Dragon Tales
Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Elementary School
March 4, 2024
Thank you!
Thank you to all of the parents, community members, staff and students who helped to make Read Across Charles County a success.
Attendance Incentive
March attendance incentive is in full swing. Our goal this month is for each classroom to have 85% of their students with perfect attendance. Classrooms that meet this goal will get a point and then classrooms with 100% perfect attendance earn additional points for their classroom. The first classroom to 12 points wins a classroom incentive.
For April, the attendance percentage will rise to 90% and the number of days to reach is 15 days.
For May, the attendance percentage will rise to 95% and the number of days to reach is 18 days.
Transportation/Arrival/Dismissal Reminders
We are seeing many cars do U-turns in the morning and afternoon during drop off and pick up. As a reminder, it is about the safety of our school community. Please refer to the map below, as the streets alongside and in front of Dr. Mudd will lead you to other streets that will allow you to safely get to your location without completing U-turns in front of the school during a busy time of the day.
If your child is a prekindergarten or kindergarten student, a parent/guardian must be at the bus stop for drop off. If there is not a parent/guardian to receive your child, the bus will bring them back to the school and you will need to come to school to pick them up. Also, as a reminder you must have a government issued ID to pick them up. If it is someone other than a parent, the school must receive written permission for the child to be picked up.
Change in student transportation/dismissal must be made prior to 12:00 pm and if you are picking up your child(ren) early, you must pick them up prior to 2:45 pm. Also, all parents/guardians must have a government issued ID.
When picking your child up in the afternoon from parent pick up, make sure you have your parent pick up cards that were provided to you at the beginning of the school year. If you have an emergency and have to send another adult to pick your child up, that person must have the parent pick up card/correct identification and you have informed the correct staff members.
Also, if you come to the school after dismissal, please do not drive in the bus lane. Our final bus arrives around 3:35 pm. You may park on Stone Avenue, but you may not drive in the bus lane.
Students should arrive to school between 8:25 am-8:45 am. Students arriving at 8:46 am are considered tardy and will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian at the main office. In order to enter any CCPS school, you must have your ID.
Please make sure when dropping your students off in the morning, you are mindful of our drop off procedures. No cars are allowed in the parking lot until after 8:45 am. Only school buses and daycare vans are allowed in the parking lot prior to 8:45 am.
Students will not be dismissed after 2:45 pm. We request any change in transportation is communicated by 12:00 pm on that day. Make sure to email Ms. Booze dbooze@ccboe.com; Ms. Soderstrom ssoderstrom@ccboe.com and your child's teacher. All requests must be in writing.
If your child is being picked up early from school and a parent or guardian is not picking your child up, we must have in writing that you are giving that person permission to pick your child up from school.
Upcoming Events
March 3-9 National School Social Work Week
March 4-8 National School Breakfast Week
March 4 I Have a Dream! Wear your pajamas.
March 5 Read My Shirt! Wear a shirt with positive words.
March 6 Read with a Friend! Dress up like someone else.
March 7 Crazy About Reading! Wear crazy socks and/or hats.
March 8 Internation Women's Day
March 9 HITS expo at St. Charles High School
March 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins- turn clocks forward one hour!
March 11 First Day of Ramadan (begins at sunset)
March 12 Board Meeting
March 13 2-hour Early Dismissal
March 14 National Pi Day
March 16 Elementary Math Challenge
March 19 First Day of Spring
March 21 Scary Strokes PTO Fundraiser 5:00 pm-8:00 pm
National Music in our Schools Month
National Nutrition Month
National Youth Art Month
National Middle Level Education and Women's History Month
Grade Level News
1st Grade News
In the coming weeks we are finishing up the big outdoors (module 7) and starting module 8, tell me a story. Students will learn about the Grand Canyon and the Water Cycle. Students will also learn about how to tell others a story and explain what happens in a story. Below are some videos students can watch to gain more knowledge.
Below are the sight words we have learned and will be learning in the next few weeks. Please take some time to practice these words with your students. The more words they know the more fluent students become with reading.
