Lower Moreland High School
January 23, 2025
Hello Lower Moreland Families,
Please enjoy the latest edition of the high school newsletter.
Thank you,
Mr. William J. Miles, Principal
P.S.- Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! @LMTSD_LMHS and Instagram at lmtsd-highschool
Traffic Patterns-Reminder
Enter the campus using the Red Lion Road or Buck Rd and turn into the coned lanes for the pick-up/drop-off loop. Vehicles will not be permitted to turn right into the drop off lane unless they are in the correct lane.
Please pull your vehicle all the way up the car line. Do not stop directly in front of the high school doors as this holds up the car line.
Please follow all signs and proceed across the front of the building to door 5 of LMMS to drop off your student(s). Please do not stop in front of the Main Entrances.
Please do NOT drop-off or pick-up a student in the front parking lot area.
Please do NOT drop-off or pick up a student in the large main parking lot where staff and student drivers park as that could create a potentially dangerous situation.
Please do not drop-off or pick-up a student in the Valley Center Park parking lots. These areas are reserved for LMHS bus drop-off and LMHS staff parking only.
Administrators and/or a police officer are present to help direct vehicles, so please follow their instructions.
Leave plenty of time to safely navigate the school campus.
What's Happening
Mid-Term Exams
Mid Terms are scheduled for January 23, 24, 27 and 28, 2025. Please see the attached subject schedule.
Voices for Education
On January 17th, Ms. Burton-Haldeman and Lower Moreland students, Victoria Grinberg, Anh Tran Victoria Zalipsky, Afsona Erkinova, Zayla George, and Arwa Muneeruddin, joined students from 8 other Montgomery County districts at the first meeting of the Voices for Education Program. Hosted by the MCIU and Children First, the program focuses on helping students develop advocacy and leadership skills as they learn about education policy in Pennsylvania. The students listened to presenters, including Montgomery County Commissioner, Neil Makhija, networked with other students, and participated in a simulated school board meeting to plan a school budget. They will meet four more times this spring before attending a larger advocacy meeting at the State Capitol in June.
Room 212-Class Annual Trip to John Cendrowski's Brick House Lego Store
Every year, the Life Skills class looks forward to their exciting trip to the Brick House Lego Store in Chalfont, where creativity and fun come together! John Cendrowski, one of the store's owners, generously donates his morning to provide the students with a fun, informative experience. During the visit, students have the opportunity to create their very own tiny Lego character, a special gift to take home and cherish. As part of the experience, students also get a fascinating behind-the-scenes tour of the store, learning how millions of Lego pieces are sorted and shipped to customers all over the world.
They are amazed by the large variety of Lego kits on display, with some sets priced in the tens of thousands of dollars! The day is topped off with a delicious and entertaining lunch at the nearby Noodle House restaurant, known for its wide selection of ramen soups and the unique option to create a custom dish, along with other tasty Asian meals.
This outing provides the students with not only a memorable experience but also a chance to practice social and financial skills in a fun and supportive environment. It’s a highlight of the year that brings everyone closer together while learning important life skills.
Course Selection Review
Course Selection Review Night is on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30PM in the New High School Performance Lab.
At this live, in-person event high school administrators and school counselors will share information about the course recommendation and elective request process, the high school Program of Studies, and other information regarding course offerings and special programs.
Please RSVP using this link if you plan to attend.
(A recorded video will be shared after this event for families that can not make the in-person meeting.)
The Annual Montco Life Skills Lip Sync will be coming to the LMMS auditorium on Friday, February 7, 2025. Mark your calendars to attend a joyful, heart-warming evening of entertainment free of charge! The students in the Life Skills and ABA classrooms have been practicing all month in preparation for their special performances. As in previous years, there will be a whole group number, as well as several small group and solo performances. In addition to LMHS students, Hatboro-Horsham High School Life Skills class will be presenting. Finally, our special honorary guests, Scott Levin and Dina Buno, will once again open the evening with their enchanting Lip Sync selections. We hope to see you there - the students will appreciate your support!
Come join us on February 20th, Thursday evening for the 3rd Annual LMHS Multicultural Night!
Celebrate the diversity within our community and learn about cultures around the world through delicious food, live performances, games, and much more!
We all have cultures to share and we would love to learn about yours! Last 2 years were a hit with contributions and participation! We are hoping for another fantastic event in the New High School! Spread the word!!
