TWAIE 12/6/2024
December 6, 2024
Read-a-thon Updates
You have done it again Irwin Community! After final count of our Bear Box Read a Thon donations along w our coin collecting in November, we’ve raised more than $2000! This will provide continued PTA programming in our school and an amazing 36 Irwin Bears Care parcels to be given to individuals and families in need!
Special shout out to…
Ms Kaul’s ELA PM class for sponsoring the MOST Bear Boxes at a whopping 7!
Ms Weeks & Ms Horn’s 2nd grade class for having the most student participants take part in the Read a Thon!
Congratulations and be proud Irwin Bears! You’ve made a big difference to people in need!
Holiday Shop: Class Shopping Times
Below is the class schedule for the holiday shop. The holiday shop will accept cash and Venmo as forms of payment. Items will be priced from $1.00-$10.00. If using Venmo, please send in a note with your child's name, grade, teacher, and your Venmo name so that we may send a payment request. PTA Venmo is at the bottom of the newsletter.
Tuesday, December 10th:
9:30am- Sarti
10am- Chesler
10:30am- Donoghue
11am- Donenfeld
11:30am- Rosen
12:30pm- Pancione
1pm- Woodcock
1:30pm- Colaizzi
2pm- Brown
2:30pm- Weeks
Wedensday, December 11th:
9:30am- Arbach
10am- Schmiegel
10:30 am- Blaszka
11am- Kaul AM
11:30 am- Becker
1pm- Daum
2pm- Kaul PM
Please volunteer to help the kids shop! There are many spots left!
Important Dates for December:
Decmber 10 & 11: Holiday Boutique (more information above)
WInter Spirit Week: December 16-20
Class Parties: December 19th
Early Dismissal December 20th at 1:35 ASK Closes at 4pm.
Thank you for your generous donations to Irwin's Thanksgiving Food Drive. Together, we far exceeded our school goal of donating 10 bins! We are donating over 30 bins of non-perishable food to Replenish and are greatly helping serve our community. Thank you again for helping our bear pack reach their goal! Happy Thanksgiving!
Have you joined the PTA yet?
The Irwin PTA does many great things for our students, and hosts activities our students love, but they cannot survive without members. As of today only 70 families out of over 200 have joined the PTA as members. In order to participate in our parties, bookfairs and school events as a volunteer, we require our families to be PTA members. If you have not joined, the packet with membership information is linked below. It's easy to pay for your membership by VENMO, the QR code to scan is right here. Please include your name, your childs name and PTA Membership in the comments. Also please remember to list this as a gift not a business payment in venmo. We Need Your Support!