We have started a new math unit, in which students are adding within 100 with two-digit numbers. Here are some videos to help with that skill. Students should know how to identify tens and ones and make sure they are adding with the correct place value. Students should also know how to draw a picture or use words to explain how they solved the problem.
Thank you for everything you are doing at home to help students be successful at school. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Students are allowed to bring a small jacket to wear in the classroom if they are cold.
Students need to leave all toys at home unless the classroom teacher has given permission to bring them. Big coats are to be worn for recess outside, the weather is changing, and some days are warmer than others, but please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
2nd Grade News
Greetings Second Grade Families!
Thank you everyone for your continued support with various activities including our trip to the National Aquarium. We had overwhelming support and wished that we could have taken everyone that requested to go!
In our math unit, we will be using what we have learned about polygons and begin learning about fractions. In this section, students learn that shapes can be partitioned into 2, 3, or 4 equal pieces called halves, thirds, and fourths or quarters. In this section, students add the term “thirds” to their vocabulary. After learning about fractions, we will use our understanding of fourths, to help with quarters, and skip-counting by 5 to tell time, and solve story problems involving money.
In reading, we will be learning about what plants need to grow, thrive, and survive. We will read about a plant’s basic needs, how those needs are met, and what happens if they are not met. Our scholars will also write a procedural text describing chronological steps to complete an activity.
We appreciate all you do to continue nurturing our students' growth!
Ms. Alexander, Ms. Bland, Mrs. Buitrago-Curtis, and Mr. Foster
Third Grade Newss
Parents please remember:
- Check folders and agenda books daily.
- Let the office know by 12:30 of any changes to dismissal.
- Breakfast is over at 8:55 so please be on time for school.
- Send a water bottle to school for your child.
- The weather is changing please make sure we have coats.
- Please if you can send in tissues, glue sticks and pencils. We are running low.
Reading Reminders:
- Your child should be completing the homework packet daily and practicing their spelling words. The spelling words match the phonics skills being taught in class.
We are starting our unit on farming and environmental resources.
-Have your child practice writing by writing a letter to a teacher.
- If you are able have your child, get on IREADY My Path at home for extra practice.
- Encourage them to read every night for 20 minutes.
Math Reminders:
- We are continuing to work on multiplication facts. Please work at home on facts and skip counting.
We are working on our Fraction unit.
- Have your child work on adding and subtracting using expanded form.
- If you are able at home, please have your child get on IREADY My Path for math.
Make sure you are practicing the math fact packets coming home for our fact test on Friday.
Come Visit us!
We always need help in the lunchroom and at recess. If you would like to volunteer your time and stop by to be with third graders we would love to have you. Lunch is from 12:30-1:00. Recess is form 1:00-1:30.
Fourth Grade News
In math, we are continuing with Unit 6. Students are observing and describing features of geometric and numerical patterns.
In reading, we are continuing with Module 7. We will be working on identifying the central idea of a text, figurative language, and literary elements. We will also be working on retelling important features such as the main character, setting, and events. Additional information on vocabulary and spelling words will be sent home with students in black Tuesday folders for practice at home. Consider reading with your students to enhance their comprehension strategies as well.
As a reminder, winter coats remain in lockers during the school day and are not permitted in classrooms. Students may bring a hoodie or sweatshirt to wear in chilly areas of the building instead.
Feel free to reach out to the team via email/Talking Points, or schedule a phone conference as needed.
Ms. Butler, Ms. Doss, Mrs. Forbes, Ms. Williams
5th Grade News
We are excited to announce 5th grade students will receive a t-shirt to wear for Field Day and 5th grade fun day. The cost of the shirt is $10. Monies and order forms are due Wednesday, March 20th.
As a reminder, on March 13th students will engage in the Family Life Health Lesson. If you would not like your student to participate, use the QR code below to opt-out.
A few helpful reminders to encourage your students to do daily:
Keep their hands and unkind words to themselves.
Bring a water bottle.
Complete class homework.
Bring a jacket/hoodie to wear in class.
Baker, Bommer, Ford, Greene
Support Staff News
Special Area News
During the week of March 4-8, 2024 our Fourth Grade Classes will be celebrating Dancing Through the Decades. Each day, they will learn at least one new dance. At the end of the week, the fourth graders will perform, and a recording will be shared through our social media pages.
