen Mellen, RN , Megan Owren, RN
Clinic Contact Information: Phone: (781)-319-3965 / Fax: (781)-319-1780
We look forward to assisting families and students in achieving optimal health and wellness during the academic school year. Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions.
Maura Carroll, RN, BSN mcarroll@mpsd.org
Karen Mellen, RN, BSN kmellen@mpsd.org
Megan Owren RN, BSN mowren@mpsd.org
The FBMS Clinic is accepting specific snack and juice donations now.
When our students have documented medical needs, we provide them with snacks or juice.
- Students who cannot take a prescribed medication on an empty stomach
- A treatment option for low blood sugar
We are now accepting donations of the following items:
- Saltine crackers
- Individual serving bags of Goldfish crackers
- Individual serving bags of Smartfood (as a gluten free option)
- 100% Juice Boxes -- preferably 15g. carbs or fewer per juice box (ex. Apple Juice)
Donations can be brought to the FBMS Clinic by students or dropped at the main office by families. Your generosity is great appreciated!
Later than normal transportation, or "late buses," run almost every day. FBMS provides two late buses: a North Marshfield bus and a South Marshfield bus. If your child is staying after school for a club or activity, your child can take a late bus home at approximately 4:05PM. Events that run later than 4PM will require a ride home.
Students can determine what bus to ride (North or South) by checking the list of bus stops located in the front lobby. Additionally, students must have a bus pass to ride the bus. Buses pick up and leave an hour and a half (4PM) after dismissal so it gives students time to participate in after school activities or obtain extra help. We will be on hand to help students navigate this optional transportation.
Come support The Marshfield Backstage Boosters for our first ever Family Trivia Night. This is open to anyone and is family friendly! Kids are welcome!
The cost is $20 per person. For more information and to sign up, please use this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B094EABA62BA1FC1-53671528-family
Registration is OPEN! Please register here by March 14, 2025. We are VERY excited for this new community event!
Celebrate Marshfield's rich multicultural community at Mosaic! Whether you want to showcase your culture as an exhibitor or explore the many cultures that make Marshfield special, there's something for everyone. Enjoy live performances, music, raffles, and more! Mark your calendar for this vibrant event!
Live Links for the event above are below...
Parenting Through Connection
How to Parent an Anxious Child
Technology Troubles: Too Much Time Online!
Responding to Challenging Behavior
Additional community events can be found on the district's home page. Click HERE.
Contact Us!
If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you!
Patricia Casey: pcasey@mpsd.org
Assistant Principals
Lisa Lynch: llynch@mpsd.org
Scott Madden: smadden@mpsd.org
Jeannine Smith: jsmith@mpsd.org
Guidance Counselors
Lou Johnson 6th: ljohnson@mpsd.org
Julie Swan 7th: jswan@mpsd.org
Lori Damphousse 8th: ldamphousse@mpsd.org
Special Education:
Melissa Morrison: mmorrison1@mpsd.org
School Adjustment Counselors:
Greg Sorensen: gsorensen@mpsd.org
Taylor Reagan: treagan@mpsd.org
Front Office Administrative Assistants:
Susan Martina: smartina@mpsd.org
Melanie Drew: mdrew@mpsd.org
For a full staff listing, click here.
For other school and district contacts, please click on the district's web page here.