Please SignUp at the below to sign up for a contribution if you would like by February 15th.
A representative from the high school Multicultural Club will contact volunteers to provide additional details.
Parents of Seniors: Please be sure that your student selects their senior portrait by 2/1. Check the information you received from Barksdale with the proofs. If you need to schedule a make-up or retake picture, you will need to call Barksdale right away.
Reminder: Seniors do NOT need to buy a yearbook (they will get one with their dues); however, parents can buy a yearbook ad. Please use this link and select "buy ad": https://yearbookordercenter.com/?event=general.displayLanding&jobnumber=4071
Parents of Underclassmen: The best way to guarantee that your child gets this year's yearbook is by buying one soon. Supplies are limited and there is no guarantee that copies will be available to purchase in person. Please use this link to buy your yearbook soon: https://yearbookordercenter.com/?event=general.displayLanding&jobnumber=4071
General News and Announcements
Health Services Reminder
If a student is not feeling well during the school day, they must visit the nurse’s office before being dismissed. This protocol helps us keep track of illnesses and ensures that the students receive proper care and the nurse can assess their condition before leaving school.
Please encourage your child to report to the nurse’s office, where the nurse will assess their condition and determine if it is appropriate to send them home. The nurse will contact a parent/guardian if dismissal is necessary. For additional information please see page 2 of the HS Code of Conduct under Health Services.
Attendance Protocol
All of your attendance reporting needs will be handled by one electronic form that will replace the Blue Card online form and the Yellow Card online form (used at Pine Road). This will also replace the need for a phone call to the attendance line.
Use this form to report your child’s absence. Submitting this form will both report the absence and document it. No follow up Blue card is needed.
Submit this form to sign your child into school late.
Submit this form to sign your child out for an appointment (early dismissal). This form allows you to enter a return to school time if your child will be returning to school.
Please Note:
If you are taking an extended vacation, you will still need to complete the Request for Excusal from Regular School Attendance, familiar to most families as a vacation request form. The form is found on the Virtual Backpack under Forms.
Doctors’ notes still need to be submitted to the school attendance secretary or sent into school.
Late Arrival/Early Release- Students Only
Please come to our next HS/MS PTA meeting. It will be held in the library classroom (room #101) at LMHS on January 13th at 9:15am. If you are unable to attend in person, it will be cast over Google Meet. Click on this link to access: https://meet.google.com/abp-zooj-rmt. If you prefer to join via phone: 334-472-8299 PIN: 981 402#
LMHS PTA snack stand is looking for adult parent/guardian volunteers. We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at dismissal. Please click this link to find out what the task entails or to sign up to help- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4FAAAA2AAAF5C61-51364478-lmhs#/
LMPTA Movie night - Join us for a screening of Despicable Me 4 in the LMMS Auditorium on Tuesday, January 28th at 7 o'clock pm. Cost: $5 per person. Everyone needs a ticket. Students in grades 7 and up may come without an adult. Tickets will be sold til 1/26, follow this link to purchase - https://my.cheddarup.com/c/movie-night-7449/items?cart&linkedItemId=undefined Concessions and spiritwear will be available for purchase at the event, cash or Venmo accepted.
Save the date: 2025 Kids Event will be held on Saturday, March 15th. More details to follow. If you are a high school student, especially seniors, and are interested in volunteering at this function, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4FAAAA2AAAF5C61-54220164-lmhs#/
It's not too late to join LMPTA for the 24/25 school year. One family membership covers all kids across all schools. Help support the variety of programs we offer. https://my.cheddarup.com/c/lm-pta-membership-2024-2025/barriers/visitor-report?cart
Eastern Center for Arts and Technology
The EASTERN formal registration process will begin mid-January, in just a few weeks.
The registration process is TWO-FOLD and requires:
1: The online Registration Form: (link to come) is created and hosted by the EASTERN Center for Arts and Technology. Students must use their full legal name and indicate their first and second program choice. You will not have heavier consideration for your first choice program if you list it two times, AND you will not be considered for a second program if you do not list one in your initial registration.
2. CareerScope Interest Inventory: a program hosted by the EASTERN Center for Arts and Technology that is made available to our EASTERN registrants. Once your registration form has been submitted, you will receive a link to access the Career Scope (24-48 hours later), and you will be guided to complete its two (2) required sections.