Science News
For the next two weeks, students in grade 5 will be taking the MISA (Maryland Integrated Science Assessment.) 5th grade students across Maryland will take this science assessment based on material from grades 2-5. We have been reviewing material for the last month and a half. We are ready! Parents can help their students do well on the test by making sure they have plenty of sleep, healthy eating, and telling them to do their best on the test.
4th grade is working on Energy Resources and will be starting Waves next week.
3rd grade is learning about Inherited vs. Acquired traits.
2nd grade is learning about landforms and bodies of water around the world and in Maryland. Did you know that Maryland has NO natural lakes? They are all man-made!
Art News
- Pre-kindergarten will have the opportunity to observe the textures of objects and learn how to draw an object with texture.
- Kindergarten will focus on close-up flower observation and will try to draw their own version of a close-up flower.
- First-grade will be tasked with creating a picture of their pet or the pet that they would like to have.
- Second grade will be introduced to exterior design and will create their own design of buildings.
- Third grade will have a chance to delve into the history of scrolls and nature as they create their very own nature scroll.
- Fourth grade will learn about the art of weaving and use yarn to weave bands of cloth.
- Fifth- grade will engage in creating two-dimensional artwork that can give the illusion of space and distance.
Gifted and Testing Information
Our state testing begins with 5th grade for science. Please make every effort to have your child to school on time and ready for testing. The following information is when your 5th grader will take their science assessment.
MCAP (Grades 3-5)
We are getting ready to begin MCAP Testing. Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 take the science MISA. Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade takes ELA and Math. There are some things you can do to prepare your student(s) for testing. This includes helping them prepare by:
Reading each of the answer choices before selecting a response
Going back in the passage to look for the answer or clues
Summarizing the text as you read (stopping periodically to make sure you understand)
Using key details and what you know
Double checking your answer in math to make sure you get the same answer each time
Using the tools that are available (ruler, counters, underline tool etc.)
Taking your time and reading everything fully
If you would like to practice the MCAP at home, please use the following resource:
Most of our assessments are online, so you may want to have your child(ren) practice with the online test, so they are familiar with the tools.
Information regarding gifted screening will go home at the end of the year (June 2024). This includes the decision that is made for students who will receive services. Please note that those who are identified in need of services will receive services beginning the 2024-2025 school year. If you received a parent questionnaire, please be sure to return it as soon as possible. Those who are being screened have received their scores during the week of February 12th.
iReady reports for the Winter diagnostic are available for parents to view through your child's iReady page in clever. For more information, use the link or directions below. If you need a copy of the report, you can print it from iReady using the steps from the CCBOE website, the steps below, or request it to be sent home by emailing Dr. Blue, LRT, at ablue@ccboe.com
Log into the portal using your child’s ccps login (student id number @ccboe.com and password). *This login information is also located in parentvue.
Click on the “I-Ready” icon.
Choose the subject (Reading or Math).
Click the “For Families” button in the upper right corner and choose “For Families Report”.
Select your language.
You will be prompted to “Enter Report Code”. The code for Charles County Public Schools is MRBKQ8.
Select the subject area(s) for the report(s) you would like and click “Get Report”. The report will open in another window.
Dr. Mudd Reading Night is coming!
We will be hosting the Dr. Mudd Reading Night in April, we will have cooking demonstrations, activities, and more. This year our text is: "Kids Can Cook Anything" this text sparks family fun in the kitchen. Students and their families will learn essential cooking skills like how to chop an onion and how to separate an egg. More information will follow!
Benefits of Reading Informational Text:
- Reading nonfiction texts builds vocabulary and teaches the importance of using text features
- Reading informational text together, gives your child 'real life' experiences that will help prepare them for years to come
- Sharing a book is fun especially with worthwhile activities
- Spending time together with a book can help nurture a love for reading!
Elementary Community Schools: J.P. Ryon,
Dr. Brown, Eva Turner, and Dr. Mudd
WHEN: April 27, 2024
WHERE: J. P. Ryon Elementary School,
Waldorf, MD 20601
TIME: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM