The Howler
December's Newsletter 2024-2025
Dear Shadow Hill's Families,
What an amazing month November was for our entire community, especially during the celebration of Veteran's Day. It was a day that all of us will remember, including our students. Our Kinder Families also got to experience their First Music Program with all of our little turkeys!
We have ten days, counting today, before we begin Winter Break. Save the following dates and times:
- Thursday, December 19th, Early Release for Teachers to work on Report Cards
- Friday, December 20th, Early Release to begin Winter Break
- Monday, January 6th, No School for Students and Work Day/Staff Professional Development for all Staff
- Tuesday, January 7th, First Day Back for Students and Beginning of 3rd Quarter
As we prepare for the music programs for grades 1st-3rd and Band/Orchestra/Choir for grades 5th and 6th, a reminder that entrance to the programs are through the side door of the gym off of the bus loop. You will receive a bright label that is to be visible for all staff to see. Doors will be open beginning 30 minutes prior to each performance. We appreciate your support in this safety procedure.
We are supporting the Idaho Food Bank by taking donations beginning December 10th through the 19th. The bins will be at the doors entering the music programs. They will also be available on non music program days at the entrance to the front office. We are planning on 4 bins, and it would be great for the Shadow Hills Community if we could OVERFLOW these bins!
Lastly, we appreciate you checking in with your children's teacher for the details of classroom Winter celebrations specific to treats for parties. Mindfulness for food allergies is appreciated.
We are in for some amazing experiences and celebrations during the month of December. We look forward to seeing you in our building and sharing these moments with you and as we embrace our kids while making memories.
Warm Wishes to You and Your Family,
The Shadow Hill's Staff
Early Bird Special--Yearbooks!
🎵🎶🎵🎶 Musical Celebrations 🎵🎶🎵🎶
Pencil us in your Calendar!
We promise you that you will leave our school with a skip in your step and a heart full of joy!
Idaho Food Bank Donations
We can't help everyone, but… Everyone can help someone. --Dr. Loretta Scott
December 10th-19th
Fruits and Vegetables
Canned vegetables
Fruits canned in juice or extra light syrup
100% fruit and/or vegetable juices
Tomato products and pasta sauces
(reduced sodium is best!)
Whole grain pasta
Regular or instant brown rice
Plain oats/oatmeal
Whole grain cereals with low sugar
Pantry Staples
Canola or other cooking oils
Whole wheat or all-purpose flour
Baking powder and baking soda
Dried herbs and spices
Canned or dried beans and peas
Unsalted nuts
Canned meats and fish (low sodium)
Canned meals (soup, stew, chili, etc.)
Peanut or other nut butters
(all natural with no trans-fat is best)
Non-fat or low-fat milk
Milk alternatives (rice, soy, almond)
These items must be boxed, canned, or
dehydrated so they are shelf-stable.
Personal Care Items
Toilet paper
Toothpaste and toothbrushes
Soap and shampoo
Perishable items are welcome if they are delivered directly to The Idaho Foodbank or your nearest
food pantry. To locate your nearest pantry call us at 208-336-9643.
Please do not put perishable items in food barrels!
Perseverance: Learning Disposition Taught to our Students by the 6th Graders
Dedication, determination, endurance, grit, persistence, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity....Strengths of All of Our Kids....Families Be Proud!
Do you know what the Learning Pit is?
Let our kinders teach you a little bit about the Learning Pit! Our kinders will also be teaching and reviewing with all of our students what the Learning Pit looks like and feels like as their YouTube Debut has been shared with all of our teachers to be viewed on Monday, November 4th. For the month of November, all Shadow Hills learners, children and adults, will be mindful of the Learning Pit, and how it is a great tool and a healthy experience as we nurture our own resiliency.
🎉🎉Celebrate with us on Instagram🎉🎉
Take a virtual field trip with us!
It’s happening!!!! Blackhawk landing at Shadow Hills!!!!!
Morning Coffee and Donuts with Special Guests, our Veterans.
Our Kinders First Performance ..and they nailed it!
Well done! Well done! Thank you Mrs. Spengler and our incredible Choir!
Today was a good day to have an amazing day
A WIN for our first game in the tournament— and on Mr. T’s Birthday!
Perspective through the eyes of a 5th grader
Monday morning walk and a peaceful way to start the week.
We may still be little, but we are BIG in joy, curiosity, and playfulness!
Thanksgiving feast and learning together with our friends in RISE.
Our Kinders are THANKFUL to our PTO for getting us our first SHADOW HILLS Swag
So Proud..not only were the families so proud, but so were our teachers!
Our KINDERS are in China! First stop as they travel the WORLD 🌏 🌎🌏
Celebrating Kids--Walking Club Tracker UPDATE
25 Miles
Mrs. Bogdanoff, 2nd grade
Mrs. Brumley, 6th Grade
Mrs. Naumann, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Bogdanoff, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Bogdanoff, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Bogdanoff, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Bogdanoff, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Bogdanoff, 2nd Grade
Mrs. Roberts, 4th Grade
Mrs. Vines, 6th Grade
Mrs. Phillips, 3rd Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Arnzen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
50 Miles
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
75 Miles
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Mrs. Carstensen, 5th Grade
Golden Shoe Winners UPDATE
For the month of November
Miss Jukovic: 10.50 Miles
Mrs. Wamhoff: 12.25 Miles
Mrs. Bogdanoff: 129.75 miles
Mrs. Phillips: 11.75 miles
Mrs. Roberts: 22.50 miles
Mrs. Carstensen: 84.75 miles
Mrs. Vines: 29.25 miles
What is School Attendance?
Click What is School Attendance to learn more...a quick two minute video.
💜 PTO 💜 PTO 💜 PTO 💜 PTO 💜 PTO 💜
Next PTO Meeting: Wednesday, December 11th at 4:00 in the Library
Thank you again for all of your support for our Auction! We are awaiting bids for our outdoor classroom--it's an exciting time for our students and teachers! As we get more pictures, we will share them out!
If you would like to find out more information about how to get involved with PTO, upcoming events, or if you want to donate an item to the auction, please feel free to email me at spiotter18@gmail.com
Sahar Piotter, PTO President