August 13, 2024
We’re thrilled to welcome students back for the 2024-25 school year on Wednesday, August 14th! To ensure your student is fully prepared from day one, please complete the following tasks:
- Set Up Your Skyward Account: CISD uses Skyward for tracking attendance, grades, and other student information. Make sure you have an active account to stay updated on your child’s progress.
- Create a SchoolCafe Account: As we prepare for the new school year, please ensure that you complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application through School Cafe to allow eligible students to access free or reduced meals starting on the first day of school. All menus will be available online via School Cafe. Since it may take a few days for new students' information to transfer from Skyward to School Cafe, please either send money with your child or provide lunch during their initial days. Additionally, remember to add funds to your returning student's School Cafe account before the school year begins. This can be completed using this link: https://www.schoolcafe.com/CELINAISD.
Regular transportation is available for students who live two miles or more from their assigned school. Students with special needs are an exception to this rule as long as they have approval from an ARD committee. Bus routes are created to enhance student safety while maximizing vehicle efficiency. School bus stops are created that allow students to wait off the main roadway for the bus if at all possible. Bus stops are also created to minimize students walking on highly traveled roadways for long distances. Stops are not placed in culde-sacs or dead end streets. Stops are spread as far apart as criteria will allow in order to decrease the number of stops each bus will make, thus minimizing riding time for the students. Regular transportation attempts to arrive at every bus stop on time. Due to unscheduled variances and traffic situations, students are asked to arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to scheduled pick up time. Bus drivers are instructed not to wait for late students or stop and open the door at unauthorized stops due to safety concerns. It is the parents responsibility to transport their child/children to school or home if the student misses the bus.
Pre-Kindergarten through 1st grade students must have a parent, approved adult, or sibling (3rd grade or older) present at the bus stop in order for the younger student to be released from the bus. If no adult or sibling is present, or the parent/approved adults cannot be contacted, the student(s) will be taken back to their assigned campus.
All students must ride their assigned bus. Bus-hopping or changing from assigned buses is not permitted. Elementary students may be required to walk up to .20 of a mile to a bus stop. Middle School students may be required to walk up to .35 of a mile to a bus stop. High School students may be required to walk up to .50 of a mile to a bus stop.
All items brought on board the bus must fit in the student's lap. Please make special arrangements for transporting large articles such as large band instruments, large projects, sports equipment or any other item that would take up another student's seat. Allowable items must be completely concealed in a duffel bag or backpack and not visible to the driver or students.
An online School Bus Registration Form shall be completed for each student each school year. Please allow up to 5 business days for processing new registrations. If you have any questions or if your child will be receiving Special Education Services, please contact Celina ISD Transportation office at 469-742-9114 or email Transportation@celinaisd.com.
Breakfast & Lunch Payment Options
There are three convenient ways to pay for your student's meals at school.
- Add money electronically using their SchoolCafe Account
- Pay cash
- Pay using a check
- Please make checks out to Celina ISD Food Services
Print the name of the student in the information area
Visit https://www.schoolcafe.com/CELINAISD to view menus, account balances, set up purchase restrictions and/or complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application.
Celina ISD partners with AlphaBest to provide after-school care for student in grades PreK-5th grade. You may sign up your child today by following this link: https://www.alphabest.org/celinatx/
Proportionate Share Community Meeting
Who: Parentally placed private school children with disabilities
What: An opportunity for equitable participation in programs assisted or carried out under IDEA
When: Monday August 19th, 2024 @ 1:00 p.m.
Where: Contact morganbell@celinaisd.com for Google Meet Link
One of the key factors that makes our schools great for students is the support we receive from families and the wider community. There are many ways you can get involved and support Celina schools. Here are a few options:
- Join PTA: Follow the link to your child's campus to learn how to join the PTA
- Early Childhood School PTA
- Bothwell Elementary School PTA (NEW)
- Lykins Elementary School PTA
- Martin Elementary School PTA
- O'Dell Elementary School PTA
- Moore Middle School PTSA
- Celina High School PTSA (coming soon)
- Support the Celina Education Foundation: Learn how you can support CISD through the Celina Education Foundation by following this link: https://celinaeducationfoundation.org/
- Volunteer Opportunities: There are many opportunities in CISD to volunteer throughout the school year. If you are interested in volunteering in CISD schools, the first step is to complete a background check. Click HERE to complete a background check.
- Partners In Education: Learn how you can become a mentor in CISD by following this link: https://www.celinaisd.com/community/partners-in-education
14: First Day of School
2: No School - Labor Day
14: No School - Columbus Day