Students are encouraged to check their GOOGLE CLASSROOM for upcoming details.
* Allied Health (1 year program for senior only)
Career Day
Seeking career and industry presenters for an upcoming event!!!
The high school counseling team is hosting its Biennial Career Day on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, throughout the high school.
The event has been a big success in the past, and our students leave with a wealth of knowledge directly from industry experts in our community. Your suggestions and recommendations would be incredibly valuable in helping us continue to provide this meaningful experience.
We’re looking for presenters who can share insights into their careers, educational pathways, daily responsibilities, and any advice for students interested in similar paths. Q&A sessions are always a highlight! If you'd like for us to reach out to a friend, colleague, family contact, etc, to invite them to present this day please fill out the Recommend a Presenter Google Form HERE.
Thank you in advance for any contacts you can share. We truly appreciate your support and input!
Are you interested in presenting? If so, please complete: Career Day "I'm Interested in Presenting" form here
College Planning- Class of 2026
Junior Conference:
You’re invited to schedule an optional student-parent meeting with your student’s counselor to discuss research results and ask follow-up questions.
Meetings can be held virtually via Google Meet.
The appointment window is January 9 - February 20, with each meeting lasting 30 minutes.
Times are filling fast!!
To schedule, contact Mrs. Sadowski at Rsadowski@lmtsd.org or 215-938-0114. Appointments should be during the student’s study hall or elective periods.
Resources for Parents and Guardians
Anti-Bullying FAQ
We wanted to provide some information to families following our LMTSD Parent/Guardian Bullying Prevention Information survey. Below are some answers to some Frequently Asked Questions and information related to district procedures.
Are you aware of the anonymous reporting system being used in Pennsylvania, Safe2Say Something?
Safe2Say Something is a statewide anonymous, 24-7, reporting process for a variety of safety concerns. Click HERE for more information on this initiative.
Are you aware of the Lower Moreland Township School District Harassment/Bullying Reporting Form?
This form is used to gather information about incidents related to bullying. Students, parents, teachers, and administrators can all use this form. This form can be found on each school’s website. Click here to access these forms.
As a parent, I have a clear understanding of the school's policies, practices, and procedures related to issues of harassment and bullying.
All reported incidents related to bullying are investigated, regardless of how they are reported. The District Code of Conduct is the structure used to apply consequences. Cases are referred to the police if the nature of the incident requires it.
We continue to partner with students, staff, and families to provide a safe environment for all students.
Bullying Prevention
Lower Moreland Township School District is committed to preventing all forms of bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment. For more information please see the district web site. In addition, please know that at the High School, bullying and harassment forms are available in the main office as well as the guidance office.
Vaping Tool Kit: Please use the link below to access the Montgomery County Dept. of Health's vaping tool kit. It has educational materials on vaping and e-cigarettes.
On Friday, January 3rd, the Girls Indoor Track and Field team competed at Lehigh. The 4x800 relay team consisting of Annie Moniz, Liz Badour, Zayna George, and Elizabeth George ran the 5th fastest time in the State so far this year and qualified for the Meet of Champs at the end of the season (see attached picture). Three other school records were broken as well (Zoe Celaj in the 60M, Kayla Barnette in the 200M, Annie Moniz in the 400M).
The Boys Indoor Track and Field team competed the next day at Lehigh. The 4x400 relay team consisting of Aaron Levitan, Kobe Burton, Trey Henry, and Dylan Sandler is also inching closer to breaking the school record. Michael Csink and Kobe Burton set personal bests in the 3000M and 60M, respectively.
The Girls Basketball team came away with a thrilling victory on Tuesday, January 7th against their division rivals, the Upper Moreland Bears. With under 10 seconds left, Senior Forward Briana McFerran hit a go-ahead 3-pointer that gave the Lions a 51-49 win. The team is getting closer to .500 after a rough patch of games in December and will play three games each of the next two weeks.
If anyone is interested in watching a home Basketball game or Wrestling match from home, here is the link to our Hudl livestream link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/pa/huntingdon-valley/organization/82048/lower-moreland-high-school.
About Us
Email: acurry@lmtsd.org
Website: lmtsd.org
Location: 555 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA, USA
Phone: 215-938-0220
Twitter: @LMTSD_LMHS